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Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery (2012) 65, 219e227

Fat grafting accelerates revascularisation and

decreases fibrosis following thermal injury*
Steven M. Sultan a, Jason S. Barr a, Parag Butala a, Edward H. Davidson b,
Andrew L. Weinstein a, Denis Knobel a, Pierre B. Saadeh a,
Stephen M. Warren a, Sydney R. Coleman a, Alexes Hazen a,*

Institute of Reconstructive Plastic Surgery, New York University Medical Center, 560 First Avenue, TCH-169, New York,
NY 10017, USA
University of Pittsburgh Division of Plastic Surgery, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, PA, USA

Received 21 April 2011; accepted 24 August 2011

KEYWORDS Summary Background: Fat grafting has been shown clinically to improve the quality of burn
Burn; scars. To date, no study has explored the mechanism of this effect. We aimed to do so by
Fat graft; combining our murine model of fat grafting with a previously described murine model of
Stem cell thermal injury.
Methods: Wild-type FVB mice (n Z 20) were anaesthetised, shaved and depilitated. Brass rods
were heated to 100  C in a hot water bath before being applied to the dorsum of the mice for
10 s, yielding a full-thickness injury. Following a 2-week recovery period, the mice underwent
Doppler scanning before being fat/sham grafted with 1.5 cc of human fat/saline. Half were
sacrificed 4 weeks following grafting, and half were sacrificed 8 weeks following grafting. Both
groups underwent repeat Doppler scanning immediately prior to sacrifice. Burn scar samples
were taken following sacrifice at both time points for protein quantification, CD31 staining
and Picrosirius red staining.
Results: Doppler scanning demonstrated significantly greater flux in fat-grafted animals than
saline-grafted animals at 4 weeks (fat Z 305  15.77 mV, saline Z 242  15.83 mV;
p Z 0.026). Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) analysis in fat-grafted animals
demonstrated significant increase in vasculogenic proteins at 4 weeks (vascular endothelial
growth factor (VEGF): fat Z 74.3  4.39 ng ml e1 , saline Z 34.3  5.23 ng ml e1; p Z 0.004)
( s t r o m a l c e l l - d e r i v e d f a c t o r - 1 ( S D F - 1 ) : f a t Z 5 1 . 8  1 . 2 3 n g m l e1 , s a l i n e g r a f -
ted Z 10.2  3.22 ng mle1; p < 0.001) and significant decreases in fibrotic markers at 8 weeks
(transforming growth factor-ß1(TGF-ß): saline Z 9.30  0.93, fat Z 4.63  0.38 ng ml e1 ;
p Z 0 . 0 0 2 ) ( m a t r i x m e t a l l o p e p t i d a s e 9 ( M M P 9 ) : s a l i n e Z 1 3 . 0 5  1 . 2 1 n g m l e1 ,

Presented in part at: iFats Annual Conference e Dallas, TX, USA, October 2010, Northeastern Society of Plastic Surgeons Annual Meeting
e Washington D.C., USA, October 2010.
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ1 212 263 8745; fax: þ1 212 263 2138.
E-mail address: (A. Hazen).

1748-6815/$ - see front matter ª 2011 British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
220 S.M. Sultan et al.

fat Z 6.83  1.39 ng mle1; p Z 0.010). CD31 staining demonstrated significantly up-regulated
vascularity at 4 weeks in fat-grafted animals (fat Z 30.8  3.39 vessels per high power field
(hpf), saline Z 20.0  0.91 vessels per high power field (hpf); p Z 0.029). Sirius red staining
demonstrated significantly reduced scar index in fat-grafted animals at 8 weeks
(fat Z 0.69  0.10, saline Z 2.03  0.53; p Z 0.046).
Conclusions: Fat grafting resulted in more rapid revascularisation at the burn site as measured
by laser Doppler flow, CD31 staining and chemical markers of angiogenesis. In turn, this re-
sulted in decreased fibrosis as measured by Sirius red staining and chemical markers.
ª 2011 British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons. Published by
Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

