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D D A A N NN G GGG E R R O O U U S Late March,
D D A A N N G G E R R O O U U S S 1995

A forum for the free & unmolested IIIII DDDD EEEEE AAA SSS
exchange of ideas submitted to me I D D E A A S S
by members of Mythus-L and all our I D D EEEE AAAAA SS
friends who love the Mythus Game I D D E A A S
and the Dangerous Journeys system. I D D E A A S S
Read it in good health... IIIII DDDD EEEEE A A SSS

Dangerous Ideas is an electronic-only (unless you print out a copy for your-
self) forum for any and all players and Journey Masters who use or merely
enjoy the Dangerous Journey Multi-Genre Game System and the Mythus Fantasy
Role-Playing Game, written by Gary Gygax and Dave Newton, now unfortunately
owned by T$R. Note that almost everything discussed in this more-or-less
periodical is in one way or another related to Dangerous Journeys and the
Mythus game. The game and all its related copyrights are owned by T$R, and
are totally used without any kind of permission whatsoever. That's okay,
since no one here is planning on stealing any of their business, making any
money, or actually publishing this thing for any kind of sale. If anyone
out there has a problem with this: tough. I don't want to deal with it...
Dangerous Ideas is put together by Jesse Griffis, better known on the Net as
Hawkeye, but is really written by the members of Mythus-L, who submit their
ideas to me for inclusion herein. By doing that, they do NOT relinquish any
of their rights to their created material, so if you plan on using some of it
somewhere, do us all a favor and ask...
You can join Mythus-L by writing to LISTSERV@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU and saying
"Subscribe <Your Real Name>" as the body of the message. If you need help,
ask whoever you know who knows about mailing lists, or whoever gave this to
you in the first place. Or, if all else fails, write to me and I'll tell you.
Send your submissions, flames, questions, etc., to me at the following:
/-------------------------------------------- | Send ALL mail to that address. Submissions
-------------------------------< _ought_ to have "SUBMISSION" or something to
Each submission will be tagged | that effect as the subject. Some of you
with the name and e-address of | will notice that my address changed. This
the author--for copyrights and | is just because I like that account better.
other potential legal garbage. | The other one will still work, if you would
Ask the author for permission | rather send mail there...
to use any of his/her ideas... |

0. Introduction: Hello again, everyone

1. Mythus Notice: WWW Page
2. Criminals Beware: City Guard stats
3. Fruits of Our Labor: Creating Quality for Normal Items
4. New And Improved: Expanded Quality Rules for Weapons and Armour
5. Bruce Lee's STEEP?: Better Martial Arts Rules
6. Introduction to My World: Tora, on the world Merrh.

Well, everyone, welcome back! Hopefully this time we won't have so
long a wait for each one...
I would like to request something from everyone who reads this: give
me some feedback! This I would almost rather have than new submissions. No,
check that. I want submissions, too. But, I realize that most people don't
have a lot of time on their hands (neither do I!). I think that a simple
reply with a comment or two is possible for most of us... :)

WWW Page(s):
It has come to my attention, and have been posted on the list that
there are a few Mythus WWW Pages that are out there. The four that I know
about are: (the "official one" ?) (Matt Pearson: list owner's) (Mike Phillips') (Muten Roshi's)

I have checked them all out, and they are all useful. I like Mike Phillips',
just because he turned this document into a better-looking Hypertext version.
I suppose (hope) eventually that version will get copied to the other pages...

City Guard:
In my opinion, cities are the life of every world (well, okay, there
has to be exceptions somewhere...). And, of course, you can't really just
let your HP's run wild--the cities need policing. So, from Lucifer, here
are some nicely done samples of such. If you don't like the whole thing, at
least these stats will give you a great place to start...

From: Rodney Morris (Lucifer) <csc3rwm@CABELL.VCU.EDU>

When the HPs decided to go to Waterdeep, from the Moonshae Isles, I

decided that I'd better start with the local authorities. For those
unfamiliar with the Forgotten Realms setting, Waterdeep is the 'big city' of
the Realms. The City Watch is like the local police and the City Guard are
the _highly_ trained soldiers.

