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Solutions to LE. Irodov’s Problems in General Physics Volume I Mechanics e Heat e Electrodynamics SECOND EDITION ABHAY KUMAR SINGH Director Abhay’s |.1,T. Physics Teaching Centre Patna-6 cBs CBS PUBLISHERS & DISTRIBUTORS 4596/1A, 11 DARYAGANJ, NEW DELHI - 110 002 (INDIA) Dedicated to my Teacher Prof. (Dr.) J. Thakur (Department of Physics, Patna University, Patna-4) ISBN : 81-239-0399-5 First Edition : 1995 Reprint : 1997 Second Edition : 1998 Reprint : 2000 Reprint : 2001 Reprint : 2002 Reprint : 2003 Reprint : 2004 Reprint : 2005 Copyright © Author & Publisher All rights reserved. No part of this book may. be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system without permission, in writing, from the publisher. Published by S.K. Jain for CBS Publishers & Distributors, 4596/1A, 11 Darya Ganj, New Delhi - 110 002 (India) Printed at : : India Binding House, Delhi - 110 032 FOREWORD Science, in general, and physics, in particular, have evolved out of man’s quest to know beyond unknowns. Matter, radiation and their mutual interactions are basically studied in physics. Essentially, this is an experimental science. By observing appropriate phenomena in nature one arrives at a set of rules which goes to establish some basic fundamental concepts. Entire physics rests on them. Mere knowledge of them is however not enough. Ability to apply them to real day-to-day problems is required. Prof. Irodov’s book contains one such set of numerical exercises spread over a wide spectrum of physical disciplines. Some of the problems of the book long appeared to be notorious to pose serious challenges to students as well as to their teachers. This book by Prof. Singh on the solutions of problems of Irodov’s book, at the outset, seems to remove the sense of awe which at one time prevailed. Traditionally a difficult exercise to solve continues to draw the attention of concerned persons over a sufficiently long time. Once a logical solution for it becomes available, the difficulties associated with its solutions are forgotten very soon. This statement is not only valid for the solutions of simple physical problems but also to various physical phenomena. Nevertheless, Prof. Singh’s attempt to write a book of this magnitude deserves an all out praise. His ways of solving problems are elegant, straight forward, simple and direct. By writing this book he has definitely contributed to the cause of physics education. A word of advice to its users is however necessary. The solution to a particular problem as given in this book is never to be consulted unless an all out effort in solving it independently has been already made. Only by such judicious uses of this book one would be able to reap better benefits out of it. As a teacher who has taught physics and who has been in touch with physics curricula at 11.T., Delhi for over thirty years, I earnestly feel that this book will certainly be of benefit to younger students in their formative years. Dr. Dilip Kumar Roy Professor of Physics Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi New Delhi-110016. FOREWORD A. proper understanding of the physical laws and principles that govern nature require solutions of related problems which exemplify the principle in question and leads to a better grasp of the principles involved. It is only through experiments or through solutions of multifarious problem-oriented questions can a student master the intricacies and fall outs of a physical law. According to Ira M. Freeman, professor of physics of the state university of new Jersy at Rutgers and author of “‘physic--principles and Insights’” -- “In certain situations mathematical formulation actually promotes intuitive understand- ing....... Sometimes a mathematical formulation is not feasible, so that ordinary language must take the place of mathematics in both roles. However, Mathematics is far more rigorous and its concepts more precise than those of language. Any science that is able to make extensive use of mathematical symbolism and procedures is justly called an exact science’. I.E, Irodov’s problems in General Physics fulfills such a need. This book originally published in Russia contains about 1900 problems on mechanics, thermody- namics, molecular physics, electrodynamics, waves and oscillations, optics, atomic and