According to the American Burn Association, there are a depilatory agent to remove all remaining hair. The
approximately half a million burns requiring medical animals were then divided evenly into two groups: the first
attention in the United States each year.1 Early burn group consisted of animals that underwent subcutaneous
progression and inadequate systems of measurement fat grafting (n Z 10) 2 weeks following thermal injury,
complicate assessment of burn depth.2 Many deep partial- while the second group consisted of animals that under-
thickness burns are therefore treated without surgical went subcutaneous saline grafting (n Z 10) 2 weeks
intervention. Left to heal without excision and skin graft- following thermal injury.
ing, deep burns often result in fibrotic scars characterised
by abnormal colour, texture, thickness and pliability.3
When untreated burns are located in cosmetically sensi-
Laser Doppler scanning
tive areas, significant deformity can result. A number of
topical and minimally invasive techniques have been used All animals were subjected to laser Doppler scanning at
in an attempt to improve the quality and appearance of three separate points in the study: immediately prior to
burn scars. These treatment options include topical silicone thermal injury, 2 weeks following thermal injury (immedi-
gels, pressure dressings, corticosteroids and, most recently, ately prior to fat or saline grafting) and immediately prior
autologous fat grafting.4e7 to wound bed harvest (at 4 or 8 weeks following grafting).
Over the last decade, the tissue engineering community Once anaesthetised and shaved, the animals were oriented
has come to recognise the regenerative potential of vertically within the field of the laser Doppler scanner
adipose tissue.8 In turn, plastic surgeons have translated (MoorLDI2-IR; Moor Instruments, Devon, UK) and scanned. A
this revelation into clinical applications. Autologous fat 0.25-cm2 area at the centre of the burn wound was isolated
grafts have been used in a number of settings to improve and the flux (mV), a measure of blood flow, was calculated
the quality of overlying tissues.9e11 In one study, clinical within this region of interest (MoorLDI Measurement
improvement of hypertrophic burn scars was noted Software).
following autologous fat grafting beneath the burn site.7 To
date, no study has examined the effect of fat grafting on Thermal injury
burns in a controlled experiment. Employing our model of
murine fat grafting in conjunction with a previously Anaesthetised and shaved animals were subjected to
described murine model of thermal injury, we aimed to a single burn wound on their dorsum. A 10-mm brass hex
determine the mechanism by which fat grafting may effect cap screw (Grainger Industrial Supply, Lake Forest, IL, USA)
change within a burn scar.12,13 To this end, markers of neo- was heated to 100  C in a hot water bath before being
vascularisation and fibrosis were compared in fat- and applied to the dorsal skin of the anaesthetised animals for
saline-treated mice at two time points following thermal 10 s. This application was found in preliminary studies to
injury. produce a consistent full-thickness burn. The animals were
allowed to recover under a heat lamp and were kept
thereafter in a supervised animal facility with murine food
Materials and methods pellets and water ad libitum.


This study was approved by the NYU Medical Center Insti-

tutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC #070911-
02). The study was designed as follows (Figure 1): Ten-
week-old wild type FVB mice (n Z 20) (Jackson Laborato-
ries, Bar Harbor, ME, USA) were anesthetised using a murine
anaesthetic cocktail consisting of ketamine, xylazine and
acepromazine (0.1 ml/10 g intra-peritoneal (IP)). Their
dorsal skin was shaved using an electric clipper followed by Figure 1 Study timeline.
Fat grafting in burn injury 221

Fat grafting and matrix metallopeptidase 9 (MMP9) were carried out on

samples from both groups at both time points (n Z 5 in each
Fat or sham grafting was carried out 2 weeks following group at each time point). Briefly, samples and controls
thermal injury using our previously described murine model were loaded into antibody-coated microplates along with
of fat grafting.12 This time point was chosen because a firm 50 ml of assay diluent. The plate was then incubated for 2 h
eschar formed at the burn site within 2 weeks following before 100 ml of conjugate was added to each well. The
injury. The mice were anaesthetised before the posterior plates were incubated for a further 2 h before 100 ml of
part of their dorsal skin was shaved and prepared in an substrate solution was added. The plate was then incu-
aseptic fashion. A small incision was made in the posterior bated in the dark for 30 min after which 100 ml of stop
midline of the dorsum. Discarded human fat (IRB #H12756- solution was added. The absorbance was then read using
01b) was processed using the Coleman technique.14 The a SpectraMax 340 (Molecular Devices, Sunnyvale, CA, USA).
highest density fat was partitioned into 1-cc syringes using Finally, the measured absorbance was converted to protein
a luer lock to luer lock transfer system (Part No. LL-LL12; concentration using SoftMax Pro Data Analysis Software
Mentor, Santa Barbara, CA, USA). The fat was then infil- (Molecular Devices, Sunnyvale, CA, USA).
trated beneath the dorsal skin of the mouse using a Style-1
Coleman Infiltration Cannula (Part No. COL-17; Mentor,
Santa Barbara, CA, USA). Each animal was diffusely infil- PCR arrays
trated with 1.5 cc of fat. The incision was then closed using
4/0 nylon sutures. Sham-grafted animals were treated in an Reverse transcription was performed using the QuantiTect
identical fashion, but 1.5 cc of sterile saline were injected Reverse Transcription kit (Qiagen). Expression of mouse
in place of fat. The animals were allowed to recover under Bax, Bcl-2, HIF-1, VEGF, SDF-1, Col1a1, MMP9, Smad3, TGF-
a heat lamp before being returned to the supervised animal b1 and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases (TIMP-1)
facility. messenger RNAs (mRNAs) was measured in samples from
both groups at both time points (n Z 5 in each group at each
Serial photography time point) by the real-time quantitative RT-PCR method
using SYBR green master mix (Qiagen) and the ABI Prism
7900HT Sequence Detection System (Applied Biosystems,
Mice were photographed serially to evaluate progression of
Foster City, CA, USA) (Table 1 e primer sequences). Rela-
thermal injury or other apparent changes following fat/
tive mRNA levels were determined by the comparative
sham grafting.
threshold cycle (2DDCT) method. The expression of all
mRNAs was normalised to that of 18s mRNA.
Tissue harvest