Waterdhavian City Watch

Standard Watchman
SEC: 1-6 Joss: 1d6 - 3 Move (yds/BT): 80 Heka: Nil

M: 60, EL: 48 P: 80, WL: 60, CL: 72 S: 60, EL: 48

MM: 30 MR: 30 PM: 40 PN: 40 SM: 30 SP: 30
MMCap: 12 MRCap: 11 PMCap: 14 PNCap: 14 SMCap: 12 SPCap: 12
MMPow: 9 MRPow: 10 PMPow: 14 PNPow: 14 SMPow: 9 SPPow: 9
MMSpd: 9 MRSpd: 9 PMSpd: 12 PNSpd: 12 SMSpd: 9 SPSpd: 9


Combat, Hand Weapons 40
S: Short Sword
S: Dagger
S: Club
Police Work 40
Combat, Hand-to-Hand, Brawling 26

Weapons WP SF Type Amt Bonus BAC Con Dur

(Bludgeon) 5 3 B 1D6 +2 45 W 10/20
Dagger 5 2 P 2D6 +2 45 M 5/20
Sword,Short 6 3 P 3D6 +2 46 M 5/20

Armor Type Avg Pierce Cut Blunt Fire Chem Stun SFP
Armor Ultra 10 7 14 12 8 11 10 1
& Helmet Super 10 7 14 12 8 11 10 1
Vital 3 2 2 2 5 5 2 1
Non 3 2 2 2 5 5 2 1

Armar (Sergeant)
SEC: 1-6 Joss: 1d6 - 3 Move (yds/BT): 90 Heka: Nil

M: 66, EL: 52 P: 90, WL: 67, CL: 81 S: 60, EL: 48

MM: 33 MR: 33 PM: 45 PN: 45 SM: 30 SP: 30
MMCap: 12 MRCap: 11 PMCap: 15 PNCap: 15 SMCap: 12 SPCap: 12
MMPow: 10 MRPow: 11 PMPow: 15 PNPow: 15 SMPow: 9 SPPow: 9
MMSpd: 11 MRSpd: 11 PMSpd: 15 PNSpd: 15 SMSpd: 9 SPSpd: 9


Combat, Hand Weapons 50
S: Short Sword
S: Dagger
S: Club
Police Work 50
Combat, Hand-to-Hand, Brawling 30

Weapons WP SF Type Amt Bonus BAC Con Dur

(Bludgeon) 5 3 B 1D6 +5 55 W 10/20
Dagger 5 2 P 2D6 +5 55 M 5/20
Sword,Short 6 3 P 3D6 +5 56 M 5/20

Armor Type Avg Pierce Cut Blunt Fire Chem Stun SFP
Armor, Ultra 16 15 32 17 9 10 18 4
Camail & Super 14 12 27 15 6 9 15
Helmet Vital 6 7 15 5 3 3 7
Non 9 10 20 7 6 4 10

Civilar (Captain or Lieutenant)

SEC: 1-7 Joss: 1d6 - 2 Move (yds/BT): 100 Heka: Nil

M: 70, EL: 56 P: 100, WL: 75, CL: 90 S: 60, EL: 48

MM: 35 MR: 35 PM: 50 PN: 50 SM: 30 SP: 30
MMCap: 12 MRCap: 12 PMCap: 17 PNCap: 17 SMCap: 12 SPCap: 12
MMPow: 11 MRPow: 11 PMPow: 16 PNPow: 16 SMPow: 9 SPPow: 9
MMSpd: 12 MRSpd: 12 PMSpd: 17 PNSpd: 17 SMSpd: 9 SPSpd: 9


Combat, Hand Weapons 60
S: Short Sword
S: Dagger
S: Club
Police Work 65
Combat, Hand-to-Hand, Brawling 40

Weapons WP SF Type Amt Bonus BAC Con Dur

(Bludgeon) 5 3 B 1D6 +8 65 W 10/20
Dagger 5 2 P 2D6 +8 65 M 5/20
Sword,Short 6 3 P 3D6 +8 66 M 5/20

Armor Type Avg Pierce Cut Blunt Fire Chem Stun SFP
Chain Armor, Ultra 31 25 47 32 24 25 38 5
Camail, breast Super 29 22 42 30 21 24 35
and back plate & Vital 21 17 30 20 18 18 27
Helmet Non 9 10 20 7 6 4 10

Leather and chain armor of black, green and gold. Armed

with rods, daggers and short swords.

