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(An Experiment Research at the Tenth Grade at MAN 1 Bogor)
I. Background of study

Language is a key staple for human life in this world, because language is a resource

for social life. Basically people activities closely related to the language. Evident from its

use for daily conversation. Whether just conversing with friends, of formal activities like

school, collage event in workplace. Language as a main tool of communication is very

important to learn.

English is an international language which is widely used in many countries around

the world. As Jack C. Richards and Theodore S. Rodgers said, Latin was most widely

studied as foreign language five hundred years ago. However, English has become the most

widely studied foreign language today.1

In Indonesia, English as foreign language. Because of that, English become a

difficult study to be learn. People think they do not need English because they use their

mother tongue in their daily activities. Although English has been taught since elementary

school and has undergone some curriculum turnover, it still cannot eliminate that thought.

English becomes a study which is forced to be learn. It is very important for students

to master English in all skills. English basically has four kinds of skills; speaking, listening,

reading, and writing. All of the skills are highly required. It is not only used to

communication but also used in development of technology and science. are related to each

other. In this case, the researcher is going to focus on writing skill.

Jack C. Richards and Theodore S. Rodgers, Approaches and Methods in Language
Teaching, (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1986), p. 1.
Writing is a language skill that is very important. According to Hyland, writing is an

activity of sharing personal information or ideas.1 It can be defined that writing is an activity

of forwarding messages using written language. Writing involves some language

components (spelling, grammar, vocabulary, and punctuation). Without this skill people

would not be able to share their ideas through writing textbooks, novel, newspaper,

magazines and others.2

Writing takes long process to express feeling, idea and give information. In learning

English, the students learn many kinds of writing texts such as descriptive, procedure,

narrative etc. Many students find difficulties to write narrative text. They cannot get and

generate their own idea. Some students have idea but cannot express it in the sentences.

They also have difficulties in arranging the idea into good order to form a good narrative

text. Most of student have lack of vocabularies related to the idea that they want to write.

In curriculum 2013, there are three method that should be applied by teachers. These

methods are problem based learning, project based learning and discovery learning. One of

interesting method is Project Based Learning (PjBL). In Project Based Learning (PjBL),

students demand to product something according to subject of learning. According to Patton,

Project based learning refers to students designing, planning, and carrying out an extended

product that produces a publicly-exhibited output such as a product, or presentation.3 As

stated by Patton, Project Based Learning (PjBL) is suitable method to teach writing skills.

Based on writers observation, Many of VI grade students of MAN 1 Bogor cannot

create text well, especially in narrative text. It is because they have less vocabularies, they

have less main ideas to write or they have some ideas but did not know how to deliver in

English, and also get difficulties in applying English grammar.

Ken Hyland, Second Language Writing (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996), p. 9
Alec Patton, The Teachers Guide to Project Based Learning (London: Paul Hamyln Foundation), p.13.
Based on the explanation above, the title of this thesis is THE EFFECTIVENESS


(An Experiment Research at the Tenth Grade of MAN 1 Bogor)

A. Limitation of the Problem

To limit the scope of this study, the writer will concern on using Project Base Learning

(PjBL) on writing narrative text for Tenth grade of senior high school at MAN 1 Bogor in

academic 2017-2018.

This study is experimental method by using quasi experimental research focusing on

using Project Based Learning (PjBL) on writing narrative text.

B. Formulation of the Problem

Based on the background of the study above, the writer finds some problems as


1. How is the students writing skill Narrative text at the Tenth grade of MAN 1


2. How is the use of project based learning method in teaching writing?

3. How is Project Based Learning (PjBL) method improved students writing narrative


C. Objectives of the Research

This study is intended to:

1. To know how is the students writing skill Narrative text at the Tenth grade of

MAN 1 Bogor?

2. To know how is the use of Project Based Learning (PjBL) method in teaching

3. To know how is Project Based Learning (PjBL) method improved students

writing narrative text?

