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Name _________________________

Point-Slope Form

Part 1: Writing Equations in point-slope form

Directions: Write a linear equation using the given information.
1. A line contains the point (2, -4) and the slope is -5

2. A line contains the point (-3, -1) and the slope is ½

3. A line contains the points (5, 6) and (-1, 0)

4. Write an equation for the graph at the right.

5. Identify the slope and the point on the line if the equation of the line is
Part 2: Find a line of fit for a data set in Point-Slope Form.

This graph shows the balance in Julia’s checking account at the end of each month for the past year. Use
the graph to answer questions 7 – 13.

7. Draw a line you think fits the data reasonably well.

8. Identify two points on the line you drew and find the slope of the

9. What does the slope represent within the context of this


10. Write the equation of the line in point-slope form.

11. If the same trend were to continue, Use the equation to estimate the amount of money in the account
after a total of 2 years (24 months)

12. Use the equation to estimate how many months before she has $1500 in her account.

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