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R&D David Yeager, Gregory Walton, and Geoffrey L.


Addressing achievement gaps with

psychological interventions
Carefully devised and delivered psychological interventions catalyze the effects
of high-quality educational reforms, but don’t replace them.

Besides being researchers, each Take the student’s students can experience the class
of us is also a teacher. Like any- perspective very differently. Understanding
one who has taught, we know the When confronted with a prob- what school feels like for different
feeling of failing to connect with lem in education — students fall- students can lead to nonobvious
some students. It’s disheartening. ing behind in math, for example but powerful interventions.
Before going into research, one of — we tend to focus on what A common problem is that stu-
us (Yeager) taught middle school. teachers teach and how they teach dents have beliefs and worries in
He wanted to help kids in tough it. We tend to prescribe solu- school that prevent them from
straits get a good education. Yet, tions that take the perspective of taking full advantage of learning
looking at his gradebook at the the teacher, like How can we teach opportunities. For example, stu-
end of his first year teaching 7th- math differently? dents who struggle in math may
grade English in Tulsa, Okla., he That is an important perspec- think that they are “dumb” or that
saw large gains for more advan- tive. But it can also help to adopt teachers or peers could see them as
students that taged students but much smaller such. Or girls in advanced math or
the vantage point of a student.
intelligence can gains for less advantaged students, How does the classroom look minority students in general may
be developed including racial and ethnic minor- to a student sitting at a desk in wonder if other people will look at
ity students. He thought that he’d the third row? What is he or she them through the lens of a nega-
can help them
given these students just as much concerned about? How does the tive stereotype about their group
view struggles in attention, if not more, and that instead of judging them on their
student feel about his or her po-
school not as a he’d held them to equally high tential? Does the student feel merits.
threat but as an standards. He’d given them plenty accepted by the teacher and fel- These beliefs and worries don’t
of helpful critical feedback and low classmates? When you begin reflect low self-esteem, insecu-
opportunity to cared about their success. What rity, or flaws in the student. From
with questions like these, a dif-
grow and learn. had gone wrong? And what could the students’ viewpoint, they’re
ferent picture emerges — one
be done differently? that focuses on the psychology of often reasonable. If students are
Many teachers have such expe- students. This approach suggests aware that negative stereotypes
riences. Our research investigates that teachers should look beyond exist about their group, it makes
why, sometimes, no matter how how they communicate academic sense for them to be alert to the
hard you work to create a good content and try to understand possibility that stereotypes are in
lesson plan or provide high-qual- and, where appropriate, change play (Steele, Spencer, & Aronson,
ity feedback, some students don’t how students experience school. 2002). Likewise, if a student has
stay as motivated or learn as much Even when a classroom seems to learned that many people see math
as teachers would like. We also be the same for all students — ability as something that you either
look at what can be done to im- for instance, when all students have or don’t, it makes sense for
prove their outcomes. are treated similarly — different that student to worry about being
seen as “dumb” in math. Below
we look at some of these beliefs in
more detail and describe how they
R&D appears in each issue of Kappan with the assistance of the Deans’ Alliance, can be addressed.
which is composed of the deans of the education schools/colleges at the following Growth mindset. Carol
universities: Harvard University, Michigan State University, Northwestern University, Dweck has shown that some stu-
Stanford University, Teachers College Columbia University, University of California, dents think that people’s amount
Berkeley, University of California, Los Angeles, University of Michigan, University of of intelligence is fixed and cannot
Pennsylvania, and University of Wisconsin. change (2006). Students who have

62 Kappan February 2013

Like PDK at www.