D. The Significant of the Study

It is expected that the result of the research can be used as :

1. Theoretical

this researcher can be used the answer on students ability in writing narrative

text and the applying Project Based Learning (PjBL) by the teacher on writing skill

at Tenth grade of MAN 1 Bogor.

2. Practically

The result of this research is expected to be useful for:

a. The students

Project Based Learning (PjBL) method is hopefully able to bring the students

to improve their skill on writing narrative text easily.

b. The Teacher

The result of this study will give additional information to the teacher

about teaching method and become an alternative teaching method, especially

for teaching writing on narrative text.

c. The Researcher

In this research, researcher hope can add the information in the way

teaching writing and also able to know how the effectiveness of reciprocal

teaching toward students writing on narrative text. And also become a reference

for the next researcher who will conduct the same research.

II. Theoretical Foundation

1. Writing

a. Definition of writing
Writing is among the most important skills that should be mastered by the

students. According Hyland socio cognitive activities which involves skills in

planning and drafting as well as knowledge of language, context and audience.4

Writing is a way of sharing personal meaning in written context and emphasize the

power of the individual to construct his or her own views on a topic.

Writings the last stage in learning language after reading, speaking, and

listening. In other words, researcher can say that writing is an indicator of all skills

gained. Before students have to write, they should be able to read, to speak, and to

listen. Brown states Trends in teaching of writing in ESL and foreign languages

have, not surprisingly, coincided with those of the teaching of other skills

especially listening and speaking.5

For example, when teacher ask students to write something that related to

certain topic from television, magazine, or internet. When thy collecting the

information, they using listening, reading and speaking skills. Therefore, nobody

can master this ability easily and directly. Writing is actually not a natural skill.

In addition, Keir indicate that writing is a process improving steps of gathering

ideas and or information, organizing those ideas, then making a drift will later be

edited and revised.6 It means that writing is an activities to collecting ideas,

organizing ideas and summarizing that will be edited to make better written

product. According to McCrimmon that writing is also opportunity to convey

something about yourself, to communicate ideas to people beyond you immediate

vicinity, to learn something you did not know.7 It can be assumed, writing is an

Ken Hyland, Second Language writing, ( New York: Cambridge University Press, 2004), p.23.
H. Dounglas Brown, Teaching by Principles and In interactive approach to language pedagogy,2nd Ed,
(Sanfrancisco: Longman, 2001), p.334
J. Keheir, text types book 3 informative text: recognizeing and creating procedures, ecplanations,
recounts and desctiprtption greeanwood, (Ready: Ed Publication, 2009) p7
M. James McCrimmon, writing with a purpose, (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1984), p.6
activity to communicate ideals and express feeling and provide useful information

to others. The written forms of writing are article, newspaper, and other.

From all the paragraphs above, it can be conclude that writing is an activities to

expressing feels, collecting ideas, organizing ideas, communicate ideals and

provide useful information to others in written forms. In this case, it needs a good

and interesting language in order to result good writing.

b. Writing Process

Writing is a product from some processes. Here are some process in writing:

a. Pre-writing

Prewriting is frequently the foundation for a variety of writing, reading, thinking,

and learning events. It might best be described as mulling ideas over, whether

immediately before beginning to draft a written piece or while simply thinking

about what one knows about the given topic.

b. Drafting

Starts to write the writing. The writer focuss on the fluency of writing and are not

preoccupied with grammatical accuracy or the neatness of the draft. The writer

can refer to the first version of a piece of writing as a draft.

c. Revising

When revising, many writers naturally adopt the adding, rearranging, removing,

and reflecting.

d. Editing

Its time to find the manuscript line by line. Check for repetition, clarity,

grammar, spelling and punctuation. Editing is an extremely detailed process and

its best when performed by a professional.

e. Publishing
This is the last step where the writer should submit the writing without doubt

because it has already edited before.