Dorsal skin was harvested for analysis at 4 weeks and 8 CD31 staining
weeks following grafting (n Z 5 from each treatment group
at each time point). The mice were sacrificed by CO2 CD31 staining was carried out as a measure of vascularity
narcosis and cervical dislocation. A central 1.5-cm2 portion using a previously described protocol.15 Five previously
dorsal skin was then excised from the burn scar site. embedded and sectioned slides from each group at each
Remaining portions of the fat graft or other subcutaneous time point were deparaffinised before being incubated in
tissue adherent to the skin were removed. Each sample was 3% H2O2 for 10 min. They were then washed in wash buffer
then divided evenly into three pieces designated for poly- for 5 min. The slides were then blocked with 150 ml of
merase chain reaction (PCR) arrays, enzyme-linked immu- blocking solution for 1 h at room temperature before 150 ml
nosorbent assay (ELISA) assays and histologic analysis, of CD-31 antibody (Abcam, Cambridge, MA, USA) was added
respectively. Following homogenisation of tissue samples in a 1:50 dilution and allowed to incubate on the slides
(Polytron tissue homogeniser; Kinematica, Bohemia, NY, overnight at 4  C. The primary antibody was then removed
USA) nucleic acid and protein extraction were performed and the slides were washed in wash buffer before 150 ml of
(AllPrep DNA/RNA/Protein Mini Kitl; Qiagen, Valencia, CA, secondary antibody (Vector Labs, Burlingame, CA, USA) was
USA). Following extractions, RNA and DNA were quantified added to each of the sections. They were then incubated
with a Nanodrop-1000 Spectrophotometer (Thermo Fisher for 30 min at room temperature. Following a 30-min incu-
Scientific Inc., Waltham, MA, USA). Protein was quantified bation in 150 ml of ABC Reagent at room temperature, the
using a Pierce 660 nm Protein Assay (Thermo Fisher Scien- sections were washed in wash buffer before 150 ml of DAB
tific, Rockford, IL, USA) and spectrophotometer. Skin reagent was added to each. The DAB reagent was allowed
samples intended for histology were fixed in formalin for to incubate until there was a visible colour change
24 h before being transferred to 70% ethanol. These (approximately 2 min). The slides were then dehydrated in
samples were then embedded in paraffin, sectioned and three changes of 100% ethanol before being mounted.
mounted. Following staining, slides were examined under the
microscope at high power using red light excitation to
ELISA protein quantification demonstrate 40 ,6-diamino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) staining of
cell nuclei. Slides were then viewed under green light
ELISAs (R&D Systems, Minneapolis, MN, USA) for vascular excitation to demonstrate CD31-positive cells. DAPI and
endothelial growth factor (VEGF), stromal cell-derived CD31 images were acquired of multiple unique fields before
factor-1 (SDF-1), transforming growth factor-b1 (TGF-b1) composite images were created by superimposing them.
222 S.M. Sultan et al.

Table 1 PCR primer sequences.

