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Make-up for Recitation (OPTIONAL)

Eligible people (recitation grade below 70)

 Benzon*
 Delos Santos*
 Feresnillo
 Ona
 Santiago
 Pascual
 Ragutana
 Reyes
 Saquiton*

1. All of those listed have been given +10, except for those whose names are marked with an
asterisk, as their grades were above 65, and were instead given +5.
2. For an additional 10 points, please watch the following short film (Link: and write a one page reflection paper about it.
Better if you can relate to the topics discussed in class.
3. Email the reflection paper in a word document with your surname as the filename, to no later than 3pm today. The one with the best reflection paper
will be given an additional 10 points.

P. S. Sorry if today na agad deadline. Today na rin kasi pinapapasa yung grades. :( Once again, this is
optional. Please don’t strain yourself. The additional 10 points is yours anyway.
P. P. S. Please keep the link confidential. The producers permitted me to use the film for private
consumption and evangelization purposes only.

God bless you, Mama Mary loves you! :)

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