nuclear physics. The book has survived the test of class room for many years as is evident from its number of reprint editions, which have appeared since the first English edition of 1981, including an Indian Edition at affordable price for Indian students. Abhay Kumar Singh’s present book containing solutions to Dr. I.E. Irodov’s Problems in General Physics is a welcome attempt to develop a student’s problem solving skills. The book should be very useful for the students studying a general course in physics and also in developing their skills to answer questions normally encountered in national level entrance examinations conducted each year by various bodies for admissions to profes- sional colleges in science and technology. BP. PAL Professor of Physics LLT,, Delhi PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION Nothing succeeds like success, they say, Now, consequent upon the warm welcome on the part of students and the teaching fraternity this revised and enlarged edition of this volume is before you. In order to make it more up-to-date and viable, a large number of problems have been streamlined with special focus on the complicated and ticklish ones, to cater to the needs of the aspiring students. I extend my deep sense of gratitude to all those who have directly or indirectly engineered the cause of its existing status in the book world. Patna June 1997 Abhay Kumar Singh PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION When you invisage to write a book of solutions to problems, one pertinent question crops up in the mind that—why solution! Is this to prove one’s erudition? My only defence against this is that the solution is a challenge to save the scientific man hours by channelizing thoughts in a right direction. The book entitled “Problems in General Physics” authored by LE. Irodov (a noted Russian physicist and mathematician) contains 1877 intriguing problems divided into six chapters. After the acceptance of my first book “Problems in Physics”, published by Wiley Eastern Limited, I have got the courage to acknowledge the fact that good and honest ultimately win in the market place. This stimulation provided me insight to come up with my second attempt—‘Solutions to I.E. Irodov’s Problems in General Physics.” This first volume encompasses solutions of first three chapters containing 1052 problems. Although a large number of problems can be solved by different methods, I have adopted standard methods and in many of the problems with helping hints for other methods. In the solutions of chapter three, the emf of a cell is represented by & (xi) in contrast to the notation used in figures and in the problem book, due to some printing difficulty. I am thankful to my students Mr. Omprakash, Miss Neera and Miss Punam for their valuable co-operation even in my hard days while authoring the present book. I am also thankful to my younger sister Prof. Ranju Singh, my younger brother Mr. Ratan Kumar Singh, my junior friend Miss Anupama Bharti, other well wishers and friends for their emotional Support. At last and above all I am grateful to my Ma and Pappaji for their blessings and encouragement. ABHAY KUMAR SINGH CONTENTS Foreword Preface to the second edition Preface to the first edition PART ONE PHYSICAL FUNDAMENTALS OF MECHANICS Kinematics The Fundamental Equation of Dynamics Laws of Conservation of Energy, Momemtum, and Angular Momentum Universal Gravitation Dynamics of a Solid Body Elastic Deformations of a Solid Body Hydrodynamics Relativistic Mechanics PART TWO THERMODYNAMICS AND MOLECULAR PHYSICS Equation of the Gas State. Processes The first Law of Thermodynamics. Heat Capacity Kinetic theory of Gases. Boltzmann’s Law and Maxwell’s Distribution The Second Law of Thermodynamics. Entropy Liquids. Capillary Effects Phase Transformations Transport Phenomena PART THREE ELECTRODYNAMICS Constant Electric Field in Vacuum Conductors and Dielectrics in an Electric Field Electric Capacitance. Energy of an Electric Field Electric Current Constant Magnetic Field. Magnetics Electromagnetic Induction. Maxwell’s Equations Motion of Charged Particles in Electric and Magnetic Fields vi 1-34 35-65 66-101 102-117 118-143 144-155 156-167 168-183 184-195 196-212 213-226 227-241 242-247 248-256 257-266 267-288 289-305 306-324 325-353 354-379 380-407 408-424 PART ONE PHYSICAL FUNDAMENTALS OF