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Procedure performed: flexible cystoscopy

INDICATIONS: Gross hematuria.

PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: After a surgical pause, flexible cystourethroscopy was performed through
Viscous lidocaine. The bladder was entered per urethra without difficulty. There were no strictures
within his anterior urethra. His prostate gland had casting lateral lobes with an antiapoptotic ureteral
length of approximately 2.5 cm.

The entire bladder was visualized and there were no significant abnormalities. k Both ureteral orifices
were in their orthotopic positions and refluxing clear urine. There were no foreign bodies tumors, or
stones. There were no areas of suspicious. A retroflexed view did not reveal any significant abnormality.
The patient tolerated the procedure well and was discharged to a consult room for discussion

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