this belief — called a fixed mind- concerns are not unique to you”) studies, interventions of this sort
set — who then struggle in math and that these worries fade with boosted urban black youths’ GPAs
may find it hard to stay motivated. time (“things will get better”). and reduced the black-white
They may think, “I’ll never get Such interventions can require achievement gap several months
it” and avoid math. But counter- as little as an hour to administer, after the intervention (Yeager et
ing this belief can have powerful and, by using persuasive delivery al., 2012).
effects. mechanisms that quickly change
Teaching students that intel- students’ beliefs, they can be suc- Psychological interventions
aren’t “magic”
ligence can be developed — that, cessful. One such intervention
like a muscle, it grows with hard improved minority college stu- Understanding what students
work and good strategies — can dents’ grades for three years with worry about in school can help us
help students view struggles in no reinforcement from research- develop targeted interventions.
school not as a threat (“Am I ers, halving the achievement gap These interventions can require
dumb?”) but as an opportunity to (Walton & Cohen, 2011). only one or several class periods
grow and learn (“This will make and modest resources. Sometimes
my brain stronger!”). In rigorous they can even be delivered over
randomized experiments, even Stealthy approaches don’t the Internet (see
relatively brief messages and ex- Yet all of these interventions have
feel controlling and don’t
ercises designed to reinforce this been experimentally evaluated
growth mindset improved student stigmatize students as in need and can have powerful effects on
achievement over several months, of help, factors that could do students’ grades and test scores.
including the achievement of But they are not “magic.” They
low-income and minority stu- more harm than good. are not worksheets or phrases that
dents (Aronson, Fried, & Good, will universally or automatically
2002; Blackwell, Trzesniewski & raise grades. Psychological inter-
Dweck, 2007). Second, values affirmation ventions will help students only
Buttressing belonging and interventions give students op- when they are delivered in ways
reducing stress. Worrying about portunities to reflect on personal that change how students think
belonging — “Do I belong? Will values that bring them a sense of and feel in school, and when stu-
other students and teachers value belonging and identity, such as re- dent performance suffers in part
me?” — is a chronic stressor. Stu- lationships with friends and fam- from psychological factors rather
dents from historically marginal- ily, religion, or artistic pursuits. than entirely from other problems
ized groups, like black and Latino Students reflect on these values like poverty or neighborhood
students or women in quantita- through structured in-class writ- trauma. That means interventions
tive fields, may worry more about ing assignments timed to coincide depend critically on the school
belonging. When students worry with stressors throughout the context, as we elaborate below.
about belonging and something year. These interventions shore
goes wrong — for instance, when up belonging in school and boost How psychological
a student feels left out, criticized, the GPAs of students contending interventions work
or disrespected — it can seem like with negative stereotypes in both
Psychological interventions
proof that they don’t belong. This adolescence and college.
raise student achievement by:
can increase stress and undermine High standards and assur-
students’ motivation and engage- ance. Many students, but espe- Changing students’ subjective
ment over time. cially students who face negative experience in school — what
Two types of interventions stereotypes, worry that a teacher school feels like for them,
can remedy these worries. First, could be biased or unfair. They their construals of themselves
social-belonging interventions may wonder if critical feedback is and the classroom;
convey the positive message that a genuine attempt to help them or
Leveraging powerful but psy-
almost all students worry about reflects bias against their group —
chologically wise tactics that
belonging at some point (“your something understandable given
deliver the treatment mes-
the historical marginalization of
sage effectively without
DAVID YEAGER (yeager@psy.utexas. their group. Even a little mistrust
generating problematic side
edu) is an assistant professor of de- can harm a student’s learning.
effects like stigmatizing re-
velopmental psychology at University But when minority students were
cipients; and
of Texas, Austin, Texas. GREGORY encouraged to see critical feed-
WALTON ( is an back as a sign of their teacher’s Tapping into self-reinforcing
assistant professor of psychology and high standards and his or her or recursive processes that
GEOFFREY L. COHEN (glc@stanford. belief in their potential to reach sustain the effects of early
edu) is a professor of education and those standards, they no longer interventions (Garcia & Co-
psychology at Stanford University, perceived bias (Cohen, Steele, hen, 2012; Yeager & Wal-
Stanford, Calif. & Ross, 1999). In rigorous field ton, 2011).