MECHANICS 11 KINEMATICS 11 Let v, be the stream velocity and v’ the velocity of motorboat with respect to water. The motorboat reached point B while going downstream with velocity (v, + v’) and thea retuned with velocity (v’ - v,) and passed the raft at point C. Let ¢ be the time for the raft (which flows with stream with velocity v,) to move from point A to C, during which the motorboat moves from A to B and then from B to C. Therefore i a dak wenn --(Vot VN ----+ > ee A-——— 7 B 2% On solving we get v, = + ——1—¢ = 1.2 Let s be the total distance traversed by the point and 1, the time taken to cover half the distance. Further let 2¢ be the time to cover the rest half of the distance. s 5 Therefore Zr or @ and Ze, +v)t or =e (2) et Wy +Vy Hence the sought average velocity = % (vy + ¥) s s SP" Fed” 2 PIMs) ++ 2v, 13 As the car starts from rest and finally comes to a stop, and the rate of acceleration and deceleration are equal, the distances as well as the times taken are same in these phases of motion. Let At be the time for which the car moves uniformly. Then the acceleration / deceleration 7 a each. So, time is » 14 y evo t= 24d w EAN |, y EA) a | 2 Gy Are P@-4S2t w Hence Arm vV 1-482 0 55, wr (a) Sought average velocity s_ 200cm a2 ae 20s =10cm/s (b) For the maximum velocity, $ = ; should be maximum. From the figure # is maximum for all points on the line ‘ac, thus the sought maximum velocity becomes average velocity rc] for the line ac and is equal to : 0 10 20%S be | 100 cm 95 cm/s ab 4s (©) Time fy should be such that costing to it the slope 4S ould pass through the point O (origin), to satisfy the relationship Se z From figure the tangent at point d passes through the origin and thus corresponding time t= f) = 16s. 1.5 Let the particles collide at the point A (Fig.), whose position vector is 73 (say). If t be the 16 time taken by each particle to reach at point A, from triangle law of vector addition : Fre tyta t yt Be eth Pot A 8, ~~) @ d vie l-Fl therefore, f= ==, (2) ee => Iy2-vi| % Vat From Eqs. (1) and (2) > oe etal RR 7, $ ee eaeler | 0 z tet Vent 2 oc ee , which is the sought relationship. =m” T= : We have . vet @) From the vector diagram [of Eq, (1)] and using properties of triangle 17 va Vite? 42vgvcosp = 39.7km/br (2) : : a v eu +, p- vei f od Sop me sin ® oe ¥ v or O= sin? fA ~ Using (2) and putting the values of v and d % @=19.1° Let one of the swimmer (say 1) cross the river along AB, which is obviously the shortest path. Time taken to cross the river by the swimmer 1. da he ve For the other swimmer (say 2), which follows the quickest path, the time taken to cross the river. , (where AB = d is the width of the river) 0) In the time £,, drifting of the swimmer 2, becomes y X= Vol = yh (using Eq. 2) @) If f, be the time for swimmer 2 to walk the distance x to come from C toB (Fig.), then x_ vod . = 57 yg (using Ea. 3) 4 u According to the problem f; = f+ f3 & or, On solving we get 4 18 19 Let I be the distance covered by the boat A along the river as well as by the boat B acrc the river. Let vy be the stream velocity and v’ the velocity of cach boat with respect water. Therefore time taken by the boat A in its journey I 4" Jan Von (eee BV Via Vo and for the boat B 4X Vv We Hence, 4. 4. — 1 | wheren = 4 te Vv7-v Vae=-1 ae On substitution ty/ty= 18 Let vp be the stream velocity and v’ the velocity of boat with respect to water. A ¥ or 1 = 2>0, some drifting of boat is inevitable. Let v” make an angle 0 with flow direction. (Fig.), then the time taken to cross the rive d , . t= Tang (where d is the width of the river) In this time intezval, the drifting of the boat x= (v' cos 6+ v9) t = (0/008 04 vq) 4 = (cot +n cosec 8) d | —_— For qj, (minimum drifting) ae d d No _ Fo (cot 0 + n cosec 6) = 0, which yields y ; i , — ooso0 te} 6 n 2 x Hence, = 120° 0 The solution of this problem becomes simple in the frame attached with one of the bodies. Let the body thrown straight up be 1 and the other body be 2, then for the body 1 in the frame of 2 from the kinematic equation for constant acceleration : ls 2 mh" Toa) * Yount + > Mi2t So, Tham Vous (because Wig= 0 and Fo2)= 0) or, Fial= Ioaalt @ But |¥q1= ll % So, from properties of triangle Yoa2) = V vB + v2 -2 v9 v9 cos (/2 - 8) Hence, the sought distance |7yl= vo V2 -sin ®) t= 22m. 1 112 5 Let the velocities of the paricles (say vy and ¥]_) becomes