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Hello everyone, thank you for being here today.

I’m ‘’Siti’’ from tenth group and this is my

friends Bela, Murnie and the last is Nurul. We are here today to talk to you about’’Islamic
Education For Teens’’.

What’s the first thing you think about when you here the word’’How Islamic Education For

What I wanna today is give you the information you need to learn about’’Islamic

We have divided our presentation’s main point

First “definition education”

Second”islamic education”

Third”education for teens”

Munie will you the first section. And then Bela will explain the second section, and Nurul
will explain the third section.

I ask that you hold off on your questions untill the end of the presentation. Then will be time
available for me to answer any questions you may have sound good? Okay then.

Okay, so as I mentioned the first thing. I’m going to talk about is Definition Education.... .
Okay so let me now move onto the first item. Which is presentated by Murnie Rahmawati

Okay, so I will continue the second thing . I’m going to talk about is Islamic Education...
Okay so let me now move onto the last item. Which is presentated by Bela Wati

Okay so Nurul Hafiza will continue the last thing to talk about is Education for Teens....

And that brings me to the end of my presentation. Let me give you a summary of what I’ve
been talking about over the last minutes. The one way to Definition Education. Me there are
Islamic Education and the last Education for Teens.

I think just enough my group presentation. We are will give you a session of questions. The
session consits of three person. Who want to asks?... thaks for bringing that up. That’s a good

The best way for me to answer that would be..... Does that answer question?

Well. I think that’s about it. I want to thank you once again for allowing me to speak to you
today. If you have any futher questions or want additional information, please feel free to
contact me by phone. Thank you

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