Waterdhavian City Guard

Standard Guardsman
SEC: 1-8 Joss: 1d6 - 2 Move (yds/BT): 100 Heka: Nil

M: 80, EL: 64 P: 100, WL: 75, CL: 90 S: 60, EL: 48

MM: 40 MR: 40 PM: 50 PN: 50 SM: 30 SP: 30
MMCap: 14 MRCap: 14 PMCap: 17 PNCap: 17 SMCap: 12 SPCap: 12
MMPow: 13 MRPow: 13 PMPow: 16 PNPow: 16 SMPow: 9 SPPow: 9
MMSpd: 13 MRSpd: 13 PMSpd: 17 PNSpd: 17 SMSpd: 9 SPSpd: 9


Combat, Hand Weapons 60
S: Long Sword
S: Short Sword
S: Dagger
S: Club
S: Spears, etc.
S: Pole-Arms (Cutting)
Police Work 40
Combat, Hand-to-Hand, Brawling 60

Weapons WP SF Type Amt Bonus BAC Con Dur

(Bludgeon) 5 3 B 1D6 +8 65 W 10/20
Dagger 5 2 P 2D6 +8 65 M 5/20
Sword, Short 6 3 P 3D6 +8 66 M 5/20
Sword, Long 5 5 C/P 4D6 +8 65 M 5/20
Halberd 8(x3) 6 C/P 5D6 +8 68 W 10/20

Armor Type Avg Pierce Cut Blunt Fire Chem Stun SFP
Scale Armor, Ultra 45 34 40 37 31 30 41 7
Camail, breast Super 43 31 35 35 28 29 38
and back plate & Vital 35 26 23 25 25 23
Helmet Non 23 19 13 12 13 9 13

Scale armor of black, silver and gold.

The Fruits of Your Labor:
There are plenty of items in the game, and there are rules for quality
with regard to weapons and armor. The next article details new and improved
rules for what higher quality weapons and armor do. But, that leaves the
question: how does a smithy create an item that is of a higher quality? Here
is a simple yet effective house rule:

From: Michael Hill <mhill@UMR.EDU>

Quality DR
------- --
Unsurpassed Extreme (x1/10)
Exceptional Very Difficult (x1/4)
Above Average Difficult (x1/2)
Average Hard (x1)
Below Average Moderate (x2)
Poor Easy (x3)

A Special Success gives a bonus of an improvement in quality by one step.

Also quite possible is the idea that certain materials (like Adamant, etc.)
may be harder to work with, increasing the DR...

Effects of Quality:
Not that there is anything really wrong with the original rules for
quality detailed in Mythus, but here are some new rules. These give more of
a tangible effect to the quality of a martial implement, as you will see:

Michael Hill <mhill@UMR.EDU>

Effect of Quality Upon Weapons:

Price*1 WP*2 SF*1 D. Amt.*2,*3 Range*2

----- -- -- ------- -----
Poor x0.25 x0.8 x1.2 -0.2 x0.8
Below Average x0.5 x0.9 x1.1 -0.1 x0.9
Average x1 x1 x1 0.0 x1
Above Average x2 x1.2 x0.9 +0.1 x1.1
Exceptional x4 x1.4 x0.8 +0.2 x1.2
Unsurpassed x8 x1.6 x0.7 +0.3 x1.3

*1 Round up.
*2 Round down.
*3 Calculate the mean amount of damage done by the weapon in one hit.
Multiple the mean by the factor indicated above to determine the penalty or
bonus. A damage amount rolled during combat that is zero or negative
indicates a hit that did no damage.

Unsurpassed Long Sword
Price = 2800 BUCs { 350 BUCs x 8 }
WP = 8 { 5 x 1.6 }
SF = 4 { 5 x 0.7 = 3.5 }
D. Amt. = 4D6 + 4 { ( 4D6 = ) 4 x 3.5 = 14 x 0.3 = 4.2 }

Poor Dagger
Price = 23 BUCs { 90 BUCs x 0.25 = 22.5 }
Hand Combat:
WP = 4 { 5 x 0.8 }
SF = 3 { 2 x 1.2 = 2.4 }
D. Amt. = 2D6 - 2 { ( 2D6 = ) 2 x 3.5 = 7 x - 0.2 = - 1.4 }
Missile Combat:
WP = 1 { 2 x 0.8 = 1.6 }
Point Blank = 1 { 2 x 0.8 = 1.6 }
Short = 3 { 4 x 0.8 = 3.2 }
Medium = 6 { 8 x 0.8 = 6.4 }
Long = 9 { 12 x 0.8 = 9.6 }
Extreme = 16 { 20 x 0.8 = 16 }

Effect of Quality Upon Armor:

Price*1 D. Prot.*2,*3 SF Pen.*1 D. Rating*4

----- -------- ------- ---------
Poor x0.25 x0.8/x1.2 x1.2 4
Below Average x0.5 x0.9/x1.1 x1.1 7
Average x1 x1/x1 x1 10
Above Average x2 x1.1/x0.9 x0.9 20
Exceptional x4 x1.2/x0.8 x0.8 30
Unsurpassed x8 x1.3/x0.7 x0.7 40

*1 Round up.
*2 Round down.
*3 The second column is used when the damage protection is negative.
*4 The Damage Rating is the number of times the armor may absorb its maximum
damage before being destroyed.