2. Narrative text

a. Definition of Narrative Text

Anderson stated that narrative text is a peace of the text which tells a story and

in doing so entertains and informs the reader or listener.8 According to pardiyono

that narrative is a story that contains problematic experience and resolution to

amuse. a novel is narrative; So are many jokes.9

According to wirshon & Burks that narration is the form of writing used to relate

the story of acts or events. Narration places occurs in time and tells what happened

according to natural time sequence. Types of narration include short stories, as well

as large part of our everyday social interchange in the form of letters and


In addition, Keraf states that narrative is a form of composition, which has the

main objectives in the form of activities that are tied together to become an event

that happened in a certain time.11

From these statements above can be inferred that narrative text is concerning

with a story. Narrative test is usually a product of writing which is developed and

tied together to become a story which happened in a certain time in the past. The

story includes some events which is presented to amuse the readers or listeners. So,

narrative text are aimed to entertain the readers.

Mark Anderson and Kathy Anderson Text Types in English 2, (South Yarra: Macmillan Education
Australia PIY LTD, 1997), p.
Pardiyono, pasti bisa! Teaching Genre-Based Writing, (Yogya: ANDI OFFSET, 2007), p.92
Wishon and burks, Lets Write English Revised Edition, (New York: America Book Company, 1980),
Gorys Keraf, Argumentasi dan Narasi, (Jakarta: Gramedia, 1982), p.136
The narrative divided into two general types: first person and tgird person. In

first person, using I in the singular and we in the plural. Third person using

he or she in singular and they in plural. Most of narrate text uses the personal

pronoun to show the character of the story. It makes the story alive, so the readers

can feel the sense of the story.

b. Generic structure of Narrative Text

Narrative text is a text containing story. It can be in the form of folktale?

Folklore, fable, legend, short story, fairy tale, mysth, etc. narrative always deals

with some problems which lead to the climax and then turn into a solution to the

problem that also known as elements of narrative text.

In narrative text there are some elements that students need to understanding to

begin writing narrative text. According to Th. M. Surdawati and Eudia Grace,

elements in narrative text are:

a) Orientation

Sets the science: where and when the story happened, introduces the

participants of the story.

b) Complication

Sets off a chain of events that woven into it.

c) Resolution

The problems is resolved, either in a happy ending or in sad ending.

d) Re-orientation

Closing remark of the story. It contains of amoral lesson, advice or

teaching form the writer.12

Th. M. Surdawati and Eudia Grace, Look Ahead 2 An English Course for Senior Hight School Students
Year XI Science and Social Study Program, (Jakarta: Erlangga, 2006), P.154
c. Language Feature of Narrative Text

Language feature of narrative text are:13

a) Using action verb

b) Use the first person (I, we) or third person (she, he, they)

c) Use past tense

d) Use conjunction (linking word to do with time

e) Specific nouns

f) Adjective and adverbs

3. Project Based Learning

a. Definition of Project Based Learning (PjBL)

Project Based Learning is an instructional method which involves the

students into activities culminating in an end product. It puts students in an

active role. The activities called project works. Moss and Van Duzer (1998)

define PBL as an instructional approach that contextualizes learning by

presenting learners with products to develop.14

According to Kraus and Boss in project based learning, students gain

important knowledge, skills and dispositions by investigating open- ended

question to make meaning that they transmit in purposeful ways.15

Rudi Hartono, English for SMA/MA class X (Depok: Arya Duta), p.41
D. Moss and C. Van Duzer project based learning for adult English language learners, (Eric
Reproduction Services No. ED 427 556)
Jane Krauss and Suzie Boss, thinking though: project based learning, (United States: Corwin, 2013),
p. 25
Johnson states that project based learning is a learning strategy that

associates students academic with the real-word as a learning media interested

in learning.16

Project based learning provides students with both collaborative and an

individual process to attain their meaningful of the target language. Based on

some definitions above, it can be concluded that Project based learning is a

teaching method which involves students both individually and collaboratively

in a series of phases to develop an end product thought which the students have

opportunities to their knowledge and practice their skills.

b. The characteristics of Project Based Learning (PjBL)

Buck institute for Education mentions there are some characteristics of

project based learning, they are:

a) Content

In project based learning the content focuses on students idea to develop

their experience

b) Condition

The condition encouges the students to be autonomous for managing

assignment and time for learning. So the students can be able to find out

the sources such as book, journal and internet.

c) Activity

The effective activity is students ability to find out the answer based on

the question. It can emphasized students to be active in learning.