mutually perpendicular after time ¢. Then their velocitis become me ee wet oe Vy = Vj +Bt; vy = v2 tee @ As vy Lip 80, vv) = 0 or, (+84): (+84) = 0 or -yy y+ t= 0 Hence, t= “_ 1 Now form the Eq. Fi = Taz + Youn! + zh ot l7yl= [Vaal (because here Wi, = 0 and 792) 9) Hence the sought distance mi = +2 => ale AEBV i Galtian l= v4 Yd) From the symmetry of the problem all the three points are always located at the vertices of equilateral triangles of varying side length and finally meet at the centriod of the initial equilateral triangle whose side length is a, in the sought time interval (say ¢). > = 120° 3° Let us consider an arbitrary equilateral triangle of edge length / (say). ‘Then the rate by which 1 approaches 2, 2 approches 3, and 3 approches 1, becomes : On integrating : 6 113 1.14 Let us locate the points A and B at an arbitrary instant of time (Fig.). If A and B are separated by the distance s at this moment, then the points converge or point A approaches B with velocity =4. v—ucos a where angle o. varies with time. On intergating, o ae ~fds= fv-ucos a) at, - o (where T is the sought time.) r or I= f(v-ucos.a) dt ) 0 As both A and B cover the same distance in x-direction during the sought time interval, so the other condition which is required, can be obtained by the equation xm fv,at So, 'v cos «1 de 2) 0 Solving (1) and (2), we get T= wo -u One can see that if u= v, or u D, and the time taken to travel the distance CB A in the field a vise ® “A Yr So, the total time elapsed to move the car from point A to B ad 1 AD-x Vex | aa ee gee eee nV v For ¢ to be minimum \ B Ce Oe de vin VP er or Wee Pa or x= 9 1.18 To plot x(#),s(¢) and w, (¢) let us partion the given plot v, (f) into five segments (for detailed analysis) as shown in the figure. For the part oa: w,= 1 and v,= t= v t 2 Thus, Ax, ()= fu,de= far= a 5,0 0 5 Putting t= 1, we get, Ax, = s= 5 unit For the part ab : w,= O and v,= v= constant = 1 ‘ Thus An (= frpdt= fat= ¢-1)= 40 1 Putting t= 3, Ax = s)= 2unit For the part b4: w,= 1 and vy,= 1-(t-3)=4-H)=¥ ‘ 2 ita 15: Thus Oe (0) Putting t= 4, Ax,=x3= unit For the part 4d : v= -Land v= -(1-4)= 4-1 So, ve |yf=t-4 for t>4 ‘ 2 ie Thus CTO ULE 1p Putting t= 6, Ax,=-1 : 2 sauat - Similarly Oa eater Putting t= 6, s,= Qunit For the partd7: w,= 2 and v,= -2+2(t-6)= 2(¢-7) vel ‘ Now, Ax(t)= [2 @-Tdt= 17-144 48 : Putting t= 4, Arye -1 6 Similarly 55()= [2(7-1)de= 144—17~ 48 : Putting t= 7, s5=1 On the basis of these obtained expressions w, (2), x(t) and s(t) plots can be easily plotted as shown in the figure of answershect. 10 119 1.20 (a) Mean velocity Total_distance covered Time elapsed -i- aR. S0cm/s (1) Vo (b) Modulus of mean velocity vector i f : <»,_ |Ar]_2R [= - . 3 “3 « sa o So, from (1) and (3) Yotv aR 2 7% c Now the modulus of the mean vector of total acceleration oe [Avy Il Mote : || Wi : 7 (see Fig.) S Using (4) in (5), we get : : =. R ||- == (a) we have r= at(l-at) So, ve #. aU -2a8 — and we & =-2aa" (b) From the equation 7= 0, at t= O and also at t= At= 2 So, the sought time Ar = i As v= a(1-2as) a(1-2a0) forts x So, v= |vy= ; a(2at-1)] fore> x5 By Hence, the sought distance 1a Va s= fvde= f a(1-2andr+ f aQar-1a 0 va Simplifying, we get, s= aL (a) As the particle leaves the origin at f= 0 So, Arex= qa) ft As ve (1-7), where vo is directed towards the +ve x-axis So, v= V9 (: - ‘} 2) From (1) and (2), vo fn(t-dae roe(t-34} ) 0 Hence x coordinate of the particle at r= 6s. x= 1x6 {1-305 a)" 24em = 024m Similarly at t= 10s 10 x= 10%10(1 3205} 0 and at t= 20s 20 x= 10% 20(1-32%5) -200cm= -2m (b) At the moments the particle is at a distance of 10 cm from the origin, x = + 10cm. Putting x= +10 in Eq. (3) =e) a a 10= 10:(1 75} on, 1?~10t+10= 0, So, te r= 102 Y100= 40 VO 52 Vs Now putting x= -10in Eqn (3) t -10= 10(1-i5} On solving, t-52VB s As t cannot be negative, so, t=(5+V35)s 12 1.22 Hence the particle is at a distance of 10 cm from the origin at three moments of time : t=S2Vi5 s,5+v35 s (c) We have ve voli -= We hi ve [1 -F £ vo(t-3) forts t So, ve |vy= v,(£-1)} fort>t ls So se vo(t-z)a for ts t = vgt(1- 4) «ote ' t t and on foft-s)arefult-s)a for t> 0 t = vt [1+ (1- 44/2 for t>e (A) 4 4 t t on fn(i-ga- frof-ga- 24cm. o 0 And for t= 8s 7 8 t t oo f0(t-Jae frogs} 0 5 On integrating and simplifying, we get s= 34cm. On the basis of Eqs. (3) and (4), x (¢) and s(t) plots can be drawn as