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All About ME Project

1. What is your preferred learning style?

2. Are you a right or left brain thinker?


3. If you could describe yourself in one word, what would it be?


4. Tell me about a time you failed at something. What did you learn from it?
That I can improve in the future.

5. What are your hopes for the future? How do you plan on achieving these?
To go to UBC. I will apply for a scholarship and keep my grades up.

6. Name a person significant person in your life and why?

Gage he was 9 when he died of cancer and he is my strength in life.

7. What is your theme song and why?

Bet on it –Troy Bolton because it’s my jam.

8. If you could be a superhero, what would your super power be?

Super intelligence

9. Finish the sentence: I believe in…

Facts and fate.

10. Finish this sentence: In the future, I want to be someone who….

Helps people.

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