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The Lifestyles of the Trilobites
These denizens of the Paleozoic Era seas were surprisingly diverse

Richard A. Fortey

D. W. Miller


Hollardops Dicranurus


annelid Walliserops


Figure 1. Ancient seafloor of what is now Morocco was host to an odd menagerie of trilobites during the Devonian Period, more than 350 mil-
lion years ago. During their 270 million-year reign in the Earths seas, the trilobites inhabited a broad range of niches as predators, scavengers,
particle feeders and filter feeders. Some scuttled on the seafloor or swam for short bursts, whereas others cruised at various depths in the wa-
ter column. The last trilobite died shortly before the great Permian extinction, about 250 million years ago.

446 American Scientist, Volume 92 2004 Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society. Reproduction
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I f you had been able to scuba dive
during the Ordovician Period, some
450 million years ago, you would have
ton made of the mineral calcite. Not
that the whole outside of the body was
calcifiedunlike living crabs and lob-
Where trilobite limbs have been pre-
served in the fossil state it is usually
because they were coated with a min-
seen at once that the seas swarmed with sters, the limbs of trilobites never be- eralsuch as an iron pyrite or ap-
trilobites. A few trilobites were as large came coated with a calcitic crust. And atitebefore they had a chance to de-
as dinner plates, many more were the so fossils of trilobite legs are exceed- cay. The mineral film remained behind
size of modern shrimp, and yet others ingly rare. Instead, it was just their
were smaller than peas. They lived al- backs (their dorsal surfaces) that be- Richard A. Fortey is a research scientist at the
most everywhere, from shallow waters came covered in a protective shield, Natural History Museum, London, and visiting
to deep environments beyond the reach which was tucked around the edges of professor of paleobiology at the University of Ox-
of light. There were spiny ones like fully the animal in a fold called the doublure. ford. His current research includes molecular in-
laden pincushions and smooth ones The three lobes that give trilobites their vestigations into the nature of the Cambrian evo-
looking rather like large pill bugs. Some name comprise a conspicuous (and lutionary explosion, studies on the evolution of
carried strange colander-like brims, un- usually convex) axis flanked on either arthropod vision and the reconstruction of ancient
like any animal living today. Many had side by pleural areas, which are turned continents. In 2003, he received the Lewis Thomas
large and obvious eyes; others again down laterally. Trilobites are also di- Prize from Rockefeller University, which honors
scientists for their literary achievements. He is the
were blind. vided crosswise into a head (cephalon)
author of Life: A Natural History of the First
Their wonderful range of shapes bearing the eyes, a flexible thorax com- Four Billion Years of Life on Earth, which was
suggests that the trilobites must have prising a number of articulated seg- named as one of the 11 books of the year in 1998
occupied many different ecological ments and a tail (pygidium) formed of by the New York Times. Address: Department of
roles. We have a good fossil record of several fused segments. On this com- Paleontology, The Natural History Museum,
them because they were the first paratively simple theme the trilobites Cromwell Road, London, SW7 5BD, United King-
arthropods to secrete a hard exoskele- played a host of variations. dom. Internet: 2004 Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society. Reproduction 2004 SeptemberOctober 447
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dorsal ventral

eye hypostome




axial lobe

dorsal exoskeleton

gill branch thoracic leg

spiny limb base

Figure 2. Anatomy of a trilobite gives testimony to its arthropod kin- Figure 3. Ventral view of the Devonian trilobite Phacops reveals sev-
ship with spiders, scorpions and horseshoe crabs. The dorsal shell eral pairs of legs and gill branches. Trilobite legs were not protected by
protected both the soft body of the animal and the delicate gill an exoskeleton, so they are rarely preserved. This exceptional fossil
branches that sat atop each leg (bottom). A typical trilobite is repre- was excavated from the Hnsruck Shale in Germany. (All photographs
sented here. (Adapted from A Guide to the Orders of Trilobites, by courtesy of David L. Bruton, University of Oslo, and Winfred Haas,
Sam Gon III.) University of Bonn.)

