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With increasing rational thinking among people, some have already begun questioning the validity of

gods and deities.It is mainly because, as humanity is making strides

in various fields, the idea of the existence of ever powerful beings who controlled the world seems a bit
oboslete and absurd.But,down the generations, these deities

are still being worshipped by the masses with the same fervour as they have always have been.Now,
when we think of gods, we generally assume beings who are the

epitome of perfection, hence the term god but this is not always the case. Some of them have an
appearance that would put most demons to shame and some of them are so brutal

in their divine justice that would make you question their actual intention.Here are some of the gods
from various religions around the world, who at times, can be regarded as godlike

only by their ardent devotees.

ai-apaec:The supreme deity of moche civilization doesn't just have the sublimity, but also a ghastly

that is enough to petrify anybody.He is a fanged being and has claws for hands.

From the appearance he seems to be a god of decapitation. He holds a severed head

in one claw and a knife in the other one.He is also seen in other forms where sometimes he

has the lower body of a spider or an octopus and has the head of a jaguar.It

could be a morale booster for the warriors or a clear cut warning not to venture too close to him.

Not much is known about him as the entire civlization just ceased to exist all

of a sudden.No one knows the exact reason but it could have been due to the extreme weather
patterns.Thus, the legend of this supreme god has faded to obscurity over the millenia.

ammit:"devourer of millions","bone eater","eater of hearts","eater of souls". These titles aptly describe


She is the funerary deity in egyptian mythology and is a symbol of divine punishment of all living souls.

She has the head of a crocodile, the body of a wild cat and the lower body of a hippopotamus.As per the
legends, Each soul

was given a chance to account for his deeds in the previous birth.Ammit waited for the punished souls

that were ferried in.She resides by the lake of fire in the underworld and threw the hearts

of the wicked into this lake.She is different from other gods in the fact that she is also personified
as a demon owing to the methods she uses to enforce justice.

Regardless of the validity of her existence, she seemed enough of a reason for the ancient egyptains

to not mess around much.Her judgement was described as "dying the second time".It meant eternal
restlessness of the soul.

Babi:He is regarded as an ancient god, even by Egyptian standards.He is a fierce, bloodthirsty, aggressive
god who is the idolization of a baboon which seems justified given

that the baboon is considered by the Egyptians to be aggressive and hostile.In the baboon form, he is
depicted with an erect penis and apparently his penis opened the doors to heaven(No pun intended).He
is the eldest son of god Osiris.As per legends, he would attack anyone in sight

and therefore powerful spells had to be used as protection against him.People worshipped him with
fear, awe and respect at the same time.He is a symbol of dominance

.It is also said that he just killed people for no apparent reason and lived on their entrails.His duty, was
much like Ammit.He used to pass judgements on the damned souls by throwing their hearts

into the lake of fire.

Ancient egyptians surely had a way to deal with the notorious.Ammit and babi could easily scare the
living wits of anyone.

Kali:Goddess kali, from hindu mythology , is the ferocious form of mother goddess.As per Hinduism,The
mother goddess or shakti is known to manifest in many other forms

as well, with her being Kali in her most destructive form. She has perhaps one of the scariest
countenance among all the deities in Hinduism.

She has four arms, holds a sword in one hand and a severed head of a demon in another.Her earring are
made out of two dead heads.Her necklace boasts of a string

of skulls and human hands compose the girdle.Her breasts are tainted with blood, her eyes are fiery
red.She is generally depicted with her one foot on the chest of her husband shiva.

Her tongue is protruded from her mouth and she has a dark complexion.

Her blackness is symbolic of eternal darkness which has the ability to end everything and begin anew.

While in battle, kali enjoyed killing and she was even known to play with the decapitated heads of those
who were slain by her.

Mictalantecuhtli:The aztec god of death, Mictalantecuhtli possesses enough powers to justify his
seemingly unpronouceable name.He is usually portrayed with a skeletal shape with knives
in the headdress.He is sometimes also depictedas a skeleton covered with blood

.He has human eyeballs for necklace and also uses human bones as his ear plugs.

Being the god of death, an aura of fear naturally surrounds him.As per legends,

he enjoyed watching people suffering and dying.Human sacrifices were also made to him

as part of the rituals.Aztecs believed that this appeased Mictalantecuhtli and that would avoid

suffering in the land of the dead.The souls of humans who died of unnatural causes made a four year

facing trials through the nine hells of Mictlan.

The aztec god of death also apparently had a positive

side to him as well.If anyone could impress him during the stay in the underworld

, he would then grant them back their life.

Kaal Bhairov: Lord Shiva is one of the three main gods in the Hindu Mythology. He is the male
counterpart to goddess Kali. He is known to appear in many forms and the most

fierce of his manifestations, is what is known as the Kaal Bhairov.