Protein Forward Reverse

Finally, the number of CD31 positive vessels was quantified Laser Doppler scanning
in each composite high-powered field.
Laser Doppler scanning (Figure 3) 2 weeks following
Picrosirius red staining thermal injury demonstrated significantly decreased flux
through the zone of injury when compared with uninjured
Picrosirius red staining was carried out as a measure of control mouse skin (control flux Z 392  7.25 mV, burn
collagen organisation. Five previously embedded and flux Z 189  10.26 mV; p < 0.001). Four weeks following
sectioned blank slides from each group at each time point fat and saline grafting (6 weeks following thermal
were deparaffinised and hydrated. They were then stained injury), fat-grafted animals demonstrated significantly
in Weigert’s haematoxylin for 8 min before being rinsed in greater flux through the burn wound than saline-treated
tap water for 10 min. This was followed by staining in pic- animals (fat grafted Z 305  15.77 mV, saline grafted Z
rosirius red (Sigma Aldrich, St. Louis, MO, USA) for 1 h 242  15.83 mV; p Z 0.026). Eight weeks following fat and
before being washed in two changes of acidified water. The saline grafting (10 weeks following thermal injury), fat-
slides were then dehydrated in three changes of 100% grafted animals continued to demonstrate greater flux in
ethanol before being mounted in a resinous medium.16 the burn wound bed when compared with the saline-
Following staining, slides were viewed under the grafted animals, though this difference was no longer
microscope using a polarising filter (Olympus USA, Center statistically significant (fat grafted Z 327  6.87 mV, saline
Valley, PA, USA). Representative images were chosen at grafted Z 303  7.19 mV; p Z 0.054).
random from each slide and captured. Colours within the
yellow-green spectrum and the red-orange spectrum were
selected and quantified (Nikon NIS-Elements BR software; ELISA protein quantification
Nikon Instruments Inc., Melville, NY, USA). When viewed
under polarised light, organised collagen stained with Sirius Concentrations of both VEGF and SDF-1 were significantly
red appears yellow-green. Fibrotic, disorganised collagen elevated in fat-grafted animals 4 weeks following
appears red-orange. As previously described, the ratio of grafting when compared with saline-grafted animals
the area that falls within the red-orange spectrum to the at the same time point (VEGF: fat grafted Z 74.3  4.39
area within the yellow-green spectrum is the Scar Index, an ng mle1, saline grafted Z 34.3  5.23 ng mle1; p Z 0.004)
effective measure of collagen disorganisation.17 A Scar (SDF-1: fat grafted Z 51.8  1.23 ng mle1, saline grafted
Index was obtained from each of the images by the above Z 10.2  3.22 ng mle1; p < 0.001) (Figure 4(A)). Eight
method. weeks following grafting both VEGF and SDF-1
remained significantly elevated in fat-grafted animals
Statistics when compared with saline-grafted animals (VEGF: fat
grafted Z 12.4  1.22 ng mle1, saline grafted Z 1.2  0.29
Results were compared using paired t-tests to determine ng mle1; p < 0.001) (SDF-1: fat grafted Z 2.3  0.31
significance between groups. P-values less than 0.05 were ng mle1, saline grafted Z 1.4  0.19 ng mle1; p Z 0.035).
considered significant. There was no significant difference in the concentration
of TGF-b when comparing fat- and saline-grafted animals
4 weeks following grafting (fat grafted Z 1.29  0.95
Results ng mle1, saline grafted Z 2.31  0.06 ng mle1; p Z 0.34).
The same was true when comparing the concentration
Serial photography of MMP9 in fat- and saline-grafted animals 4 weeks
following grafting (fat grafted Z 8.03  2.31 ng mle1, saline
Serial photography (Figure 2) demonstrated improvements grafted Z 6.61  2.03 ng mle1; p Z 0.66). Eight weeks
in colouration and texture in the burn scars of fat-grafted following grafting, the concentration of both TGF-ß and
animals when compared to saline-grafted controls. MMP9 were significantly increased in saline-grafted animals
Fat grafting in burn injury 223

Figure 2 Serial photography: serial photography demonstrates improvements in colouration and texture in the burn scars of fat
grafted animals when compared to saline grafted controls.

when compared with fat-grafted animals (TGF-b: saline

grafted Z 9.30  0.93 ng mle1, fat grafted Z 4.63  0.38;
p Z 0.002) (MMP9: saline grafted Z 13.05  1.21 ng mle1,
fat grafted Z 6.83  1.39 ng mle1; p Z 0.010) (Figure 4(B)).

