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Transcendence: Limitations and Possibilities

• Learning Task 1: Complete the sentences using the prompts below. Then, answer the
questions that follow. Write your answers in your notebook.
Example: Thought to guess: “Love”
Incomplete sentences Answers
a. This feeling…… This feeling makes me feel wonderful.
b. Sometimes I….. Sometimes I am hurt because of it.
c. I am….. I am blessed to feel this way.

1. Complete the sentences

I can play volleyball,
But I am not that good to be a player.
So, I still need to work hard and practice more so I can be good at it.
2. Complete the sentences
I don’t forget the past memories I had with my family.
It is very memorable.
It makes me very happy just thinking of it.
3. Complete the sentences
I learn to my teachers that in order for me to be an Engineer, I needed do study hard and learn
things that are connected to my career choice.
This is my dream being an Engineer, so I chose STEM strand which would help me learn about
the career I am about to choose for college.
Now I am good on some things connected to Engineering. I can do drafting which is doing a
drawing related to building constructions.
1. How do you know if someone is not telling the whole truth?
- It’s actually hard to tell if the person is lying. But sometimes we can see it, especially when you know
the person who is lying. Their gestures sometimes change and you can notice it because the way they
talk/move became different on how it used to be before.
2. Were you able to know the whole truth at one glance?
- No, it’s kinda hard to tell if someone’s telling the truth because some of them are good at acting, so I
just like falling on their traps.
3. What are your ways to find out the whole truth?
- If someone says something suspicious to me, I ask them many question so that I can make sure that
what they’re saying are not just made up by them.
4. How do you see the broad perspective of life?
- By asking questions, this is true for one conversations as a way to improve your listening and
learning skills, but it also appears to be true in everyday life. When you're interested about the world
around you and ask questions to better understand more about something, you're naturally
broadening your views and extending your perspective.
5. How do you find happiness?
- I find happiness in my life by just doing what I want and doing the things that makes me happy. Also
I find happiness when I am with my family; they are the most important to me.

• Learning Task 2: Think of a particular belief and reasons for believing on it. Then,
answer the questions that follow. Write your answers in your notebook.

1. Do you find this belief helpful to you? How?
- Yes, because that belief which is faithing to our God makes me a better person.
2. Is there an instance that you set aside your belief because you have found the truth? Explain.
- No, as long as that belief giving a good impact to me I still got to believe it.
3. Did your experience change your perspective on your belief? How?
- Yes, like if the things I believed after how many years turns out to be a lie.
4. How do you correct misconception after realizing your belief to be unreasonable?
- I correct my misconceptions by changing belief; I always go to beliefs that are reasonable every time.
5. Are you willing to accept others’ beliefs? Why?
- Of course, I know that everyone of us had a different perspective in life so if they have different
believe I am gonna respect it.

• Learning Task 3: Tell whether the statement is MERON (True) or WALEY (False) based
on your background about the given concepts. Explain your answer if you choose WALEY.
Write your answers in your notebook.

1. A person can be infected by COVID-19 through mosquito bites.

2. Hand washing technique is a good defense against COVID-19 only.
3. COVID means Coronavirus disease.
4. One of the symptoms of COVID-19 is fever.
5. It is advised that you take off your mask when talking in a crowded place.
1. Does your background of the topic help you in making a choice?
- Yes
2. How did you get your knowledge of COVID-19?
- I know COVID-19 because we are experiencing this virus since 2020 until now.
3. How do you improve this knowledge for safety reasons?
- I improve my knowledge by doing a research about the topic.
4. Does your background of particular reality assist you to know the truth?
- Yes, because of my observations about this topic I manage to know what I a truth or false info.
5. Do you believe that what you know is only part of the whole truth?
- Yes, I still have many things to know about this topic because all I know is some of it.

• Learning Task 4: In your notebook, write two (2) sentences using the pair of words below.
1. Pain and glory
- The medicines provided some relief from the severe pain.
- Manny Pacquiao brought glory to his motherland which is the Philippines.
2. Success and failure
- Hard work will bring us to success.
- Don't let a single failure discourage you, try again.
3. Joy and sadness
- My family was a great source of joy throughout my life.
- Nothing could explain the sadness I felt when the love of my life past away.
4. Right and wrong
- Doing what is right makes us feels better.
- Sometimes I make a mistake and do the wrong thing.
5. Inner self and external self
- I conduct my research through my inner self.
- They said the body defines the external self.

• Learning Task 5: Choose the correct question for the given answer. In your notebook,
write the letter that corresponds to your answer. (The choice that has RED COLOR is my
1. A belief that external factors have great influence on how man decides and acts.
A. What is philosophy?
B. What is stoicism?
C. How do you explain the concept of hedonism?
D. What is philosophizing?

2. Man has nothing to worry about when they die because like their body, their soul may likewise
disintegrate, too.
A. Which explains stoicism?
B. Which concept speaks about hedonism?
C. How do you explain the idea of philosophizing?
D. How man considers life?

3. Epicurus
A. Who believes that man can be enslaved on the outside externally (have one’s body in chains) and free
internally (be at peace with oneself in aloofness from all pleasure and pain?
B. Who argues that most people recognize that Stoicism excels in two areas of life more than any other
school of philosophy?
C. Who theorizes that the universe is composed of matter (in the form of atoms) in motion in empty space?
D. Who believes to the theory called “atomistic materialism”?

4. Sacrifices play an important aspect to make life more valuable.

A. Which statement deals with stoicism?
B. Which philosophy pertains to man’s search for pleasure?
C. Which notion speaks of hedonism?
D. Which explains the idea of “atomistic materialism”?

5. We have control over our thoughts and our will, but we do not have control over external fortune.
A. Which statement speaks of Epictetus Stoic view of man?
B. What is dualism of mind (soul and body)?
C. Which statement talks of Epicureanism?
D. Which notion speaks of hedonism?
E. How does the notion of hedonism work?

• Learning Task 6: In your notebook, write a five-paragraph personal insight about the topic

“What is pleasurable to my body is either good or harmful to my soul.”

Socrates believes that understanding the forms is the proper state of the soul. The soul will be
satisfied and will not be pulled back into a body if it understands the forms. We should avoid bodily
joys, pains, wants, and worries since they encourage us to pursue other goals and prevent us from
achieving this state of wisdom, even when we attempt, destroying our happiness and causing rebirth.
Even without recognizing it, intense pleasures and sufferings lead us to believe some things are
most true that are not. It may come as a shock to find that this is the worst and most severe of all evils.
This is due to the fact that it immediately contradicts our soul's proper goal, which is to understand
the truth. A second, related issue that comes from joys and pains is also mentioned in the passage.
They lead the soul to believe and enjoy the same things as the body, which in turn changes the soul’s
way of life.
The soul is not responsible for bodily pleasures and wants. If anything, they cultivate and
polish the body instead of the soul. They aren't healthy for us naturally, and they're far worse when
used as a tool. The desires are not soul-related, but rather serve the body. Such desires are, at best,
according to another, namely the body, because they serve the body's purposes while undermining the
soul's own end, the understanding of truth.
The soul does not see physical wants as foreign or improperly its own; rather, it takes them as
its own, being captivated by them. Our first reason for really avoiding physiological pleasures and
wants, rather than just seeing them as useless, is that they undermine our soul, altering our ideals in
order to keep us imprisoned.
If we simply saw pleasures and wants as worthless, instead of attempting to avoid or oppose
them, our values would change, and we would begin to consider them as worthwhile.

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