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0 Sumatran Tiger

2.1.1 Background

Tigers are known for their bright orange skin with black stripes which differentiates
them from other big cats. Sumatran Tigers are only found in Borneo and Sumatra as the
name of the tiger says it all. These tigers usually live in tropical broadleaf evergreen
forests, freshwater swamp forests and peat swamps. They live in those kinds of areas
because the temperature in those areas are cooler compared to normal tropical forests.
The current population of this species is approximately 400 to 500 which is critically
endangered according to WWF.

2.1.1 Hunting for their skin

The main reason why this animal is endangered is because if its skin. The uniquely-
looking orange skin with black stripes became the diamond to the hunters eyes. Theres
a believe in Indonesia that the tigers skin can protect one from black magic spells and
it can also used to cast black magic spells on others. On the other hand, hunters hang
tiger hide in their houses to show superiority when it comes to hunting. Others hang it
on the wall as decorations.

2.1.2 Hunting for their claws and canines

Besides skin, tigers are also hunted for their claws and teeth. The claws of this animal
are usually attached to gold to make pendants for necklaces. It is believed that wearing
this necklace gives you protection from evil and you cannot be easily charmed. Same
goes for the canine teeth where it is used as a jewellery. It is also believed to give
protection and luck if it is worn.

Sumatran Tigers became endangered due to the believes of certain uncivilized

2.2.0 Giant Panda

2.2.1 Background

Giant Pandas are just Grizzly Bears with white and black fur but cuter. These animals
were facing extinction but with the effort of WWF, these animals are not facing
extinction anymore. Previously, there were only 1864 giant pandas in the world but
currently the population of these animals are increasing. So, the current status of the
animal is vulnerable according to WWF. Besides that, giant pandas are commonly
found in China. Their habitat type is usually temperate broadleaf and mixed forests of
Southwest China.

2.2.2 Habitat loss

Habitat loss is one of the main reason why giant pandas were facing extinction. Pandas
primary source of food is bamboo trees. Bamboo trees are commonly used for
medicinal purpose, promote fertility in cows and used to build bridges, houses and
schools. Therefore, bamboo trees were cut down excessively in China causing the giant
pandas to face extinction. However, WWF did their part by preserving the bamboo
forests in China by enforcing the law of the Reserved Forrest of China.

2.2.3 Selective mating

Pandas are very choosey when it comes to selecting a mating partner because pandas
are very similar to humans when it comes to partner selection. By the time they find the
perfect partner, the female panda becomes infertile which will result in discontinuation
of the panda generation. So, WWF created green corridors to link isolated pandas and
eventually a panda will meet its partner in a shorter period of time.

Without the help of WWF, pandas would have been facing extinction due to
irresponsible illegal loggers.

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