Unsurpassed Plate Armor Suit
Price = 240, 000 BUCs { 30, 000 BUCs x 8 }
Damage Protection vs.
Pierce = 22 { 17 x 1.3 = 22.1 }
Cut = 26 { 20 x 1.3 }
Blunt = 26 { 20 x 1.3 }
Chemical = 19 { 15 x 1.3 = 19.5 }
Stun = 39 { 30 x 1.3 }
Electrical = -18 { -25 x 0.7 = -17.5 }
SF Pen. = 2 { 2 x 0.7 = 1.4 }
Damage Rating = 40

New Martial Arts Rules
I have heard from the author of these rules recently, and he told me
that he was working on a revision. It will most likely take a while, and I
don't see much wrong with this version. So, here it is:

New Mythus Martial Arts K/S Area (Dan Beck)

The following optional rules and tables can replace, modify and/or
supplement the Physical Combat, Lethal and Physical Combat, Non-Lethal rules
in the Dangerous Journeys Mythus Sourcebook, pages 221-229. The listed 32
techniques and 5 weapon styles can be combined to form the basis for nearly
any martial art existing or imaginable (although merely mortal HP's will
likely possess no more than a dozen techniques and 1 or 2 weapon styles within
their martial art.
I suggest these changes as a means of reasonably allowing additional
martial arts techniques without bogging down in style-specific details. It
shouldn't matter whether these techniques come from taekwondo, kung fu,
karate, judo, ba qua, kali, hapkido or any other specific style of martial
arts. They include essential techniques that can be found in any martial art.

1) If an Heroic Personna wishes to learn any of the martial arts techniques

available below (other than the first 2 subareas, which correspond to and
replace the Physical Combat, Lethal and Physical Combat, Non-Lethal K/S
Areas), he or she must devote an additional available K/S slot to the Martial
Arts K/S Area. Unlike the other K/S areas, the HP does not start the game
with 2d10 + highest Physical ATTRIBUTE upon selecting this area. They cannot
apply the enhanced STEEP option to this area. Instead, the HP starts with
(PMPow + PNSpd)/2 + 10% of STEEP in the Physical Combat, Lethal and Physical
Combat, Non-Lethal K/S areas (to represent pre-existing HTH Combat
If a bonus is desired to this initial STEEP, I suggest this optional
rule: Certain other K/S areas have made important historical, cinematic and
literary contributions to the development of martial arts. The HP could
receive a +1 STEEP bonus for up to ten such areas he or she possesses. (I
will leave it for the Journey Master to decide which K/S areas in particular
merit such consideration. I personally found 30 deserving ones!)

2) Within each MA subarea are a variety of general techniques under which

many specific offensive and defensive techniques of a given martial arts style
can fit. The HP with Martial Arts STEEP selects subareas in the usual manner
(Although if he or she ALREADY possesses the Physical Combat, Lethal and/or
Physical Combat, Non-Lethal K/S areas, the corresponding subareas of Martial
Arts are automatically known and do not count against their other
For example, a Shotokan karate stylist might specialize in Empty Hands
Sparring techniques, but would still be able to pick up one or two weapon
styles (at the SUBAREA STEEP, not the Martial Arts STEEP!!). Or an Hapkido
stylist might choose not to specialize, but would learn a selection of
techniques ranging from kicks, sweeps and escapes to most holds and disables.
At higher STEEP levels he or she might pick up the tonfa in the Single-Handed
martial arts weapon category. There are many other possible arrangements.
The HP can select multiple techniques from known subareas whose combined
cost does not exceed his or her STEEP in that subarea. More than one
technique can be combined in a single CT as long as enough extra attacks are
available and the total accumulated speed factor (including a +2 SF penalty
for every switch of technique) does not exceed the HP's PNSpd.

3) The personna with Martial Arts STEEP must have a reasonable explanation
for how they came to possess such knowledge. In order to add Accomplishment
Points to Martial Arts STEEP, the HP must spend 1 week/AP in uninterrupted (by
adventuring) training with someone who is of at least master-level ability
(36+ STEEP) in Martial Arts. This rule ceases to apply once an HP has finally
reached master-level ability. Master martial artists are capable of training
themselves (the same time limit/AP still applies) in any MA subarea. Once
every technique has been learned within a subarea, the master-level martial
artist can design a special 5-point or greater technique to add to his or her
subarea to teach and use. The details of this new technique would be subject
to JM approval.