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Construal. Each psychologi- approaches don’t feel controlling ships in school, these become
cal intervention began by under- and don’t stigmatize students as sources of support and learning
standing what school feels like in need of help, factors that could that promote feelings of belong-
to students. These interventions do more harm than good (Ross & ing and academic success. When
may seem small to outside observ- Nisbett, 1991). students achieve success beyond
ers, and often they are in terms Often psychological interven- what they thought possible, their
of time and cost relative to other tions are brief — not extensive beliefs about their own agency
school reforms. But to a student or repeated. Excessive repetition often improve, leading them to
who worries that a poor test score risks sending the message that become more invested in school,
means that she is stupid or could students are seen as needing help further improving performance,
be seen as stupid, learning that or may undermine the credibil- and reinforcing their belief in
the brain can grow and form new ity of a reassuring message (as in their potential for growth. As stu-
connections when challenged, or “thou doth protest too much”). In dents perform well, they’re placed
being told that a teacher believes this way, delivering psychologi- in higher-level classes — gateways
that she can meet a higher stan- cal interventions differs markedly that raise expectations, expose
dard, can be powerful. Despite its from teaching academic content. them to high-achieving peers, and
subtlety — or perhaps because of it Academic content is complex and put them on a trajectory of suc-
— the message assuages fears that taught layer on layer: The more cess. A well-timed, well-targeted
might stifle learning. math students are taught, the psychological intervention can
Psychologically wise deliv- more math they learn. Changing improve students’ relationships,
ery. Psychological interventions students’ psychology, by contrast, experiences, and performance at
change how students think or feel can call for a light touch. a critical stage and thus improve
about school or about themselves their trajectory through their
in school. If they don’t deliver One mistake is to encourage school careers (Yeager & Wal-
their message in a way that leads ton, 2011). It is thus essential to
to these changes, they won’t be
students to give “more effort” intervene early, before a negative
effective. Each intervention used when they really need not only recursive process has gained mo-
a delivery mechanism that drew mentum, if we are to improve stu-
to apply more effort but also
on research into how to make dents’ outcomes over long periods
messages stick. Rather than sim- change strategy. (Garcia & Cohen, 2012).
ply presenting an appeal to a stu- Education occurs in a complex
dent, each intervention enlisted Recursive processes. What can system. If students are to suc-
students to actively generate the seem especially mysterious is how ceed, they need both learning
intervention itself. For instance, a brief or one-shot psychological opportunities and openness to
one delivery mechanism involves intervention can generate effects these opportunities. As a result,
asking students to write letters to that persist over long periods. it would be absurd to replace tra-
younger students advocating for For instance, people may assume ditional educational reforms, like
the intervention message (e.g., that an intervention must remain improving curricula, pedagogy, or
“Tell a younger student why the on students’ minds to retain its teacher quality, with psychologi-
brain can grow”). As research on effects. But, like many experi- cal interventions. Indeed, making
the “saying-is-believing” effect ences, a psychological interven- students optimistic about school
shows, generating and advocating tion will become less salient as it without actually giving them op-
a persuasive message to a recep- recedes in time. A key to under- portunities to learn could not only
tive audience is a powerful means standing the long-lasting effects be ineffective but counterproduc-
of persuasion (Aronson, 1999). of psychological interventions tive. Psychological interventions
Similarly, rather than telling stu- is to understand how they tap work only because they catalyze
dents that they are successfully into self-reinforcing processes the student’s potential and the
meeting important values in their in schools — like how students classroom resources for growth.
lives, values affirmations have stu- make friends and then feel more
dents self-generate ways in which confident they belong, how they Use psychological
this is the case. build relationships with teachers interventions thoughtfully
Although such delivery mecha- who give them more support and Excellent teachers already use
nisms are psychologically power- encouragement, and how they versions of the techniques dis-
ful, they are also stealthy, which simply feel more confident in cussed here. But, when trying
may increase their effectiveness. their ability to learn and succeed. to improve those techniques by
None of the interventions expose In education, early success be- applying psychological interven-
students to a persuasive appeal gets more success. As students tions, practitioners will want to be
(e.g., “You should know that your study, learn, and build academic thoughtful. Psychology is subtle,
teachers are not biased”) or tell skills, they’re better prepared to and you can make many mistakes
them they are receiving “an inter- learn and perform in the future. when trying to change it (believe