shown in the answer sheet. As particle is in unidirectional motion it is directed along the x-axis all the time. As at t=0,x=0 dv So, Av=x= \d = » x= sand 7 Therefore, v= avx = avs dv a_ds a or, we = = oe xe a dv a As, a 2 | a a On integrating, fo- Fa o, ve St (2) 13 (b) Let s be the time to cover first s m of the path. From the Eq. s= fvdt ; oe a? 1? . fe ae SE (using 2) 0 or t= V5 @) The mean velocity of particle 2Vs/a f e tdt froa 7 ava la Ne? 1.23 According to the problem - vd, avy (as v decreases with time) 9. ‘ or, -f Wav= afas Yo 0 : : 2 32 On integrating we get s= —v} 3a Again according to the problem 1.24 (a) As P= atizbey” So, x= at, y=-bt? _ bx? and therefore y= @ 14 1.25 which is Eq. of a parabola, whose graph is shown in the Fig. (b) As Fe atizbr jy” a ve a ait absy So, v= Va7(-2bt) = Va7+4br Diff. Eq. (1) watt. time, we get a dv" o> We Pm - 2] So, [Wl =w=2b Ww (i= 2617) (-26]T ©) cos a= eee aa (Va? +4671?) 2 2bt or, cos @ = Va7+4b7 17 a 50, tana= 557 -if_@ or a= ar*( ) (d) The mean velocity vector fre flarapejsae o> 0 = Ja -—— Hence, [ |= Va7+ (=b1)? = Va74b7 = aizbtj” (a) We have x= atand y= at(l-at) Hence, y (x) becomes, a rrrC—S yn (1 =) x- 2x? (parabola) (b) Ditferentiating Eq. (1) we get v,= a and v,= a(1-2at) q@ @) @ 1.26 127 15 So, v= Wr 4yy =aV14(1-208)7 Diff. Eq. (2) with respect to time w,= O and w= -2a0 So, wa Vat w= 2aa (©) From Eqs. (2) and (3) We have Ve ajta(1-2at)j” and W= 2aaj” yw -a(1-2a%)2 So, cote fa BH (1-244)2a0 4 v2 vw aV1+(1-20%) 2aa On simplifying. 1-2a= 21 i As, n0, hee Differentiating motion law : x= asinwt, y= a(1-cosm@r), with respect to time, V, = @0) COS, v, = a@sinot So, V= awcosot{+ awsinwt i” qa) and v= a@= Const Q) Differentiating Eq. (1) with respect to time > we e. -aw*sinotitaw?coswtj- @) (a) The distance 5 traversed by the point during the time v is given by s=fvde= fawde= aor (using?) 0 0 (b) Taking inner product of v” and = ri ot a : 2 a We get, Vv? W= (a cos wti+asin tj) (aw sin wt (-i) +a w* cos wt -j) So, v" We - a? wo sin wt cos wt + a” w’ sin wt cos wt = 0 Thus, 7°L W, i.e., the angle between velocity vector and acceleration vector equals i Accordiing to the problem we w(-Jd dy, dy, =. tee So, w= Git 0 and w= = -w Q) Differentiating Eq. of trajectory, y= ax—- bx”, with respect to time dy adx_4,, de qe Gp 2bx Fe 2) 16 1.28 dy So, ae at jx=0 Again differentiating with respect to time Pye 1220/2) -26 ax ae de dt ai? dx ' or, yO). 20(G y ~2bx (0) (using 1) dx w - or, EV (using 1) ¢ ae dy) fe Using (3) in (2) ay |... aVvz « Hence, the velocity of the particle at the origin veV ()., (Z we a? (using Eqns (3) and (4)) Hence, ve Vi 1+0) As the body is under gravity of constant accelration °, it’s velocity vector and displacemen vectors are: a ve =% +B Q and Are r= weed gt? (= Oats = 0) (2 So, over the first ¢ seconds > A 7» Be Are Hae @) Hence from Eq. (3), <> over the first t seconds ~ <= ge (4) For evaluating t, take VVE (9) + BH + BD) = VR+2 (Mots et? or, = vet (ipRt+ gt? But we have v= vp at ¢= O and Also at f= + (Fig.) (also from energy conservation) ho 17 Hence using this propety in Eq. (5) vem va+2(vpge+ gr? 20-8 As 120, so, t= -—5 g Putting this value of t in Eq. (4), the average velocity over the time of flight gsinat 2v) 4 2v9 50, I= vpsin a. |—] += sina |— : a) 28 G 4 v2 sin o = —2— (using 2) Hence the sought distance, I= SGg)sne. Shsina (Using Eq. 1) Total time of motion 2 vp sino : ee ee gg ee 2¥% 2x 240 @ and horizontal range Rx vcosat or cosa~ . $100, 85 : vot 240% 41 Q) From Eqs. (1) and (2) (arr? | 5" | (480) (4 2 2 On simplifying v4 — 2400 x? + 1083750 = 0 20 1.33 134 Solving for t” we get : 2 2400 + V 1425000 2400+ 1194 2 Thus = 4239s= 0-71 min and t= 2455s = 0-41 min depending on the angle a. Let the shells collide at the point P (x, y). If the first shell takes f s to collide with second and Af be the time interval between the firings, then X= vy cos 0, t= vy cosO,(t-At) (1) and y= vpsin 04-3 gt? y¥ : . = vosin 8, (¢-A)-Fe- A @) [aR At cos 0, (ay) From Eq.) t= Sa aaeo @) P From Eqs. (2) and (3) RK 4 0 2 vp sin (0, - 0,) x Ate OT as Ate 0 & (cos 0, + 00s ,) According to the problem (a) 2. vp or dy= vpdt y Integrating Jar vof dt or y= vot (ay 0 0 And also we have a. ay or de= aydt=avytdt (using 1) : A 2 So, fae avy feat, or, x= davyr?