PCR arrays

PCR for vasculogenic markers demonstrated up-regulation

in fat-grafted animals 4 weeks following grafting. This up-
regulation was statistically significant in both VEGF and
SDF-1 (VEGF saline:fat Z 1:3.78, p Z 0.02; SDF-1 saline:-
fat Z 1:2.34, p Z 0.04; hypoxia-inducible factor-1 (HIF-1)
saline:fat Z 1:1.89, p Z 0.06). PCR for the pro-apoptotic
factor BAX demonstrated decreased expression in fat-
grafted animals 4 weeks following grafting (BAX saline:-
fat Z 1:0.72, p Z 0.069). Moreover, PCR for Bcl-2, an anti-
apoptotic factor, demonstrated significant up-regulation in
fat-grafted animals at the same time point (Bcl-2 saline:-
fat Z 1:5.99, p Z 0.007) (Figure 5(A)). There was no
Figure 3 Laser Doppler scanning: blood flow was assessed at significant difference in these vascular and apoptotic
the burn site using a laser doppler scanner. A flow void was markers 8 weeks following fat and saline grafting (data not
present prior to fat and saline grafting (note: dashed line shown).
indicates average flux measured immediately prior to grafting, PCR for fibrotic factors Col1a1, MMP9, Smad3, TGF-b and
188  10.26 mV). This void gradually resolved in both groups TIMP-1 demonstrated no significant differences in mRNA
over the course of the experiment. Flow at the burn site was expression between fat- and saline-grafted animals 4 weeks
significantly increased in fat grafted animals at four weeks following grafting (data not shown). Eight weeks following
when compared to saline grafted controls (fat graf- grafting there was, with the exception of Smad3, significant
ted Z 305  15.77 mV, saline grafted Z 242  15.83; down-regulation detected in all cases (Col1a1 saline:-
p Z 0.026). fat Z 1:0.38, p < 0.01; MMP9 saline:fat Z 1:0.58, p Z 0.03;
224 S.M. Sultan et al.

Figure 5 PCR arrays: (A) PCR for vasculogenic markers

demonstrated upregulation in fat grafted animals four weeks
Figure 4 ELISA protein quantification: (A) Vasculogenic
following grafting (VEGF saline:fat Z 1:3.78, p Z 0.02; SDF-1
markers VEGF and SDF were both significantly upregulated
saline:fat Z 1:2.34, p Z 0.04; HIF-1 saline:fat Z 1:1.89,
in fat grafted animals four weeks following grafting
p Z 0.06). PCR for proapoptotic factor BAX demonstrated
when compared to saline grafted controls (VEGF:
decreased expression in fat grafted animals four weeks
fat Z 74.3  4.39 ng/ml, saline Z 34.3  5.23; p Z 0.004)(SDF-
following grafting (BAX saline:fat Z 1:0.72, p Z 0.069). PCR for
1: fat Z 51.8  1.23 ng/ml, saline Z 10.2  3.22; p < 0.001).
Bcl-2, an anti-apoptotic factor, demonstrated significant
(B) Fibrotic markers MMP9 and TGF-ß were both significantly
upregulation in fat grafted animals at the same time point (Bcl-
downregulated in fat grafted animals eight weeks following
2 saline:fat Z 1:5.99, p Z 0.007). (B) PCR for fibrotic factors
grafting when compare to saline grafted controls (MMP9: sali-
Col1a1, MMP9, Smad3, TGF-ß, and TIMP-1 eight weeks
ne Z 13.05  1.21 ng/ml, fat Z 6.83  1.39; p Z 0.010)(TGF-ß:
following grafting demonstrated downregulation in fat grafted
saline Z 9.30  0.93 ng/ml, fat Z 4.63  0.38; p Z 0.002).
animals when compared to saline grafted controls (Col1a1
saline:fat Z 1:0.38, p < 0.01; MMP9 saline:fat Z 1:0.58.
Smad3 saline:fat Z 1:0.81, p Z 0.27; TGF-b saline:- p Z 0.03; Smad3 saline:fat Z 1:0.81, p Z 0.27; TGF-ß saline:-
fat Z 1:0.23, p < 0.01; TIMP-1 saline:fat Z 1:0.12, fat Z 1:0.23, p < 0.01; TIMP-1 saline:fat Z 1:0.12, p < 0.01).
p < 0.01) (Figure 5(B)).
was not obtained at this time point as collagen bundles
Histology were not sufficiently formed within the scar to generate
a scar index by the above-described protocol). Eight weeks
CD31 staining at 4 weeks following grafting demonstrated following grafting, however, burn scars harvested from fat-
significantly greater vascular density surrounding the burn grafted animals demonstrated a significantly lower scar
wound in fat-grafted animals when compared with saline- index than burn scars harvested from saline-grafted animals
treated animals (fat grafted Z 30.8  3.39 vessels per hpf, (fat grafted Z 0.69  0.10, saline grafted Z 2.03  0.53;
saline grafted Z 20.0  0.91 vessels per hpf; p Z 0.029) p Z 0.046) (Figure 6(B)).
(Figure 6(A)). Eight weeks following grafting, vascular
density in the tissue surrounding the burn wound was
again found to be significantly greater in fat-grafted Discussion
animals when compared with saline-grafted animals
(fat grafted Z 18.4  1.8 vessels per hpf, saline Applying our murine model of fat grafting in the setting
grafted Z 12.3  1.4 vessels per hpf; p Z 0.038). of thermal injury resulted in accelerated revascularisa-
Picrosirius red staining at 4 weeks following grafting did tion of burn scar tissue and, ultimately, decreased
not demonstrate a significant difference in fibrosis between fibrosis. Serial photography demonstrated improvement in
fat-grafted animals and saline-grafted animals (a scar index the texture and extent of burn scars grafted with fat in
Fat grafting in burn injury 225

