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The will of the River Analysis

If you cannot overcome an obstacle, you can undercome it.

- Alfredo Q. Gonzales
The Will of a River by Alfredo Q. Gonzales, talks about as what is seen in the title, the river. That
river is likened to a persons life. First, it talks about the obstacles that the river encounters as it flows
towards the ocean. Second it speaks of the determination of the river to reach its end which is again
the ocean. Third is, how the river do its purpose or responsibility.
How does that relate to the life of a person? Firstly, it shows that it is an undeniable fact that there
are many trials, problems and difficulties that one encounters in life. Sometimes these circumstances
are considered to be negative. There are many hindrances and obstacles that one faces in life. How are
they dealt with? The person must have patience and endurance to hurdle testings and even adversaries
in life. There are those who easily get dismayed and discouraged. They surrender or
even retreat, but there are those who persevere and do not easily lose hope, like the river.
Secondly, it also speaks of determination to reach the goals of life. If we cannot overcome the
obstacles, we can undercome them as aptly expressed by the author. Have the optimism to reach your
goal and possess an outlook in life not in pessimism but in hope. You have that optimism to reach your
goal and your outlook in life must not be one in pessimism but of hope. When we experience hardships
in life or when things get rough, we must not quit. Just stick to the fight. And last One has to live his
life faithfully and be a blessing to others. This is why the river exists. Without doubt this is the noble
reason for our existence on earth. You are not just living for your self but you live firstly for God and
for other people, as well. . If nature, like the river, which we consider devoid of feelings or emotions,
fulfills its duty rightfully, how much more for man who was created by God in His own image with
emotions, will, and intellect? One must consider his responsibility to others and must solemnly see the
need to care and have compassion for others.
The source of our motivation comes from none other than, our Creator.

By eirojram

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