= 122 using 1) 2 2% oO 0 () According to the problem v= vy and v= ay (2) So, va Vibe Vibe? 2 2 Therefore w= % a SY ey a Vijray dt” Vy + (ayy Diff. Eq. (2) with respect to time. dy dy dv, = w,= 0 and [A= w= a= av So, 135 1.36 “Vwow= V ev .—ri Integrating this equation from vys vs v and Os ss s - s 1 Ves so, fsb few weet i 0 ’ Hence ve we (2) (0) The normal acceleration of the point 2 -2s/R “= Re ace (using 2) And as accordance with the problem |wjl= |w,| and wi, Lw, te, 2 2 Yo -2/R v so, w= V2w,= v2 pe WR 23 1.39 From the equation v= avs As w, is a positive constant, the speed of the particle increases with time, and the tangential acceleration vector and velocity vector coincides in direction. Hence the angle between v°and wis equal to between w,i#, an W, and a. can be found I¥,1_ a?s/R_ 2s means of the formula : tana = = == u Tw" aa 1.40 From the equation I= asinwt a, v= awcoswr at So, w= 4. ~actsinor, and (yy @ w’ cos’ wt Q (a) At the point ]= 0,sin@t= 0 and cosmf= + 1 so, w= 0, 2 etc. 22 @ ow Hence w= w= Similarly at/= + a, sinwr= + 1 and cos@t= 0, so, w,= 0 Hence we |w,|= ao" 1.41 As w,= a and at ¢= 0, the point is at rest So, v(t) and s(t) are, v= at and s= fat? q@ Let R be the curvature radius, then 2 me oe oo RO RR (using 1) But according to the problem w, = bt* 2.2 2 a a asi So, bt*= R Zhe (using 1) (2) Therefore w= Vwe+w? = Va?+(2a5/R) = V a + (4 bs? / a?) (using 2) Hence we aVis (4087/0) 24 1.42 (a) Let us differentiate twice the path equation y (x) with respect to time. at’ gy dt Since the particle moves uniformly, its acceleration at all points of the path is normal and at the point x = 0 it coincides with the direction of derivative d?y/dt?, Keeping in mind 2 2 #. r0H; Ye 24 2|() vel that at the point x= 0, |@ =y oy tate Wp We get we |B z= 0 2 So, wo 2avte td, or Re Note that we can also calculate it from the formula of problem (1.35 b) (b) Differentiating the equation of the trajectory with respect to time we see that Bx a, ay no ey) which implies that the vector (b’xi"+ a”yjJ is normal to the velocity vector v= & i+ 2 which, of course, is along the tangent. Thus the former vactor is along the normal and the normal component of acceleration is clearly dx ody Bx + ay at ae Wa ae (B+ a) on using w,= wen/|n'].Atx= 0, y= = band soatx=0 Differentiating (1) 2 2 Hafolghaah-ath Also from (1) Peonx-0 So (@)- v (since tangential velocity is constant = v ) Thus (2)- * ae wiv = [ml En This gives R = a/b. 143 1.44 25 Let us fix the co-ordinate system at the point O as shown in the figure, such that the radius vector 7 of point A makes an angle @ with x axis at the moment shown. Note that the radius vector of the particle A rotates clockwise and we here take line ox as reference line, so in this case obviously the ' de® e angular velocity o-= on taking anticlockwise sense of angular displacement as positive. Also from the geometry of the triangle OAC Ror sin® sin(a-26) Let us write, or, r= 2R cos 0, 7= rcosOj7%rsin@j= 2Rcos*07+ Rsin20j” naaceea with respect to time. a a0 -> a ve 2R2cos 6(~sino) 22 dt O72 R 052020 or, v= 2n(=$° *) {sin 2077 om 207} ot, V= 2Re(sin20i—cos?0j) So, |v] or v= 2@R=0-4m/s. As @ is constant, v is also constant and w, = 2. 0, 2 2. So, we ee Gory. 407R = 032 m/s? Alternate : From the Fig. the angular velocity of the point A, with respect to centre of the circle C becomes _4(28) | 2{=48 a dt Thus we have the problem of finding the velocity and acceleration of a particle moving along a circle of radius R with constant angular velocity 2 w. )-20 = constant Hence v= 2wR and 2 2oR pooner Differentiating @ (t) with respect to time d an = o,= 2at (1) For fixed axis rotation, the speed of the point A: y veoR= 2a1R or R= > 2) 26 1.45 1.46 Differentiating with respect to time w= #. 2aR~ ©, (using 1) 2 But Wee x ee (using 2) R_ w/2at So, wa Vwlew? =V(v/t)+(2atvy = iVie4a7r The shell acquires a constant angular acceleration at the same time as it accelerates linearly. The two are related by (assuming both are constant) wee 1 2nn Where w= linear acceleration and =_angular acceleration Then, w= V2B2a0= V 24 (2any But v?= 2wi, hence finally - 2unv 7 Let us take the rotation axis as z-axis whose positive direction is associated with the positive direction of the cordinate @, the rotation angle, in accordance with the right-hand screw rule (Fig.) (a) Defferentiating p(t) with respect to time. Z $80 g-3517= 0, (t) and ao do, oo = Gee B= -601 Q) From (1) the solid comes to stop at At= t= ve The angular velocity w= a-3bt?, for 0-= dt 0 Similarly B= |B,|= 6b for all values of £. 