He wears a tiger skin and a garland made up of human bones adorns his neck.He also wears ornaments
usually made up of snakes,reptiles and serpents.In this form,

lord Shiva sports long teeth , a fiery red tongue and multiple hands.Nobody in their right mind dares to
mess with this ultimate form of destruction.Yet still, A particular sect of

hinduism, the aghori sect, who perform Black arts in hindu graveyards, worship this form of lord
Shiva.There are temples throughout India dedicated to the kaal bhairav.

There is also an uncanny ritual assosciated with the worshipping of his statue which includes presenting
liquor to the deity. The priest pours the alcohol(not beer) into a

small bowl and holds it to the lips of the statue.The devotees are known to swear upon their lives that
they have seen the contents of this bowl vanish in front of their

eyes.Although, it will always remain a conjecture, but it certainly adds to the myths surrounding this

Lilith:Lilith was supposed to have been a dark goddess, but is now widely regarded as a demon
throughout various mythologies around the world.In the babylonian mythology
she is seen as a demoness who preyed upon pregnant women and infants and various amulets and
spells were used as a countermeasure against her dark powers. In the Hebrew legends

,she was considered to be an astonishingly beautiful goddess who refused to submit herself to
Adam.She intended to create an equal life for all and instructed people to stand

for what they believe in, to stay unhinged by anything that might come in the way.Now, these
"sacrilegous" thoughts were what led to her banishment from paradise and she

came to be known as the demon we know today.

Lilith has been depicted to have an upper body of a beautiful woman while her lower body is serpent
like.It was supposed to have been Lilith, in her serpent form who ultimately seduced

Eve to eat the fruit of knowledge, thereby avenging herself and also getting Adam and Eve expelled from
the garden of Eden in the process.Later, Lilith caused Adam to have

nocturnal emissions or night hag as we all know, and impregnated herself with the semen, thereby
giving birth to demons.

It really is a shame to see a goddess who stood for equal rights ultimately had to stoop this low which
led to her portrayal as a demon throughout the folklore.

Kronos:In Greek mythology, Kronos was the king of the titans. He ,along with the other titans, was the
sun of god Uranus and Gaea. Uranus however, saw his kids through scornful eyes and imprisoned

some of them deep inside Gaea. Now, naturally furious, Gaea devised a plan to kill Uranus with a scythe
made up of the strongest metal known.But, most of her kids were reluctant to

join in out of fear of their ever powerful father. However, Kronos took the scythe and convinced his
siblings to take vengeance against their hateful fathers.Kronos ultimately

castrated his father and murdered him.He then became the new king of the titans.He married his sister
and they had six children, but he feared that one of his kids would

overthrow him, and thus he began swallowing his new born babies one by one.Yes,he resorted to
cannibalism due to a prophecy.Not many parents can claim to have done that.He ultimately was
overthrown by his son Zeus, who then became the supreme king.

Kronos is depicted as a tall, powerful man with a grey hair and a beard. He was the most powerful and
the most feared immortal on earth.He had the supereme authority

and no one could against him, neither human nor titan.Although, not really possessing ghastly
appearance, Kronos was the perfect example of a god who was worshipped with

a lot of fear in the minds of devotees.

Tiamat:In Babylonian mythology, Tiamat is seen as a huge female dragon who is the personification of
saltwater ocean. She gave birth to eleven monsters of the sea when she wsa enraged

by the death of her first husband Apsu.Tiamat then goes to war against the murderers but loses this
war. She is then split into two halves, with one half becomingthe source

of river Tigris and Euphrates and the other half the vault of heaven.

Alternatively, Tiamat was also seen as part animal, part bird, part serpent and extremely hideous in
appearance.She is also sometimes seen as an archetype of Satan. There is also a belief that the blood of
her second son was used to create humanity.It is believed

that since humanity was created through her, she is the mother goddess and most of the characteristics
that are associated with humans can be attributed to Tiamat.

The Morrigan: She is the shape-shifting Celtic Goddess of war,fate and death.She is regarded as
the"queen of demons". She took over the apperance of a raven and used to hover

over battlefields and used to collect the heads of soldiers slain during the war.She used to foretell the
fate of the war and influenced it according to her will.

Over time, She has been given various other titles like the Goddess of battle,fertility, fate

as well as the goddess of rivers, lakes and the moon.She is also one of the triple goddesses, her different
aspects represented by the feritlity miaden, the boiling mother

cauldron and the death crone. Her various manifestations symbolized a hidden meaning.The shape-
shifter form has the ability to change appearance and constantly tries to

become something which she is not.The crone symbolizes the wise old frail woman who can now
indentify compassion, healing and various other experiences that were given to

her in her long life.Regardless, she is worshipped with reverence by some and with despair by some
owing to her muliple personalities.

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