4) As STEEP in a Martial Arts subarea increases, additional attacks and

damage accrue. This table replaces all other bonuses except those due to high
PMPow (This table replaces the one on page 163):

STEEP bonus attacks/CT bonus damage/attack bonus range

----- ---------------- ------------------- -----------
1-15 +0 (+1 florentine) +0 +0"
16-30 +1/2 (+3/2) +1 point +0"
31-40 +1 (+2) +2 points +1/2"
41-50 +2 (+3) +1 dice +1/2"
51-60 +3 (+4) +1 dice + 2 points +1"
61+ +4 (+5) +1 dice + 4 points +3/2"

Note that Martial Arts STEEP has no bearing at all on missile attacks or
damage. Martial Arts STEEP applies only to close-up melee, hand-to-hand
physical combat.

5) Combat resolution for All Martial Arts Techniques:

a) Determine iniative normally (1d10 - PMSpd + Technique SF + Armor SF).
b) BAC = Subarea STEEP with bonuses/penalties for technique used. Don't
forget to add in any bonuses from Perception.
c) Determine FAC by applying Averaged Armor penalties to the attacking
HP's BAC, and any other modifiers that may apply. An Armor penalty
is necessary because it is assumed that martial arts techniques are
most easily applied when the attacker and defender are both
unarmored. An armor penalty is determined by using the following
rule: For every 2 points of non-magical armor protection (using
Averaged Armor values) on the defender AND the attacker, 1 percentage
point is subtracted from the attacker's BAC. So if 2 HP's were silly
enough to each put on full plate armor (average = 40--combined
average = 80) and one attempted a martial arts attack, say with a bo
staff at a subarea STEEP of 50, his FAC would be 50% + 5% (weapon
bonus) - 80/2(armor penalty) = 15% FAC. If the attacker (only) had
been unarmored, his FAC would have been 50% + 5% (weapon bonus)-
40/2(armor penalty) = 35% FAC. And had both combatants been
unarmored, the attacker's FAC would have been 55%.
d) If the attack remains unparried, damage dice and exposure are
determined. I suggest that for ANY damage done to an Ultra-Vital
area, whether or not it originated from a martial arts technique, a
stunning roll should be made. See the tables below for stunning
e) The attacker may next attack (if any extra attacks remain in the CT)
2 segments + his technique SF later. Every attack or parry attempt
made after the 2nd shall experience a cumulative 5% FAC penalty.
There is a limit to the number of attacks, despite what is available
from the table in Rule #4. Every use of a technique must be
separated from an earlier use in that CT by at least 2 segments.
Changing to a different technique costs another 2 segments. And each
technique has its own SF of from 2 to 10 segments. The total of all these
segments must not exceed the HP's PNSpd. As the PNSpd improves, the HP will
gradually be able to accomplish more actions in a CT, but this limitation
superceeds what the MA bonus attacks table permits.

Summary of Martial Arts Techniques and Effects


(Note that the total cost of known techniques cannot exceed the total subarea

MA Subarea 1: Boxing/Brawling (replaces Combat, HTH, Lethal in existing


Techniques effect Cost Atk/CT BAC% SF range

---------- ------ ---- ------ ----- -- -----
A) Trip/Push stun 2 2 -5% 4 1"
B) Jab d4+1 PD 3 3 +10% 1 1"
C) Cross d6+1 PD 4 2 +5% 3 1"
D) Elbow/Forearm 2d6 PD 6 2 +0% 4 1"
E) Uppercut 2d6+2 PD + stun 7 2 -5% 4 1/2"
F) Roundhouse/Kick 3d6 PD + stun 9 1 -10% 4 3/2"
G) Dirty Tricks varies

Stunned personnas roll 2d10 and subtract their Recovery Level. A zero or
negative score indicates they were NOT stunned. A positive result shows the
number of segments of delay before they can act. During this time they are
considered dazed and prone for considerations of FAC penalties. If a new
attack stuns them while they are already stunned, 4d10 - RL is rolled and
added to their remaining segments of delay.