1.47 1.48 27 Va/3b 6bt dt So, = = fat 2Vea /k 2Viy |e ep Hence < >= [ove 12 -f¥o 2 [2 - ays 0 We have @ = 0y- a9 = #2 Integratin this Eq. within its limit for (@) t -k [25 sf dt or, in 2m ket oO - @ Hence on Ge") ® (b) From the Eq., @ = wy + k@ and Eq. (1) or by differentiating Eq. (1) ake W= Wye Lt us choose the positive direction of z-axis (stationary rotation axis) along the vector B,, In accordance with the equation do, do, a” he 7d@ z or, do, = B,dp= Boospdg, Integrating this Eq. within its limit for ©, (9) * ° feo.- Bo} cos pap ° 0 ae or, oe Bo sin p Hence o,= + V2Bosing The plot «, (p) is shown in the Fig. It can be seen that as the angle @ grows, the vector @tirst increases, coinciding with the direction of the vector By (w, > 0), reaches the maximum at p= @/2, then starts decreasing and finally turns into zero at p = x. After that the body starts rotating in the opposite direction in a similar fashion (w, < 0). As a result, the body will oscillate about the position p= @/2 with an amplitude equal to 1/2. 29 1.51 Rotating disc moves along the x-axis, in plane motion in x~y plane. Plane motion of a solid can be imagined to be in pure rotation about a point (say /) at a certain instant known as instantaneous centre of rotation. The instantaneous axis whose positive sense is directed along @ of the solid and which passes through the point J, is known as instantaneous axis of rotation. Therefore the velocity vector of an arbitrary point (P) of the solid can be represented as : Sa y= Ox Tp () On the basis of Eq. (1) for the C. M. (C) of the disc ¥ wen Oxy 2 = oe According to the problem ¥;tti and Stt Fie. Gix-y plane, so to satisy the oe Eqn. (2) 7¢; is directed along (-j ). Hence point ~ x Tis at a distance r¢,= y, above the centre of QO the disc along y-axis. Using all these facts in Eq. (2), we get Ve Vom wy Or y= 7 Q) (a) From the angular kinematical equation @,= Og + Bt @ o= Bt On the other hand x= vt, (where x is the x coordinate of the C.M.) x or, t= a (5) From Eqs. (4) and (5), @ = fs Using this value of « in Eq. (3) we get jets = (hyperbola ) = mm = (b) As centre C moves with constant acceleration w, with zero initial velocity So, ede and v,= wt Therefore, y= wy = vixw Ye v2wx Hence oe oo 30 152 1.53 The plane motion of a solid can be imagined as the combination of translation of the C.M. and rotation about C.M. me So, we may write v= Voto = tox (1) and > > Wat Wot Wace a Wetw(-Ko)t(Bxrac) (2) Tac is the position of vector of A with respect to Ce In the problem v, = v= constant, and the rolling is without slipping i.e, vos v= OR, So, Wo = 0 and B= 0. Using these conditions in Eq. (2) 2 => => a v2 Was 07 (-M%c)= OR(-tye)= (ie) Here, age is the unit vector directed along Oe 2 a i and w, is directed along (-t,¢) or directed toward the centre of the Hence w, = wheel. (b) Let the centre of the wheel move toward right (positive x-axis) then for pure tolling on the rigid horizontal surface, wheel will have to rotate in clockwise sense. If w be the v angular velocity of the wheel then o = ee re Let the point A touches the horizontal surface at t= 0, further let us locate the point A att= 4, When it makes 8 = wf at the centre of the wheel. From Eqn. (1) Wyn Ver Ox re = = }+Rsin0(-i)] or, W= vit oR[coswt(-i)+sinotj ] = (v- cos wt) i+ vsinwtj” (as v= wR) So, vy = V (v-veos wt)? + (v sin wr)? = vV 2(1-cos wt) = 2 vsin (wt /2) Hence distance covered by the point A during T= 22x/w 2x/w a= fare ff av sinor2) a= 8R. 0 = vitw(-k)x [R cos 0 ( Let us fix the co-ordinate axis xyz as shown in the fig. As the ball rolls without slipping along the rigid surface so, on the basis of the solution of problem 1.52 : Mom Ve+Ox T= 0 Thus we 7 v,= oR and @tt(-k) as Vtti o 31 @,+Bx7rZ= 0 and y= BR and Btt ce) as Ww, ant7} A VetWR=Vs At the position corresponding to that of Fig., in accordance with the problem, B We= My 60 Vem WE \ oh and o- Rk and B= F (osing 1) Vp (a) Let us fix the co-ordinate system with the oe 7 attached with the rigid surface as shown in the Fig. As point O is the instantaneous centre of rotation of the ball at the moment shown in Fig. so, ¥o= 0, Now, he e+ Ox ige = Veit (HEX RG) = (ve+OR)E So, = 2veim 2wti (using 1) Similalry 7 = 95+ Bx Foo voit o(-F)xRG) 7 oe ry = v7 + OR (-J)= Veit Ve(-J) So, vg=V2 