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NOA | self sustainable community

our solution
leave all that behind, and join

NOA | self sustainable community

NOA | self sustainable community
presentation 2013.
built with healthy materials

NOA | self sustainable community

carefully chosen location
easily maintained safety for all inhabitants

clean natural environment

NOA | self sustainable community

full infrastructure
roads, IT, water system, electricity

maintenance service

NOA | self sustainable community

energy independence

NOA | self sustainable community

locally produced organic food

clean spring water

NOA | self sustainable community

technical and personal
security service

NOA | self sustainable community

recreation and social facilities

NOA | self sustainable community

NOA | self sustainable community

We are planning to build community with the 30-40 luxuries homes villas. Built with natural, ecological and nature friendly
materials .

Self sustainable community : - completely self-sufficient in energy, food, water, maintenance and basic health service
- full infrastructure
- security system and privacy
- clean and fresh air, fresh organic food, clean water
- country club with medical and health service, restaurant, sport activities center, spa
- self sustainable homes where you don't have to do gardening
- close proximity of a small international airport

NOA | self sustainable community


Average selling price for luxury house : 2 M euro

Selling price for 30 40 houses : 60 80 M euro

Average budget for building of a house : 0.85 M euro

Budget for 30 40 houses : 25.5 34 M euro

Budget for infrastructure and services : 15 M euro

Total investment : 40.5 49 M euro

Deadline for project realization : 2-3 years

NOA | self sustainable community

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