after bacteria had destroyed the soft trilobite limbs that have been found, all the trilobites were both abundant and
tissue. We know that trilobites had an- were built to this basic pattern. So it is varied. More than 5,000 different gen-
tennae at the front of the head, like likely that much of the extravagant va- era have now been named, and doubt-
many of their arthropod relatives, such riety in trilobite design was played out less many more remain to be discov-
as the insects and crustaceans. Behind upon the hard calcite of the exoskele- ered. They ultimately died out about
the antennae, the numerous limbs, ton. Abundant fossils give us a good 270 million years later, near the end of
arranged in pairs, were all rather simi- idea of the variety of form adopted by the Permian period, during the great
lar along the length of the body; a pair these extinct animals. extinction that wiped out 95 percent
of limbs was attached to each thoracic Trilobites appeared rather suddenly of all species in the Earths oceans.
segment. On each limb, a jointed walk- in the fossil record, low in Cambrian They could not have survived so pro-
ing leg was overlain by a gill branch, strata laid down about 522 million lifically for so long had they not been
with which the animal breathed. Of the years ago. Within a few million years well adapted for life in the Paleozoic
seas. It is important to understand
what these adaptations might have
been if we are to build a picture of life
in the early marine biosphere. But how
can one reconstruct the lives of organ-
isms that have been extinct for several
hundred million years?
This is not an impossible task, but we
must acknowledge that we will never
know for sure that we are right about
our deductions. There are several ways
of going about the science. We might, for
example, look among the living fauna to
see if there are arthropods with distinc-
tive structures that are similar to those of
Figure 4. Compound eyes of trilobites were usually holochroal (left) or schizochroal (right). a particular trilobite. The similarity
Holochroal eyes generally consisted of hexagonal, closely packed lensesas many as 15,000 might suggest that they shared similar
per eye. Schizochroal eyes were typically made of larger, fewer lenses that were separated by life habits. Or we might examine the
exoskeletal material. structure of the trilobite as a piece of bio-

448 American Scientist, Volume 92 2004 Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society. Reproduction
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logical engineering to see what the ani-
mals could and could not do. Then, too,
the geological strata in which the fossils
are found can tell us much about the
habitat the trilobites formerly occupied.
Were they living in deep water? Or were
they adapted to life on a reef? In fortu-
nate cases, different lines of evidence all
point to the same conclusion, and we
can be confident that we are converging
on some truth about these organisms.