v,=VZ wt and Vp is at an angle 45° from both and j Fig.) (b) Wo Wow (- 73 )+ Bi oc A W #BR = 0? cide (Hoc) (using 1) where Mee is the unit vector along Toc \, 2 A B vj 50, wy Bat (using 2) and W, is 2 directed towards the centre of the ball Yee Now Wi, = Wo +0? (- 740) + Bc be 0 % = witw?R(-j)+B(-k)xXRj Ae 2\2 So, mye V awe = 2w 1+(5e] Similarly Wy = We + 0 (-F3c) + BX Te = wit wR (-1}+BCE)xRO) =\Y-z i+BR(-j) (using 1) 32 : (~ . t| i+ w(-j) (using 2) so, wa V + R 1.54 Let us draw the kinematical diagram of the rolling cylinder on the basis of the solutio: of problem 1.53. A Vaz2Vp Wet Br \ V7 We Br ve=VaVe As, an arbitrary point of the cylinder follows a curve, its normal acceleration and radius of curvature are related by the well known equation Ww, = > so, for point A, or, = 4r (because v.= wr, for pure rolling) Similarly for point B, Wainy ™ B W2v.¥ ‘B wr cos 45° = or, Ry= 2V2 me = 2v2r or 1.55 The angular velocity is a vector as infinitesimal rotation commute. Then the relative angular velocity of the body 1 with respect to the body 2 is clearly. y=, -a, as for relative linear velocity. The relative acceleration of 1 w.t.t. 2 is (#), 1.56 1.57 33 where S' is a frame corotating with the second body and S is a space fixed frame with origin coinciding with the point of intersection of the two axes, : di) (di) ut a le 7 oa ' ' Bs de Since S’ rotates with angular velocity w, . However oan | = 0 as the first body rotates with constant angular velocity in space, thus B= @) xa, Note that for any vector By the relation in space forced frame (k) and a frame (#) rotating with angular velocity @ is an dt Wehave i= atit bij” qd So, w= V (ai? + G2) , thus, ol, 30, = 7.81 rad/s Differentiating Eq. (1) with respect to time B= 18 ariany ) So, B= Var+(2 bie and Blea tos = 13 rad/s” ©) one oF, (ati br?7) (ait 2b) ) V (ay? + (br? V a? + (2b1y Putting the values of (a) and (b) atd'taking ¢= 10s, we get ae 17° (a) Let the axis of the cone (OC) rotates in anticlockwise sense with constant angular velocity &” and the cone itself about it’s own axis (OC) in clockwise sense with angular velocity @ (Fig.). Then the resultant angular velocity of the cone. FT +H a As the rolling is pure the magnitudes of the vectors @ and @, can be easily found from Fig. v * Reota’ @9= W/R 2) As & 1G, from Eq. (1) and (2) 34 o= Vo"+o3 ve 2 v\2 Vv (raz) +] ” Rosa ~ 23 7d/s (b) Vector of angular acceleration dv_4@+,) 7 7 (as @ = constant.) The vector @y which rotates about the OO’ axis with the angular velocity @, retains i magnitude. This increment in the time interval dt is equal to [d@y| = wg w' dt or in vector form d&g = (@ x Gy) dt. Thus B= Wx ay ¢ The magnitude of the vector Bis equal to B= ww (as D 135) v_v Y ana 2310d/s Bm ReotaR™ A The axis AB acquired the angular velocity oO = Bee (1) 0 Using the facts of the solution of 1.57, the SS angular velocity of the body W=BeE w= Var+o” = Vog + B20? = 0-6 rad/s Wo A And the angular acceleration. pe GS, SHH) ad doh Cth eee ye dy dw But Te x @y, and =e Bor So, B= (Bot x @)+ Bo As, BpL@ so, B= V (i Bot) + BS = By V1 + (wp) = 0-2 rad/s? 2 4.59 1.60 161 35 THE FUNDAMENTAL EQUATION OF DYNAMICS Let R be the constant upward thurst on the aerostat of mass m, coming down with a constant acceleration w. Applying Newton’s second law of motion for the aerostat in projection form F,= mw, mg-R= mw dd) Now, if Am be the mass, to be dumped, then using the Eq. F, = mw, R-(m- Am) g= (m-Am)w, Q) 2mw From Eqs. (1) and (2), we get, Am= a0 Let us write the fundamental equation of dynamics for all the three blocks in terms of projections, having taken the positive direction of x and y axes as shown in Fig; and using the fact that kinematical relation between the accelerations is such that the blocks move with same value of acceleration (say w) my &-T,= myw Q) T, - T, - kn, g=m,w (2) and T,-kmg= mw (6) The simultaneous solution of Eqs. (1), (2) and (3) yields, [mg - k (on, +m.) ] | —memem =F (1+k) my ant ng em, +, 28 mop As the block mg moves down with acceleration w, so in vector form pe (mto= kom + ma NE my +m, +m, Let us indicate the positive direction of x-axis along the incline (Fig.). Figures show the force diagram for the blocks. Let, R be the force of interaction between the bars and they are obviously sliding down with the same constant acceleration w.

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