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Complete the ten statement survey below (minimum of 2 sentences per item). Write down the
first statement that comes to your mind upon hearing the phrase “I am.” After accomplishing the
activity, answer the discussion questions that follow. 
Criteria: Task=10; Grammar=5; Organization=5.

1. I am worthy of happiness but I'm also a person who needs to be loved and accepted.

2. I am an intuitive thinker, and I am proud of my inborn perception, which allows me to

foresee events that happen that may empower me find a solution.

3. I am Zelster, your future food scientist, and I'm here to support not just with food safety,
but also with advocacy for people, particularly those who are less fortunate, to ensure
food safety and quality considerations.

4. I'm gay and proud of it; I shouldn't blame myself for being this way, and if God has
blessed me with this breathtaking destiny, I'll use it to encourage and educate others.

5. I am just constantly telling myself that I should be the only one to define my worth and
what I'm capable of and how I perceive myself.

6. I am born with personality/borderline disorder, and it's part of what makes me incredibly
attractive as a person: I'm flawed yet beautifully formed.

7. I am capable of achieving my goals on my own, with or without assistance; it is the only

way for me to express that I am confident as well.

8. I am reaching the torch high enough so the whole world could feel and see its light.

9. I'm listening to jazz and blues, and it's refreshing my soul. The groove progressively
flows in softness, accompanied by the piano and saxophone.
10. I'm always going with the wind, which crawls in and out of my thinking, filling my heart
with joy.
Discussion Questions
1. How was your experiences in answering the ten questions?
- I was able to express myself in a variety of ways, and I am now confident in revealing
who I truly am.

2. Was it easy or difficult to come up with answers to each of the statement? 

- No, I'm a person who knows exactly what the output is on whatever question is being
asked and could answer it compassionately.

3. Were your answers spontaneous or you spend more time filtering your thoughts? Why?
- I replied it continuously and without reluctance; I am confident and know what to say
about myself.

4. How do you feel about the kind of answers that you wrote in the mini-survey?
- It violates on my privacy, but it also adds meaning and relevance; I'm not anxious, and I
enjoy addressing these types of questions; in fact, it's overwhelming.
Criteria: Task=10; Grammar=5; Organization=5.

1. In your own opinion, why is it important for you to know yourself better? How is it helpful
- You can be free of the influence of other people's opinions if you have a strong enough
sense of self. It makes no difference what others say or advise you if you know what
works for you - what is useful to you and, as a result, what isn't. Knowing who you are
and what you stand for in life might help you gain self-assurance.

2. Knowing your limitations, what would be your course of action? Who are the potential
individuals to seek help from?
- Your limitations have an impact on your self-esteem, self-respect, feelings, cognitive
functioning, and wellbeing, as well as ensuring that your needs are satisfied and that you
are not mistreated. People who is close to your heart is the best one to ask consultations

3. Provide your ideal self and real self. Is it congruent?

- The ideal self of a person may or may not be harmonious with the person's current life
and experiences. As a result, there may be a divergence between a person's ideal self
and their actual experience.
Criteria: Task=10; Grammar=5; Organization=5.

Give one stimuli that can affect your emotion.

1. What are the feelings that arise from this emotion?
2. How did you response to the feelings you have, based on your emotion?

1. .Answer: Feelings arise after we are becoming conscious of such physiological changes in
our brain; only then do we feel emotion. Even the meaning has an impact on one's ability.

2. We pick activities and hobbies based on how they make us feel. We can navigate life with
greater ease and stability if we understand our emotions. Examine how your emotions affect
you. Having genuine emotions isn't always a serious matter.
 Rather than suppression, aim for regulation.
 Recognize how you're feeling.
 Embrace all of your emotions and feelings.
Ignacian Core/Related Value
Core Values: Excellence
Related Values: Humility
Question: Do we need to humbly accept our weaknesses in order to move forward in life?

- Accept yourself altogether, realizing that you are a remarkable set of characteristics. Instead
of fixating on your weaknesses, see them as order to develop into the whole person you are.

It's meaningless to try to change into someone you're not. Managing a façade for an extended
time is distressing and rids you of your true self.

b. Social Orientation: Socialization

Question:  Do you think we can gain friends who is trustworthy if we know ourselves better?
- We are drawn to others not because of their virtues, but rather because of their wholeness of
character. Friendships can have a major impact on one's happiness and health, although they're
not easy to form or keep. Appreciate the significance of friendships in your life and what you can
do to watch them improve.

c. Lesson Across Discipline: TLE and Science

Question: Do you think personal hygiene will make a person healthy and confident? Why?

- Sustaining hygiene can however help you experience healthier about yourself. Taking good
care of your image, in other words, makes us feel good about ourselves. If you don't take
responsibility for personal hygiene, it can allow you to feel less productive.

d. Faith Biblical Reflection: 

“God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he
created them.” Genesis 1:27 
- The fact that man and woman were created in God's image signifies that God does own
our existences and will one day pass just eternal conviction on us. Being made in God's
image also gives meaning to one's entire life, from birth to dependencies.
Summing up what I learned in my journey through this lesson:
I learned that
Personality development will help you define your personal vision and aspirations. When you've
already set many goals for yourself, it'll be quicker to manage a plan that sets toward them.
Because you'll always be working to improve, personal growth will influence the way you spend
your life. You will be able to prosper and continue living in the current life as a consequence of
I realized that
As a result of realizing your personal development goals, you'll get this impression.
You can only help to develop yourself until you have a clear idea of yourself. Most of us have
our own set of abilities and weak points. You have them as well. You may be a self-assured
person, but you doubtlessly have some flaws, though if you don't accept it freely.
I promise to
“I keep a pledge with myself that I will accept respectively my strengths and flaws.  “I'm going to
be talking to myself in a loving manner.  I'll never forget that I don't have full control over
everything.  I'll pick my words wisely.”

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