Figure 6 Histology: (A) CD31 staining four weeks following grafting demonstrated a significantly increased number of vessels per
high powered field at the periphery of the burn site in fat grafted animals when compared to saline grafted controls
(fat Z 30.8  3.39 vessels/hpf, saline Z 20.0  0.91; p Z 0.029). (Note: white arrows indicate examples of representative CD31þ
vessels). (B) Sirius red staining eight weeks following grafting demonstrated more organised collagen at the burn site fat grafted
animals when compared to saline grafted controls (note: yellow/green, organized collagen; red/orange, disorganized collagen).

place of saline (Figure 2). Revascularisation of the burn zone of stasis.18 In response, endothelial progenitor cells
scar, as measured using laser Doppler scanning (Figure 3) (EPCs) are mobilised from the bone marrow.19 EPCs are
and CD31 staining (Figure 6(A)), was significantly more known to home to areas of ischaemia and differentiate into
advanced in fat-grafted animals 4 weeks following endothelial cells that are instrumental in blood vessel
grafting. This finding was paralleled by pro-vasculogenic formation.20 The concentration of EPCs in circulation peaks
changes in gene expression found on ELISA (Figure 4(A)) around 24 h following a burn and drops off significantly
and pro-vasculogenic/anti-apoptotic trends in PCR arrays afterward, however, returning to basal levels within 72 h.19 It
(Figure 5(A)) (e.g., a 3.78-fold increase in expression of has been shown as well that burns of increasing severity
VEGF mRNA and a 5.99-fold increase in expression of Bcl-2 result in delayed and diminished release of EPCs into circu-
mRNA). lation.13 As a result, many burn wounds revascularise slowly
Eight weeks following grafting, saline-grafted animals and, in turn, mature hypertrophic burn scars demonstrate
were revascularised nearly to the same extent as the fat- functional changes in their microcirculation.13,21,22
grafted animals, as demonstrated by laser Doppler scanning Microcirculatory anomalies play an important role in scar
(Figure 3). Early revascularisation in fat-grafted animals architecture as low oxygen tension induces an up-
proved important, however, in the prevention of fibrosis regulation of TGF-ß1. This factor is an important regu-
at later time points. Eight weeks following grafting, fat- lator of collagen production and, when unchecked,
grafted animals demonstrated significantly less fibrosis fibrosis.23,24 Moreover, hypoxia alters the way in which TGF-
than saline-grafted controls (Figure 6(B)). Significantly ß1 interacts with the MMPs, a family of proteins that
decreased markers of fibrosis were found on both ELISA regulate the remodelling of collagen.25,26 It has therefore
(Figure 4(B)) and PCR arrays (Figure 5(B)) as well, corrob- been suggested that any intervention that improves the
orating this histologic finding (e.g., a 77% reduction in vascularity and, by extension, oxygenation of a burn scar
expression of TGF-ß mRNA). would similarly improve the scar’s quality and texture.13
To understand the clinical significance of early revascu- Early revascularisation of a burn scar may therefore
larisation in a burn wound, it is essential to first consider burn protect the wound bed from up-regulation of TGF-b1 and
pathophysiology. Following a burn, thrombosis in the resultant derangements in collagen synthesis at the early
microvasculature causes ischaemia in an area known as the stage of scar formation.
226 S.M. Sultan et al.

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