MA Subarea 2: Holds/Disables (replaces Combat, HTH, Non-Lethal in existing


Techniques effect Cost Atk/CT BAC% SF range

---------- ------ ---- ------ ---- -- -----
A) Grab prerequisite* 2 2 +10% 3 2"
B) Half-Nelson immobilized 3 1 +5% 6 0"
C) Joint Lock disable joint 4 1 +0% 4 0"
D) Bear Hug^ disable ribs/shoulder 6 1 +0% 5 0"
E) Full Nelson disable neck 7 1 -5% 7 0"
F) Sleeper Hold unconscious@ 9 1 -10% 8 0"
G) Choke Hold unconscious# 10 1 -15% 8 0"

* The HP must succeed with a Grab before any of the other techniques can be
used. Unless the held OP breaks contact (using an Escape/Defense technique or
winning a contest of PMPow DR with the HP) the OP cannot initiate any sort of
physical attack or castings with a somatic requirement. For each CT the OP is
held, a cumulative -10% FAC penalty is applied to his or her attempts to break
^ This hold is only available if the HP PM CAT ties or exceeds the OP PM CAT.
@ The OP becomes unconscious in d4+1 CT's.
# The OP becomes unconscious in d3 CT's.
Special note: The disabling holds are only possible on OP's who are not
wearing plate armor (Suit). Because they are applied to especially vulnerable
areas, the joint, rib, shoulder or neck CAN be broken if the OP loses AND the
HP wins the PMPow DR contest. Using an Escape/Defense technique will avoid
this danger.

MA Subarea 3: Escapes/Defenses (^available to either of the old Physical

Combat K/S Areas)

Techniques effect Cost Atk/CT BAC% SF range

---------- ------ ---- ------ ---- -- -----
A) Finger Peel^ d2 PD + release 4 2 +0% 3 0"
B) Sticky Hands -20% to FAC of OP* 5 2 -10% 3 0"
C) Fall/Roll^ release @ 6 1 -5% 3 0"
D) Atemi Strike 2d6 PD + release 8 2 -5% 3 0"
E) Sacrifice Throw^ 2d6+4 PD + stun # 9 1 +0% 6 0"
F) Reversal^ release + choice 10 1 -15% 5 0"
of holds
G) Martial Block** -1 step to parry free as avail. +0% 1 1"
* Sticky Hands require continuous contact with the arms or weapons of the
attacker. While maintained, the defender can reduce the chances of being
attacked by 20%. A roll is required each time the OP tries to attack or break
away. Failure means contact is broken and the OP can continue his or her
action unhindered. This defense can be initiated if the HP is held by the
OP. It can also be initiated by the HP following a successful grab.
@ a successful Fall/Roll reduces damage from a Sweep/Throw to 1 pt/dice PD,
regardless of armor worn.
# damage ignores armor. A Sacrifice Throw results in 1d4 PD + stun for the
thrower, also, whether or not the attempt succeeds.
** A Martial Block works like a parry, but at one step easier on the parry
table on page 228. In addition, Martial Blocks can be done barehanded against
weapons (There are many varieties of blocks: X-blocks, Rising Blocks, Palm
Pressing Blocks...we will assume the most appropriate one is known for a given
situation). A Special Success against a weapon using a Martial Block allows a
disarming roll to be attempted (see the weapons table below). ALL martial
arts teach blocking--as it is not covered elsewhere, we will make it freely
available to anyone with Martial Arts STEEP.

MA Subarea 4: Sweeps/Throws (available ONLY to HP's having the Martial Arts

K/S Area)

Techniques effect Cost Atk/CT BAC% SF range

---------- ------ ---- ------ ---- -- -----
A) Leg Sweep d6+2 PD + stun 4 1 -5% 4 1/2"
B) Scooping Throw 2d6 PD + stun 5 1 -5% 4 1"
C) Reverse Spin Sweep 3d4 PD + stun 6 1 -10% 6 3/2"
D) Hip Throw 2d6 PD + stun 8 1 -5% 4 1/2"
E) Shoulder Throw 3d6 PD + stun 8 1 -10% 5 1/2"
F) Scissors Sweep 3d6+2 PD + stun 10 1 -15% 7 2"

MA Subarea 5: Empty Hands Sparring(available ONLY to HP's having the Martial

Arts K/S Area)

Techniques effect Cost Atk/CT BAC% SF range

---------- ------ ---- ------ ---- -- -----
A) Martial Jab d4+2 PD 4 3 +10% 2 1/2"
B) Martial Punch 2d4+2 PD 5 2 +5% 3 1"
C) Martial Strike 4d4 PD + stun 6 1 -5% 3 1"
D) Distance Punch 2d6+2 PD 8 1 +0% 5 3/2"
E) Martial Kick 2d6+4 PD + stun 8 2 -5% 4 3/2"
F) Distance Kick 3d6+2 PD + stun 10 1 -10% 7 5/2"

