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IM 327: Organizational Behavior and Work Ethics


Some people are born with the gift of emotional intelligence, but others have to
learn it. Either way, the ability to know yourself and understand the emotions of others
can have a positive impact on your relationships and help you succeed in every area of
This lesson will help you asses your capabilities to self-regulate. Open your door
in determining the strong points of your emotional intelligence. This lesson will also
equip you with essentials on how to control emotions rather than your emotions control


What are intrapersonal skills?

While you may not spend a lot of time considering your intrapersonal skills, they
come into play pretty regularly. In fact, you probably use these skills in most areas of
your life.
Intrapersonal (“within the self”) skills are the internal abilities and behaviors that
help you manage emotions, cope with challenges, and learn new information.

These skills, which relate to emotional intelligence, include things like:

 self-confidence
 resilience
 self-discipline
 persistence
 openness to new ideas
 the ability to overcome distractions
 time management
Why are intrapersonal skills important?
You may have noticed these skills all have something to do with your ability to self-
People with strong self-regulation abilities often have an easier time:
 managing behavior and emotions
 weathering challenges
 working toward goals in spite of distractions
Unlike interpersonal skills like active listening, intrapersonal skills may have less of
an immediate impact on your interactions with others. But they’re still essential.

How to build intrapersonal skills?

Don’t worry if these skills don’t come to you naturally. It’s absolutely possible to
cultivate intrapersonal intelligence.

Ten Tips to Build Intrapersonal Skills

1.Make (and Try creating a schedule that includes work commitments and
keep) a schedule appointments along with social activities, household chores,
and self-care, like exercise and relaxation.
2.Redirect your Start practicing these strengths by considering what you’d do for
natural talents someone else in your situation.
If you’d encourage a friend to stick with something challenging, for
example, direct that persistence toward yourself instead of giving
3.Give meditation Feeling mentally and physically strong can help boost your internal
a try resolve, making it easier to work through tough situations.
4.Make time for Involves thinking over your actions, choices, and the things
self-reflection important in your life, including personal values and loved ones.

5.Keep a journal Can help you connect with yourself on a deep emotional level by
providing a tangible record of thoughts and feelings to look back on

6.Cultivate Increasing compassion for others can help you get more in tune
Compassion with your own emotional experience and help your self-
compassion flourish.
7.Practice The way you talk to yourself and think about yourself can have a big
positive self-talk impact on your internal experience.
8.Take chances Risk-taking that ends in success can boost self-confidence and
motivate you to keep trying new things.
9.Consider your Goals say a lot about who you are as a person and what drives you.
goals They help inform your choices and shape your life.
10.Talk to a With the help of a therapist, you can often increase self-awareness
therapist as you identify challenges or areas of concern that pop up in your
thoughts and habits.

What is emotional Intelligence?

Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand and manage your own emotions.
People who possess this trait also have the ability to understand and influence the
emotions and behavior of others. And with this understanding, some are able to enjoy
greater success in life.

Components of Emotional Intelligence

Self- being conscious of your own feelings and motives. Emotionally intelligent people often
awareness demonstrate a high level of self-awareness.
Self- People with the ability to self-regulate don’t make impulsive decisions.
regulation You pause and think about the consequences of an action before proceeding.
Motivation People with emotional intelligence are productive and driven. You think
about the big picture and assess how your actions will contribute to
long-term success.
Empathy Emotionally intelligent people are less likely to be self-centered. Instead, you empathize
with others and your situations. You tend to be a good listener, slow to judge, and
understanding of the needs and wants of others.
Social It’s easier for you to collaborate and work in teams. You tend to be
Skills an excellent leader because of your strong communication skills and
ability to manage relationships.

Why is emotional intelligence important in the workplace?

Emotional intelligence benefits various areas of life, but it’s particularly important in
the workplace. In fact, possessing this trait might take you further in your career.
The ability to accept constructive criticism without blame can help you grow as an
employee and thrive in your field. Emotional intelligence is also beneficial at
work because you’re less likely to make impulse or poor decisions that could affect
Direction: Below are examples of intrapersonal skills. Rank them from 1 to 6 as it
describes you .Write your rank on the space provided before each skill. Analyze your
ranking. Explain your rank 1 and rank 6. Provide reasons or give examples.

______It is easy to tell people how I feel.

______I can talk easily about my feelings
______ It is hard to talk about my deep feelings
______ I can easily describe my feelings
______ It is easy for me to tell people what I feel
______ I have trouble in telling others about my feelings


Direction: Look back the 10 Tips on How To Build Intrapersonal Skills. Choose at least
three (3) which you think manageable to do. In each tip, list down the ways on how to
do it in your own. Do this in tabular form as given in the example below.
This is worth a try!
Building My Intrapersonal Skills
1. Practice positive  I will say beautiful praises every morning when I wake
self-talk up, ex. “What a wonderful feeling!”
 I will appreciate the good things that happen to me
 I will motivate myself to keep going when things go
 When facing a trouble or problem, I would say to
myself “ you are strong, you can do it, you have
GOD have faith”

2. Keep a journal  I will keep a journal on things that transpired in a day.

They can be good or bad.
 I will find time to do writing before I go to bed.

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