Windows to the Trilobite Soul

The eyes can tell us much about an an-
imals life habits. But since these struc-
tures are often made of soft tissues,
they are rarely present in the fossil
record. Not so for the eyes of trilobites.
Comparable in some respects to the
compound (multi-lensed) eyes of
many living arthropods, trilobite eyes
differed from those of all their living (if
distant) relatives in having lenses
made of calcitethey recruited the
hard mineral of their exoskeleton for
optical purposes. While calcite pre-
serves well in the fossil record, making Figure 5. Devonian trilobite Erbenochile erbeni of Morocco had spectacular schizochroal eyes,
it a boon for the optically inclined pale- which rose up in large columns above the animals head. Views from behind (upper left), the
ontologist, it also provided some perks side (upper right) and above (lower left) indicate that the animal may have had nearly a 360-de-
for trilobites. These animals exploited gree view of its world. A detailed view of one compound eye (lower right) reveals an over-
the peculiar property of calcite that al- hanging eye shade that would have blocked sunlight coming from above. (Reprinted with
lows light to pass unrefracted along permission from R. Fortey and B. Chatterton, Science 301:1689, 2003.)
one of the minerals crystallographic
axes. This optical axis was aligned nor- Many trilobites secondarily lost their rocks of Spitsbergen. These trilobites
mal to the surface of each lens, so we eyes, and it has been shown that this were peculiar in other ways too. They
can deduce the direction in which a happened several times in the history tended to have smallish elongate bod-
given trilobite lens was looking. of the group. Field studies on their ge- ies, and the lateral pleurae on the tho-
Most trilobite eyes had many, even ological occurrence show that some of rax were much reduced, although they
thousands, of tiny hexagonal lenses these blind species probably lived at seem to have retained strong muscula-
(called holochroal eyes), which could reg- considerable depths, below the photic ture. Some species had spines on the
ister small movements as first one, and (sunlit) zone, where eyes were often re- head which are directed downward.
then a neighboring, lens was stimulat- dundant. It has been shown that the Since this is hardly a sensible adapta-
ed. A plot of their field of view shows loss of vision was progressive among tion for a bottom-dwelling animal, it
that most trilobite eyes looked lateral- some of these deep-water inhabitants, seems likely that these trilobites were
lyin other words, over the sediment with the gradual loss of lenses until the pelagic, swimming actively in the open
surface on which the bottom-dwelling visual area became sealed over. There ocean. They economized on the weight
animal lived. Another type of trilobite is no known example where eyes, once of the exoskeleton by truncating their
eye (called schizochroal) had fewer, larg- lost, were regained. lateral regions, while most of the later-
er, biconvex lenses separated by baffles. At the other extreme, there were a al parts of the head were occupied by
These lenses were highly sophisticated; few trilobites in which the eyes became huge eyes. There are living amphipod
they even had internal variations in enormously enlarged. In some species crustaceans with similar habits, and
their refractive index to correct for such these huge eyes became quite globular, they too have hypertrophied eyes.
optical problems as spherical aberra- with lenses distributed over the whole Pelagic trilobites were particularly
tion. These, too, had predominantly lat- visual surface. It is obvious that these common in the Ordovician period,
eral fields of view. In some species the species had a more comprehensive when they may have occupied some of
eyes were fantastically modified as tow- field of view than the average trilobite, the niches inhabited today by krill.
er-like structures. These were capable of since the lenses faced forward, up- Some of these species are extremely
seeing accurately over long distances ward, downward, even backward widespread, far more so than any of
since the optical axes are parallel to one giving the animal almost 360-degree their bottom-dwelling contemporaries.
another. One species, recently de- vision. In 1975, I described an extreme My colleague Tim McCormick and I re-
scribed, even had a kind of eye-shade version of these animalsnamed cently analyzed the morphology of one
overhanging the visual surface to keep Opipeuter, one who gazeswhich of these Ordovician species, Carolinites
out distracting light rays from above. was discovered in the Ordovician genacinaca, in different parts of the 2004 Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society. Reproduction 2004 SeptemberOctober 449
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comparable to those of modern insects
and crustaceans that live in dim light.
So it seems likely that cyclopygids
were animals of the mesopelagic re-
gion, the twilight zone just below the
oceans photic zone, and their remains
accumulated in death alongside bot-
tom-living trilobites that had lost their
eyes. Curiously, a few of these deep-
water pelagic animals had square lens-
es, rather than the more-typical hexag-
onal ones, for reasons that have yet to
be explained.

Lifestyles of the Benthic and Pelagic

Figure 6. Cornuproetus had holochroal eyes that looked laterally over the seafloor, which may Most pelagic trilobites were rather poor-
have been typical of benthic-dwelling trilobites.
ly streamlined, and it is unlikely that
they swam very fast. Alongside them
globe. We concluded that the same However, some other strange, large- there are a few, larger trilobites, such as
species was found in what is now the eyed trilobites may have lived at some Parabarrandia, which have a smoothed-
United States, the Arctic, Siberia, Aus- depth in the water column rather than out profile, with the head end pro-
tralia and Chinaa range spanning near the surface. Cyclopygid trilobites longed into an elongate nose, some-
the entire equatorial realm at the time. are bug-eyed forms that were generally what in the fashion of some modern,
This kind of distribution is also matched wedded to a deep-water habitat, prob- small sharks. These larger trilobites are
by some species of living planktonic ably below 200 meters. They are often modified into a hydrofoil shape, which
animals. The species Carolinites genaci- found in the company of blind trilo- probably helped them to swim much
naca represents an example in which bites that lived on the seafloor in deep faster than their smaller contempo-
the animals functional morphology, its waters, within sediments that accumu- raries. Although it seems likely that the
geologic distribution and the compar- lated at the edges of former continents smaller, swimming trilobites fed on
isons with living fauna all point to a or deep shelf sites. Studies of the eyes phytoplankton and zooplankton, it is
pelagic way of life. of these trilobites show that they are possible that these larger species were
predators on some of the earliest crus-
taceans. The trilobites appear to have
been capable of occupying several nich-
es, even in the pelagic realm.
The vast majority of trilobites lived
on or around the seafloor. They never
seem to have invaded freshwater habi-
tatsmaybe if they had, there might
still be species alive today. These bot-
tom dwellers vary from tiny species,
which reached mature size at just over
a millimeter, to giants nearly a meter
long. Such widely diverging animals
must certainly have had different roles
in the Paleozoic ecology. It was once
epipelagic Carolinites extends thought that all trilobites were primi-
across all sediments tive particle feeders, but it is now con-
sidered likely that trilobites spanned
almost the whole gamut of livelihoods
esopelagic Pricyclopyge
available to living marine arthro-
only found in offshore podswith the possible exception of
sediments parasitism, although even this has
Iapetus Ocean been claimed for one group.
Some trilobites, especially the largest
of the tribe, had important roles as
Figure 7. Ordovician pelagic trilobites, Carolinites killaryensis (top, left) and Pricyclopyge bin- predators and scavengers. This is be-
odosa (top, right), had large bulbous eyes, which would have given the animals enormous
lieved to have been the primitive
fields of view. Based on the nature of the sediments in which the fossils were found, Carolin-
ites appears to have been an epipelagic species, living near the surface of the ocean, whereas
lifestyle for trilobites. Many studies of
Pricyclopyge was a mesopelagic animal, generally living below a depth of 200 meters (bottom). their phylogenetic relationships place
This is consistent with measurements of their eyes, which predict that these two species would them in a larger clade that includes the
have lived at different depths in the ocean, with differing amounts of light filtering down from stem group of the living arachnoids
the surface (see Figure 8). (Adapted from McCormick and Fortey 1998.) of which the horseshoe crab, Limulus,