These techniques are very general because such a wide variety of actual
techniques can be used in each category. From Taekwondo alone, we could have:
A) Vertical Punch/Palm Fist Strike, B) Reverse Punch/Hammerfist, C) Knife
Hand Strike/Ridge Hand Strike/Spear Fingers Strike, D) Lunge Punch/Spinning
Backfist, E) Front Snap Kick/Sidekick/Crescent Kick/Roundhouse Kick, F)
Tornado Kick/Spinning Wheel Kick/Jump Reverse Sidekick. These are very basic
examples, but nearly all techniques will fit into one of the listed
categories. This should also be true for most other martial arts styles.

MA Subarea 6: MA Weapon Styles (available ONLY to HP's having the Martial

Arts K/S Area)

Techniques effect Cost Atk/CT BAC% SF range

---------- ------ ---- ------ ---- -- -----
A) Kata display prowess 5/weapon n/a +5%/BT 10 >1"
B) 2-handed 3d6 PD + stun 4 2 +5% 3 1"
C) Parrying Weapons 2d6 PD + stun/disarm^ 6 2 +0% 2 3/2"
D) 1-handed 2d6 PD + stun 8 2 +5% 2 1/2"
E) Rope/Chain Weapons 2d4 PD + entangle 8 1 -5% 5 1/2"
F) Jointed Weapons 2d6+2 PD + stun + 10 2 -10% 2 2"
disarm^ + entangle
These techniques are also very general. The listed stats are for
concussive weapons. If the weapons in a category are bladed, then remove the
stun effect and add an extra damage die to PD. Some example weapons in each
style include:
B) Bo Stick/Bokken, C) Jitte/Sai/Tui-fa/Tonfa, D) Escrima Sticks/Batons/Jo
Stick, E) Bolas/Kawanga(Grappling Irons)/Kau Sin Ke(Whipping Chain), F)
Note that the damage listed for Rope/Chain Weapons is due to falling after
being entangled. Some chain weapons have sickles or battle axes attached to
one end, and would permit a follow-up attack with the attached weapon without
a -2 SF penalty for switching weapons.
^ Disarms apply against weapons that have been parried with a special success
using either a Martial Block or a parrying weapon. The attacker must roll vs.
PMPow + PNSpd at a DR of Moderate or have his weapon torn from his grasp. The
DR moves up to Hard if a parrying weapon was used (Jointed weapons stay with
the Moderate DR).

Okay, someone we know sure knows his Martial Arts... :)

My World:
Okay, this is a bit of a self-promotion. But what the heck, I'm putting
all my time into this thing... :) This is the introduction to my world, Tora.
It is different in that it is not based on any single place. It is definitely
not Earth or Aerth, as you will see. I don't figure this will help too many
people in their day-to-day gaming. What I hope to do with this is two things:
1. Show off my own work, and get some feedback (hopefully good, but I'll take
constructive criticism, too!), and 2. Give you all some ideas to incorporate
into your own campaigns...
Some people will recognize some of this. Basically, I've borrowed
things I like from other games, books, movies, TV shows, etc. My world is a
real mess... :) I hope you like it.

Tora: An Overview

Welcome to Tora. The year is 502 of the New Age. The following is a
brief view of the Western part of Tora, where my beginning adventures will be
played, as well as where your are all from. There is a bit of history, some
descriptions of the lands, as well as a Traveller's Guide.

A Very Brief Modern History of Tora

Tora is a one continent on the large world of Merrh, a hollow world which
is a bit larger than our Earth. Merrh lies in a single star system much like
our own, and is ringed by 5 moons.
Earth's laws of physics do not necessarily apply on Merrh, for its
reality is a highly magickal one, where the force known as Heka pervades all
things. This causes reality to be governed by the far more mutable concepts
of metaphysics (see that K/S). In fact, a few hundred years ago, a small
group of men, known as "scientists", tried to explain the Merrh world with
strict laws, but they were proven wrong (and mocked into silence) nearly