Elaine B Johnson, contextual Teaching and Learning, (Edisi Terjemah A Chaedar Alwasilah.Bandung:
Mizan Learning Center, 2009), p.293
d) Result

The result mean the application that can developed the students ability

and integrated in learning process.17

c. Steps of project based learning (PjBL)

According to lucas in applying Project Based Learning process, there are six

steps, they are:

a) Start with the essential question

In these steps, the teacher begins giving questions to the students in order

to simulate the students in learning material. Next, the students take the

topic that will be investigated by the students in which the topic for the


b) Design a plan for the project

The teacher plans the project with the students. Teacher and students

discuss about the rule, activity, contents, and essential question to knw

and support the project.

c) Create a schedule

The teacher and students create a schedule to finish the project. There

are stages for creating the schedule such as making timeline, making

deadline, bringing out the learner to make a new plan, guiding the

learner when the project is not related, asking the learner to explaining

the reason about the way.

d) Monitor the students and the progress of the project

Buck Institute for Education, Project Based Learning,
The teacher is responsible is monitoring the students for finishing the

project. The teacher monitors and facilitate the students in the learning

process. It is easier in learning process and make a rubric to record all

of the important.

e) Assess the outcome

The assessment can help teacher to measure the standard, evaluate the

learners and give the learner feedback to understand about material

f) Evaluate the experiences

At the end of learning process, the teacher and learners make reflection

toward activity and result project that has been done. The process

includes individual or teamwork.18

III. Method of Research

A. Research Method

Research method in this study is experimental research. According to David Nunan

the experimental researchers are particularly concerned with the issue of external

validity and formal is specifically designed to enable the researcher to extrapolate the

out comes of the research from the sample to broader population.19

Nunan said the experiment consist three kinds, they are pre- experiment, quasi

experiment, and true experiment. In this research the writer uses quasi experimental in

which the researcher give certain treatment to the students to find assessment of how is

the effect of Using write pair square technique on students writing descriptive text.

Quasi experimental has both pre- test and post- test, and experiment control group but

no random assignment of subject.

Lucas George, instructional Module Project Based Learning,
Nunan. Research Method in Language Learning, p.47.
B. Place and Time of the Study

This study of held at MAN 1 Bogor which is located in Cibinong, Bogor, Jawa

Barat. The writer will do the research at the Tenth grade of MAN 1 Bogor as the subject

or place of the research based on some reasons, firstly the school located near from my

home. Secondly, many students have difficulties in writing Narrative text.

C. The Population and Sample

Population is all cases, situation, or individuals who share one or more

characteristics.20 The population of this reserach is the Tenth grade of MAN 1

Bogor of 2017/2018 consist of 200 students.

Sample is a subset of individuals or cases from within a population.21

Sample in this research use a subset of all cases in population in this research is

80 students. 40 students from class XI Science as control class and 40 students

from XI Science as experiment class.

D. The Research Instrument

Research instrument is facilitate that use by reasearcher for collecting data. The

researcher uses test questions items. This test is designed for students pre-test

and prost-test activity. Pre-test was given before the treatment applied and the

post test was given after the treatment applied. So the researcher know there are

differences before and after treatment or not.

E. The Technique of data Collection

1. Observation

Nunan, . Research Method in Language Learning, 231.
Nunan, . Research Method in Language Learning, 232.
The writer observed teaching learning activities, the writer made some list of

observation aspect indicators which involve the constituent of the teacher, the

students and learning activities in the classroom.

