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77% of Anti-Abortion Leaders Are Men, 100% of Them Will Never Be Pregnant.

By Maddy Monty

I don't think theres any reason why a woman should have to face all the
consequences from something she did not do alone. If a guy can get a woman pregnant and
then run away, there is no reason why she should be the one responsible for everything.
Having more options puts a woman on an equal footing with men, instead of being someone of
whom they can take advantage. - Undergraduate student in Chemistry.

Imagine, being impregnated then dumped and left to take care of it all on your own; how
would you pay for it all, where are you going to stay. There are so many factors that go into
why women need to be allowed to get this medical procedure. Women and men obviously
have their differences, but with this option, it puts women at more of an equal standpoint to
men. That is why abortion should be legal, and women who decide to get this procedure done
should not get hatred or abuse for it because it is their privacy and their own personal opinion.
Privacy. We all deserve it, but not all of us get it. In the case, Doe v. Bolton (1973) the
supreme court ruled that it was a women's right, under the Due Process Clause of the 14th
Amendment, to decide for herself if she needed an abortion or not, due to privacy of medical
decisions the court ruled 7-2 and abortion won. People still argue that women should not be
able to decide what they want to do with their own bodies, one person even claimed: That isn't
your vagina, its gods!. When doctors do any type of procedure they are supposed to keep
your privacy, but obviously, in some cases, they believe they can share about people's medical
decisions. This is wrong and if a woman decides to do something that the doctor or other
people don't believe in, because of beliefs, and they try to tell her not to do it, it is none of their
business. An abortion is between the woman, the biological male, and the doctors.
According to MIT Pro-Choice, 19% of sexually active teens become pregnant each year, and
78% of those pregnancies are unplanned. Teens and young adults want to graduate high school
and participate in college. A lot of adults would say Then be more responsible or Children
and teens should not be messing around but the truth is all teens and young adults are going to
and they need to accept it and improvise around the problem by using birth control, condoms
and possibly abortions if it comes to that. But if they are forced to raise a child, pay for all
their necessities, and give them love and affection they would not be able to go to school; there
would be no time for school work or even going to class, she would need a job to support her
new family. As stated in MIT Pro-Choice only 2% of people show opposition to abortion, no
matter what circumstance, so consider the following, a 12-year-old girl is raped and gets
impregnated. Would you want to be 12 and have to go through the process of childbirth and all
the pain it causes? No one would. Altogether, though, abortions are not just being done by
teens and young adults, its being done by women of all ages. MIT Pro-Choice reports that
43% of women will have at least one abortion by the time they are 45. Not everyone can
afford to have a child, whether its due to medical issues, lack of money or a job, or just
simply not wanting to have a baby.
Imagine being a teenager, being raped, then also finding out that your perpetrator impregnated
you. That was what happened to 13 years old, Gina. Being a teenager already is hard, but then
add on top of that being raped then finding out that you are pregnant. If abortions were not
legal, Gina would be forced to give birth to her culprits' child, then put the child into foster care
or an orphanage or raise it. Now put yourself in the child's shoes, would you want to grow up
knowing that your biological father raped your biological mother? That would take a toll on
any kid. What about a circumstance where if you were pregnant, but giving birth to the child
would cause the fetus and you to die. That's why abortion also saves lives because either way,
the baby will not survive, so why not save your own life. That was the case for 35-year-old
Jamie, she had only hours to decide whether to get an abortion and save her life and give the
baby up or wait and give birth and die on the table along with her child. But that was not what
ended up happening, she got the emergency abortion and ended up alive. Without abortion,
she could have died.
Now, most people think, Why not just get rid of the kid, give it up for adoption, put it in the
foster system, put it in an orphanage.. Living in an orphanage is unsafe and horrible for a
little child. In an orphanage, kids will not receive all the love, compassion and attention they
need to grow up happy and healthy. Evidence shows that being raised in institutional care
means you are more likely to suffer from poor health, physical underdevelopment,
deterioration in brain growth, and to experience developmental delays and emotional
attachment disorders. Children who are brought up in orphanages are known to have lower
scholarly, social and behavioral abilities than children growing up with a family. They also
suffer the consequences of their peers and others not accepting them because of having no
family support structure and most of the time these children are labeled as social outcasts,
which often lasts a lifetime. When a child is left at an orphanage the are left with a deep sense
of abandonment, this feeling will stick with them for the rest of their lives, along with the
thought of why you left them, or why they weren't good enough for you.
Decisions, our government has to make a lot of them, although not many people believe in
all of the decisions that the government makes we can still make a change and help the cause to
strengthen our opinions and outcomes. Women need to be able to make the right choice for
themselves and not be invested in someone else's choice when it comes to medical procedures
such as abortion. For if a woman decides to go along with aborting her unborn baby, then it
should be her legal right to do so. It is no one else's business what a mother does to an unborn
child of hers and people need to respect her privacy, 19% of sexually active teens become
impregnated, and an orphanage is never the right answer for a young child trying to grow up
physically and mentally stable; these points are all amazing, but most definitely not all, reasons
why abortion needs to be legal. Now heres some food for thought, when thinking about this
topic, everyone needs to have an open mind and sympathize these women in these situations,
now go think and makes sure your opinions are for the good of everyone, not just yourself.

Trupin, Suzanne R., MD. "Abortion: Get Facts About the Procedure and
Statistics."EMedicineHealth. EMedicineHealth, n.d. Web. 03 Feb. 2017.

Parenthood, Planned. "MIT Pro-Choice -- Facts." MIT Pro-Choice -- Facts. Planned

Parenthood, 2001. Web. 03 Feb. 2017.

America, NARAL Pro-Choice. "What Is Choice?" NARAL Pro-Choice America.

Pro-Choice America, n.d. Web. 03 Feb. 2017.

Saad, Lydia. "Americans Choose "Pro-Choice" for First Time in Seven Years." Gallup Inc., 29 May 2015. Web. 03 Feb. 2017.

Kiff, Alan. "Harm Done to Children by Orphanages." Harm Done to Children by

Orphanages. The Paradox of Orphanage Volunteering (Nepal) Volunteer's Perceptions
(Cambodia), Oct. 2012. Web. 06 Feb. 2017.

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