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*Iklan mulut bau bangun tidur

(dias bangun tidur) Dias: Ehhhmm what time is it (look at phone)

Dias : Hmm its 09.00 o’clock well it’s time to take a bath (ambil handuk masuk kamar mandi
bunyiin keran/ air)
(keluar kamar mandi) (siap siap berangkat sambil bercermin) Dias: I’m ready for today, hey
Rafid wake up its already morning
Rafid : It’s Sunday Dias, What u doing?
Rafid : Hey Dias have u brush ur teeth today ?
(menggeleng) i didn’t smell anything, i have brush my teeth today (sambil mengecek bau nafas
sendiri) what a bad smell ??
Rafid : Oh i see i think its because you are eating too much duren yesterday, and you also ate a
lot of jengkol before u sleep
Dias : Hmm u are right, that’s why my mouth breath feels very bad, well nevermind im run out
time, iam going to date my girlfriend
Rafid : its better to you to use mouthwash before, u can take mine
Dias : im gonna be late
Rafid : Its’s a mouthwash. Come on just use it ..
Dias : No thanks rafid, any way u need to take a bath, you body is more stingy than my mouth
Rafid : geleng geleng

Di ruang tamu/ ada meja sama kursi
Dias : Hey rafid how are you today ?
Rafid : Good, what about you ?
Dias : i ahve a bad day
Rafid : why ? what happen ?
Dias : i broke up with my girlfriend
Rafid : Why it’s happen ?
Dias : She told me that i have a bad breath..
Rafid : Have u brush ur teeth ?
Dias : Yeah i brush my teeth everyday, i just dont understand why she told me i have a bad
breath ??, im really shame at that moment, do u ever feel bad breath rafid ?
Rafid : ya i have experience some, but now its a small thing..
Dias : really ? what is ur secret?
Rafid : i used this (close up obat kumur)
Dias : Listerine?
Rafid : yep this is my secret Dias, Listerine is a a famous trademark of mouthwash, is already
used in many country such as america, brazil, japan,thailand, and germany
Dias : Can u tell me your story about how was your 1st time use it ?
Rafid :
Dias : wow really ? what is the ingredients rafid ?
Rafid : the main ingredients of this mouthwash is eucalyptol,thymol,menthol, methyl salychilate
Dias : and what is that, does it have a certain function?
Rafid : first is it’s a herbal plant name, and yeah u are right dias,it has a certain function for
every element of ingredients
Dias : so can u explain it?
Rafid : so first is EUCALYPTOL - Derived from the eucalyptus tree, this essential oil acts as an
antibacterial and anti-fungal agent. MENTHOLprevent growth of bacteria in the mouth.
THYMOL that help to fight oral infection while decreasing the risk of gum disease and bad
breath. METHYL SALICAYLATE provides a flavoring agent to ensure fresh breath.
Dias : hmm so that’s why u are really confident everyday
Rafid : yeah thank’s to listerine, more over listerine have a special offering for this month only
Dias : Really ?, what kind of offering is that?
Rafid : so the offering is for every 250 ml purchase bottle u will get extra 3 bottle 250 ml for
Dias : wow what an interest offering ? how much it cost ?
Rafid : its only ...K, anyway im going to buy it, since listerine promote today
Dias : well lets grab this mouthwash on alfamart or indomart
Rafid : ok lets go
Jordhi :

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