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Kill Your Performance Ratings

To be one of the successful companies in the business industry, Human Resource

Management (HRM) must possess strong and good strategic human capital management in
the entire organization. HR Department is responsible for many aspects and one of this is
Performance Management.

Performance Management is very important to improve employees skills and talents.

It ensures that the employee is carrying out their duties which they are employed to do in an
effective and satisfactory manner. There are some companies in which their PM systems are
misleading and complex. Thats because they are based on a fundamental misunderstanding
of human responses. Companys PM Practices are broken caused by rating and ranking their
employees numerically.

Organizations would like to regulate performance appraisal in an objective manner.

But, when the manager rates their employees on performance, personal bias or favouritism do
seem unavoidable. As a result, other employees might dont want to try their best to do their
duties properly. A weak performance practices might be the cause of the company to damage.
For this not to happen, the organization must treat their employees equally and encourage
them to do their job as best as they could with the skills, techniques and the new learning they
had. In that way, performance management in the organization will improved.

To avoid performance appraisal problems, HR can educate and inform managers to be

aware of common rating errors when they do performance ratings among the employees. An
organization should implement performance appraisal policies and regulations that assure
anonymity during rating and scoring.

The effectiveness of performance appraisal is based on its fairness and equality.

Therefore, an organization must be ready to identify and eliminate bias and favouritism to
ensure the employees are rated equally.

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