450 American Scientist, Volume 92 2004 Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society. Reproduction
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luminance (log scale)
2 1 0 1 2 3 4

eye parameter (radian-micrometers)

deep-sea amphipod crustaceans
8 diurnal marine crustaceans
dimlight insects
diurnal insects

eye parameter = D3

D = lens facet diameter (micrometers) 0

night street interior light daylight
= interommatidial angle (radians) light

Figure 8. Eye parameter measures some basic properties of a compound eye (left), and provides insight into the relative luminance of an an-
imals habitat (right). The eye parameter values of Carolinites and Pricyclopyge (see Figure 7) are consistent with the hypothesis that they lived
at different depths of the ocean. Eye parameter values of Carolinites were typically below 4 radian-micrometers, comparable to those of mod-
ern diurnal marine crustaceans. Eye parameter values for Pricyclopyge were mostly above 3 radian-micrometers, in the range found for modern
deep-sea amphipod crustaceans. (Adapted from McCormick and Fortey 1998.)

scorpions and spiders are familiar ex- American paleontologists Loren Bab- dovician, the list of potential preda-
amples. The great majority of this cock and Richard Robison showed tors is augmented with nautiloid mol-
group make a living from scavenging that in some populations of Cambrian lusks and, by the Devonian, with
or hunting other animals. Where trilobites, bite marks were more fre- jawed fish. It is tempting to see the
known, the limbs of the early Cambri- quent on the right side of the animals, proliferation of spectacularly spiny
an fossils have strong spiny bases that suggesting that they were prey to an and prickly trilobites at this time in
may have been employed in shredding organism with a ritualized plan of at- certain parts of the world as a re-
soft-bodied worms and other prey. tack. As to the attacker, it is likely that sponse to an increasingly precarious
There are fossil examples where the other arthropods were the culprits in existence by the later Paleozoic. When
track of a worm is approached by the some cases. The gut of a Cambrian some of these trilobites rolled up, their
track of a trilobiteand the trilobite enigmatic arthropod has been found spines poked out in all directions,
alone walks away! On the underside of filled with the mangled remains of making them a risky mouthful.
the trilobite head there was a calcified tiny agnostid trilobites. The compara- Altogether less showy, many trilo-
ventral plate called the hypostome. The tively huge and spectacularly be- bites were small animals, only a cen-
mouth lay near the posterior end of the clawed, lobster-sized proto-arthro- timeter or two long, which scuttled over
hypostome. In predatory trilobites, the pod Anomalocaris, first described muddy seafloors often in the thou-
hypostome was rigidly braced. Many from the famous Burgess Shale, may sands. A quarry located in the Middle
species developed special structures on have been the tiger of the Cambrian Cambrian strata of Utah has been
the hypostome around the mouth area, seas, and was also equipped with mined for a little trilobite of this kind
such as forks or thickenings. Both fea- good, if uncalcified, eyes. By the Or- called Elrathia kingi; it can be found as
tures probably helped with the dis-
patch of bulky prey. A few species
even had a kind of rasp on the inside of
the fork. A large trilobite must have
been a formidable foe to an annelid
worm. Its well-developed sight doubt-
less helped the animal to locate its
prey, assisted by chemical sensors on
the antennae. These predatory trilo-
bites even left behind their digging
tracescalled Rusophycusthe imprint
of their daily lives on the hunt.
There is plenty of evidence that
trilobites were themselves the prey of
other animals. They are quite com-
monly found with what appear to be
bite marksI am tempted to say a Figure 9. Dicranurus monstrosus from the Devonian of Morocco bore an elaborate armor of
trilo-bitebut the fact that these are spines, which would have protected it from potential predators, such as the recently evolved
often healed over shows that the at- jawed fishes. The hypostome of Dicranurus suggests that it may have been predatory, proba-
tacks were frequently not fatal. The bly feeding on various worms. 2004 Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society. Reproduction 2004 SeptemberOctober 451
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6 7
5 8
4 3