vention” to help them. Stealthy As students form better relation- us — we’ve made them).
64 Kappan February 2013
One mistake is to encourage such overpraising risks worsening intelligence and achievement across
students to give “more effort” student psychology by convey- the junior high school transition: A
when they really need not only ing low expectations or by send- longitudinal study and an intervention.
apply more effort but also change ing the message that ability rather Child Development, 78, 246-263.
strategy. Effort is necessary but it than effort and strategy matter
is not the sole ingredient for suc- the most. Cohen, G.L., Steele, C.M., & Ross,
cess. When confronted with con- Good teachers often know the L.D. (1999). The mentor’s dilemma:
tinued failures despite heightened importance of belonging, growth, Providing critical feedback across the
effort, students might conclude and positive affirmation. But they racial divide. Personality and Social
that they can’t succeed, sapping may not know the best ways to Psychology Bulletin, 25, 1302-1318.
bring these about. Well-intended
Psychological interventions practices can sometimes even do Dweck, C.S. (2006). Mindset. New
more harm than good. At the York, NY: Random House.
complement — and do not same time, researchers may not
always know the best way to make Garcia, J. & Cohen, G.L. (2012). A
replace — traditional
their interventions speak to stu- social-psychological approach to
educational reforms. dents in a given class. And many educational intervention. In E. Shafir
of the interventions developed (Ed.), Behavioral foundations of policy,
their motivation. Effective growth here were borne of observations pp. 329-350. Princeton, NJ: Princeton
mindset interventions challenge of real-world success stories — University Press. https://ed.stanford.
the myth that raw ability matters educators who boosted the per- edu/sites/default/files/social_psych_
most by teaching the fuller for- formance and life chances of their perspective_education.pdf A well-timed,
mula for success: effort + strate- at-risk youth. This is why, going
gies + help from others. forward, we believe it is critical Harber, K.D., Gorman, J.L., Gengaro, well-targeted
Second, any psychological in- for educators and practitioners to F.P., & Butisingh, S. (in press). Students’ psychological
tervention can be implemented work together to develop ways to race and teachers’ social support intervention
poorly. The devil is in the details: change students’ psychology in affect the positive feedback bias in
An intervention to instill belong- school for the better. can improve
public schools. Journal of Educational
ing, a growth mindset, or a sense students’
of affirmation hinges on subtle Conclusion Psychology, 104 (4), 1149-1161.
and not-so-subtle procedural Psychological interventions Ross, L. & Nisbett, R.E. (1991). The experiences,
craft. Classroom activities that complement — and do not re- person and the situation: Perspectives
promote a rah-rah ethos or that place — traditional educational and
of social psychology. New York, NY:
express platitudes (“everyone be- reforms. They don’t teach stu- McGraw-Hill.
longs here”) but don’t make stu- dents academic content or skills, at a critical
dents feel personally valued and restructure schools, or improve Steele, C.M., Spencer, S.J., & Aronson,
stage and thus
respected will fail. Bolstering a teaching. A psychological inter- J. (2002). Contending with group
sense of belonging for poor-per- vention will never teach a student improve their
image: The psychology of stereotype
forming students requires estab- to spell or do fractions. Instead, and social identity threat. In M.P. Zanna trajectory
lishing credible norms that worry it will allow students to seize op- through their
(Ed.), Advances in experimental social
about belonging are common portunities to learn. Psychological
and tend to fade with time — not and structural interventions when psychology (Vol. 34), pp. 379-440. San school careers.
rah-rah boosterism. Similarly, combined could go a long way Diego, CA: Academic Press.
values affirmation exercises might toward solving the nation’s educa- Walton, G.M. & Cohen, G.L. (2011).
backfire if they’re delivered in a tional problems.K A brief social-belonging intervention
cursory way or seen as something
improves academic and health
that the teacher cares little about. References
A third example of well- outcomes of minority students.
intended but unwise strategies Aronson, E. (1999). The power of self- Science, 331, 1447-1451.
for changing student psychol- persuasion. American Psychologist, 54,
Yeager, D.S., Purdie-Vaughns, V.,
ogy involves teacher feedback. 875-884.
Garcia, J., Pebley, P., & Cohen, G.L.
Many teachers are tempted to
Aronson, J., Fried, C., & Good, (2012). Lifting a barrier of mistrust:
overpraise students for mediocre
performance, especially students C. (2002). Reducing the effects of “Wise” feedback to racial minorities.
who face negative stereotypes, so stereotype threat on African-American Unpublished manuscript. Austin, TX:
as to appear unbiased and boost college students by shaping theories University of Texas.
student self-esteem (Harber, Gor- of intelligence. Journal of Experimental
Yeager, D.S. & Walton, G. (2011).
man, Gengaro, & Butisingh, in Social Psychology, 38, 113-125.
press). Sometimes, teachers go Social-psychological interventions in
out of their way to praise student Blackwell, L.A., Trzesniewski, K.H., education: They’re not magic. Review of
ability on classroom tasks. But & Dweck, C.S. (2007). Theories of Educational Research, 81, 267-301.

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