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Final Reflection

Initially, at the beginning of this course I gave myself a variety of goals in several aspects. Academically, I

set out to achieve an A in this class. Furthermore, I gave myself a personality goal which was to

eliminate the habit of mismanaging time. In addition, I intended to critically analyze all the historical

information that was provided throughout this semester and apply it to current day issues/events for

my goal socially. Reflecting upon these achievable goals, I cannot say I did my best to achieve them. As a

result, I am unlikely to fulfill my academic goals set for myself. However, I did make improvements in my

time management abilities, but not to the extent that I initially had in mind. Nevertheless, for this being

my first class since 2015, I cannot be so pessimistic about the achieved results, because my academic

skills vastly improved taking this history class.

I can think of two major academic improvements because of taking this course. First, my ability to write

entire summaries/papers has become easier than when I began the class. However, I want to work on

my use of citations and how to properly cite in my writings. Secondly and lastly, because of this class, my

ability to apply historical events to modern day issues has been helpful in being more aware of the ideas

of not just only my country, but of human beings as well. Nevertheless, I plan to work on looking at

issues not just from one perspective, but various point of views to ultimately make a personal

conclusion. This history class has been intriguing revealing events I had no idea ever took place, but in

the future, I want to explore more documents that can be relevant to issues mentioned throughout the

semester for my own personal benefit.

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