The Black Age

The lands of Tora became what they are today at the beginning of the New
Age, when the demonic overlord Kor Tauron was defeated and captured. The
story of his defeat is known throughout the lands, as most were liberated. Of
course, views differ from country to country, but the essence is there.
Kor Tauron ruled the entire continent of Tora and beyond for over a
thousand years, now known as the Black Age. Exactly what he was and the
extent of his powers were never discovered. Kor Tauron summoned (or created)
thousands of creatures to populate his demonic legions, and used them to
destroy many of the lands and kill anyone who dared stand against him. The
only land known to repel his attacks and keep him at bay was Sylvanos, but
even the Sylvanor could do nothing to stop him.
Kor Tauron built many fortresses throughout the lands, many of which
still stand today, in various states of destruction. Kor Tauron's people, the
Telar, ruled with him, taking advantage of their position to establish a small
aristocracy that tortured the rest of the Torans. Kor Tauron did not care
that his people took what they wanted, as long as they swore alliegence to him
and helped his cause. He built for himself three fortresses from which to
rule. The first, built on a tall butte in the Jhenta, was nearly a small
city, and still stands today, although it is reportedly uninhabited. The
second was a large underground complex built deep in the Grey Lords. The
precise location of the complex was never discovered, except perhaps by the
Mithak, who aren't telling anyone. The third was a magnificent floating city,
located high above the desert Farad.
This third fortress was the locale of Kor Tauron's defeat. Four people,
aided by powerful magicks and not a little bit of luck, managed to raid his
cloud city, and captured him in an immense magickal battle. During the
battle, the magicks that held the city aloft were destroyed, and the city
plunged to the ground. The four adventurers escaped (via teleportation
magick), but the rest of the Telar in the city alledgedly perished in the
cataclysmic crash. The ruined city was swallowed by the desert, never to be
seen again, except in the rumours and traveler's tales of the Faradhi. All
that was said about the event was that Kor Tauron was captured; never
mentioned was the where or the how. All that mattered to the Torans was that
Kor Tauron was gone, and his legions fell apart. In a matter of years, the
vile influence of Kor Tauron was washed from most of the land, and the New Age

Beginning a New Age

The defeat of Kor Tauron and the restoration of the country of Cordmarre
marks the beginning of the New Age. One of the four adventurers, Gerran
Talorsblade assumed control of the throne of Shiva, vacated when the last King
of Cordmarre was eliminated by Kor Tauron. He rebuilt the entire country, and
formed the Realm Knights, an organization meant to fight evils and bring order
back to Tora. The other three adventurers went on to high level positions in
three other emerging countries: Anthur, Eretria, and Anduras. The names of
the three and what exactly they did is written elsewhere.

An age of relative peace and prosperity ensued, and Tora flourished over
the next few hundred years. Cordmarre had become the greatest of the new
nations. It was during this time that the Scientists proclaimed all magick
false and wrong, and were struck down by a couple of the weaker magicians at
the time. The Koran empire also grew during this time, starting small in the
fast east, but slowly spreading, until today when it covers nearly the entire
south-eastern third of the continent. Although bigger than Cordmarre by a
longshot, the Koran became lazy and lethargic, and now the empire is
collapsing. Small city-states are popping up all over the empire, and though
many are crushed by the K'Tallan barbarians, who are the ones truly in control
of the empire, a few have slipped through the Korani' fat hands.
The rest of the continent was generally peaceful, and civilization made
many strides forward.
This age of prosperity lasted until a mere 2 years ago, when Kor Tauron
attempted to escape his bonds and regain his empire.
The Near Return of Darkness

Somehow, someway, the bonds that held the Evil Emperor broke down,
allowing him freedom. While not entirely free, he managed to force others to
do his bidding. With help from his new subjects, he escaped his prison, only
to be stopped by another group of four adventurers. Led by the novice Realm
Knight Hawkeye Ravenlord, and including the only recorded female Sorceryn,
Shentyr Starwind, a valiant priestess of Auroran, Leodon, and the brave, yet
foolish thief Dell, captured him again, hopefully forever. The adventurers'
story is told in many a tale these days, and continues to grow bigger.
Currently, Hawkeye and Shentyr rule as Councils in the great city-state
of Minas Torath, Tora's largest city by far. Leodon is a High Priestess of
Auroran there, and Dell is a wealthy "merchant".
The overall effect of this near-disaster is the beginnings of problems
all over Tora. Many Doors and Gates have apparently opened between Merrh and
Phaeree, letting many of the creatures from there onto Tora. Probably as a
result, there is a significant increase in the number of adventurers these
days. There are also rumours of a child, spawned by Kor Tauron, having been
born in the Eastern Lands. Whether these rumours are true or not isn't known,
but even the possibility has many of the powerful members of Toran society

The End. Good enough for this time? As always, I have stuff for the next
issue, but I can always use more. Also, look for a Special Heka-Forging
issue to be released soon, as well as an issue or two dealing with different
genres of Dangerous Journeys (Cyberpunk will be first).

Until next time: Hawkeye

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