Figure 10. Devonian trilobite Cyphaspis was probably a particle feed- Figure 11. Feeding trailthe ichnofossil Cruziana semiplicatawas
er that scoured the seafloor for organic debris. It sported some long left by a sediment-grazing trilobite of the upper Cambrian. Individual
spines on its back, including a pair of devil-like horns, of unknown counter-clockwise traces are identified by number. (Adapted from
function, on its cephalon. Fortey and Seilacher 1997.)
small medallions in museum shops braided tire-tracks (called Cruziana the field. The trilobites in question, es-
around the world. With a flattened semiplicata) as they plowed their shal- pecially those belonging to the family
shape, and often with large numbers of low furrows through the sediment sur- Olenidae, had a very thin exoskeleton
thoracic segments, these animals were faces. Some species even seem to have in relation to their size. Many of them
seafloor dwellers that retained a broadly adopted particular feeding techniques, probably had rather feeble muscles
similar morphology for more than 200 like circling around and around, to ef- and were sluggish bottom-dwellers.
million years. They were a successful, if ficiently graze the sediments. But, in complete contrast to the pelagic
conservative, design. Several groups of trilobites, closely trilobites, they had wide, flat lateral
Such small trilobites have hypos- related to particle feeders, adopted a (pleural) areas and numerous thoracic
tomes that are not rigidly attached at peculiar life habit in environments that segments. This allowed for the exten-
the front, so they were supported by a were low in oxygen. The rocks that sion and multiplication of their gill
flexible ventral membrane. Such a hy- were deposited in this dysaerobic habi- branches, and presumably helped in
postome may have worked as a kind of tat include sulfide-rich black shales coping with low oxygen tension.
scoop, helping the ingestion of soft and limestonesthe latter sometimes There are many examples in the liv-
sediment, from which organic particles referred to as stinkstones because of ing fauna where specialists in low-oxy-
could be extracted. The same trilobites the unpleasant sulfurous odor they gen habitats survive and prosper by en-
have left grazing traces that look like emit when broken with a hammer in tering into a symbiotic relationship with

Figure 12. Cryptolithus tesselatus created a filter-feeding chamber under its body. It is believed that the trilobite captured particles of food in wa-
ter currents (hypothetical path, red arrows) that it generated with its legs. The currents may have exited the chamber through openings in its
cephalon. Cryptolithus lived during the Ordovician in North America. (Drawing adapted from Fortey and Owens 1999.)