2. Test

In this research the researcher used two types of test. They were pre-test and

post-test. Pre-test and post-test are intended to investigate the initial condition, the

development during of the treatment process, and the final of the research.

a. Pre-test

A pre-test is conducted in the beginning of the lesson before the treatments are

given. The purpose of the pre-test is to know how the students ability in writing

narrative text.

b. Post test

A post-test is conducted after the treatments were given. The purpose of the post

test is to know how the students ability in writing narrative text after they have

been taught Project Based Learning (PjBL) method.

F. Technique of Data Analyzing

To find out how the student can improve their writing. The researcher uses

statistical of t-test to determine the final calculation t (t observation) that will be

measure the students scores in pre-test and post-test.

The process of data analysis through following some steps :

For group data ( R 30 )

- Determining mean for Variable I

1 = + { }

- Determining mean for Variable II

2 = + { }

- Determining Deviation standard of Variable I

1 = ( )

- Determining Deviation standard of Variable II

2 = ( )

- Determining standard error mean of variable I

1 =

- Determining standard error mean of variable II

2 =

- Looking for a correlation coefficient r product moment ( 12),

that shows the weakness of the strong relationship (correlation) between

variables I and variable II (with the help of map correlation). By the

formula :

( )( )
12 =
( )( )
- Determining standard error, the different mean between Variable I and

Variable II :

12= 1 2 + 2 2 (2. 12 ) (1 )(2 )

- Determining

1 2
= 12

- Determining Df or Db with the formula :

Df or Db = N-1

Based on the size of Df or Db, we looking for the price of criticism t . in

the significance 5% and the significance in 1% with note :

a. If equal or greater than so the hypothesis nil rejected. It means

between two variables we would like to investigate there was a gap in

the mean significant.

b. If smaller than so hypothesis nil accepted or approved. It means

between the two variables we would like to investigate there is no

significant different mean.22

Anas Sudijono, Pengantar Statistik Pendidikan, (Jakarta: Rajawali Pers, 2014), p. 324-328

Anas Sudijono, Anas. 2014. Pengantar Statistik Pendidikan. Jakarta: Rajawali Pers
Anderson, Mark and Anderson, Kathy. 1997. Text Types in English 2. South Yarra: Macmillan
Education Australia PIY LTD
Brown, H. Douglas. 2001. Teaching by Principles and In interactive approach to language
pedagogy,2nd Ed. Sanfrancisco: Longman
Buck Institute for Education, Project Based Learning,
C. Richards Jack and Theodore S. Rodgers. 1986. Approaches and Methods in Language
Teaching. New York: Cambridge University Press
George, Lucas. instructional Module Project Based Learning,
Hartono, Rudi. English for SMA/MA class X. Depok: Arya Duta
Hyland Ken, 1996. Second Language Writing. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Johnson, Elaine B. 2009. contextual Teaching and Learning. Edisi Terjemah A Chaedar
Alwasilah.Bandung: Mizan Learning Center
Keheir, J. 2009. text types book 3 informative text: recognizeing and creating procedures,
ecplanations, recounts and desctiprtption greeanwood. Ready: Ed Publication
Keraf, G. 1982. Argumentasi dan Narasi. Jakarta: Gramedia
Krauss, Jane and Boss, Suzie. 2013. thinking though: project based learning. United States:
McCrimmon, M. James. 1984. writing with a purpose. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company
Moss, D. and Duzer, C. Van. project based learning for adult English language learners. Eric
Reproduction Services No. ED 427 556
Nunan, David. Research Method in Language Learning. Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press. 1992
Pardiyono. 2007 pasti bisa! Teaching Genre-Based Writin. Yogya: ANDI OFFSET
Patton, Alec. 2012. The Teachers Guide to Project Based Learning. London: Paul Hamyln
Surdawati, Th. M. and Grace, Eudia. 2006. Look Ahead 2 An English Course for Senior Hight
School Students Year XI Science and Social Study Program. Jakarta: Erlangga
Wishon and burks. 1980. Lets Write English Revised Edition. New York: America Book

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