452 American Scientist, Volume 92 2004 Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society. Reproduction
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colorless sulfur bacteria. These animals length of exoskeleton (millimeters)
farm the bacteria, which serve as a 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
nutritious food source. Some clams
grow the bacteria in modified gills and pelagic
absorb nutrients from them directly. It Microparia broeggeri Degamella evansi
seems plausible that some of the trilo-
bites that lived in oxygen-depleted en- streamlined plankton feeders
vironments had adopted similar life
Pricyclopyge binodosa eurycephala
habits, thus taking the symbiotic rela-
tionship with sulfur bacteria all the way Cyclopyge grandis
back to the Cambrian period. These brevirhachis
kinds of trilobites can be found in great
numbers when conditions were just sluggish plankton feeders
right. Usually no more than one or two
species are found together, covering the benthic
Ormathops nicholsoni Illaenopsis harrisoni
rock surfaces in graveyardsand
Dindymene saron
normal trilobites were absent. A few
species of this kind also have degener- Colpocoryphe taylorum
ate hypostomes, suggesting that they predators / scavengers
may have been able to absorb bacterial
nourishment directly from their gills. Ampyx linleyoides
Even more specialized trilobites of this
general kind developed spectacular in- Bergamia rushtoni
flated bulbs on the front of the filter chambers
cephalon. These bulbs may have func-
Shumardia crossi
tioned as brood pouches to help their
larvae through the early stages of life, range of sizes
until they were big enough to acquire particle feeders
their own symbionts.
Another group of bottom-living trilo- Figure 13. Assemblage of 11 contemporaneous trilobite species from a quarry in Whitland,
bites developed extraordinary brims South Wales, reveals the remarkable diversity that can be found at a single site. The trilobites
around the front of the head, which do were able to co-exist because they exploited different feeding habitats (as indicated by their
not correspond to anything seen in any body size and structure) and different depths in the water column. The species lived during
living arthropod. In many species, these the lower Ordovician. (Adapted from Fortey and Owens 1999.)
brims are covered with small pits, and
they are linked by a fine canal to oppos- matching the resting profile of the trilo- Fortey, R. A., and A. Seilacher. 1997. The trace
ing pits arising from the doublure and bite, each one with a pair of scoops fossil Cruziana semiplicata and the trilobite
that made it. Lethaia 30: 105112.
the dorsal surface. The brims are fre- recording the action of the limbs. One
Fortey, R. A., and R. M. Owens. 1999. Feeding
quently extended backwards into long can even see where the trilobites shifted habits in trilobites. Palaeontology 42(3):429465.
spines alongside the thorax, so that the from one patch to another in search of Gon III, S. A Guide to the Orders of Trilobites.
animal could clearly rest gently on the better sediment.
sediment surface supported by its mar- The Paleozoic seas swarmed with Jell, P. A., and J. M. Adrain. 2003. Available
gin. It is a puzzling adaptation, but ob- trilobites with all manner of life habits: generic names for trilobites. Memoirs of the
viously a successful one because an Or- Many large species crawled over the Queensland Museum 48:331553.
dovician family of trilobites (the seafloor in pursuit of prey, using their Lane, P. D., R. A. Fortey and D. J. Siveter (eds.).
trinucleids) with this design are often great visual acuity; hordes of others 2003. Trilobites and their Relatives. Special Pa-
pers in Paleontology, 70.
found in enormous numbers. Some hint stirred up the sediment to filter out ed-
McCormick, T., and R. A. Fortey. 1998. Inde-
of what the design was for can be ible particles, while nearby another pendent testing of a paleobiological hy-
gleaned by looking at the animal side- group of species plowed through the pothesis: The optical design of two Ordovi-
ways. The thorax was held well above surface layers in search of food. We are cian pelagic trilobites reveals their relative
the sediment surface, so that there was a beginning to understand how a group paleobathymetry. Paleobiology 24:235253.
chamber beneath the animal, flanked on of animals sometimes regarded as
either side by the broad spines. The hy- primitive were actually sophisticat-
postome (and therefore the mouth) was ed and varied. Had it not been for the
held well above the sediment surface. It Permian extinction event they might be
seems very likely that these trilobites with us still. For relevant Web links, consult this
lived by stirring sediment up into sus- issue of American Scientist Online:
pension and filtered out edible particles Bibliography
from the muddy cloud. If this idea is
Fortey, R. A. 2000. Trilobite: Eyewitness to Evolu-
correct, these little trilobites would have tion. New York: Knopf. IssueTOC/issue/641
had to hop from one patch to another Fortey, R. A., and B. Chatterton. 2003. A De-
to stir up another feed. This is support- vonian trilobite with an eyeshade. Science
ed by the discovery of traces exactly 301:1689. 2004 Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society. Reproduction 2004 SeptemberOctober 453
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