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No. of Respondents by Gender

G12-13 G12-50 G12-57 Total %


Male 16 28 31 75 73%

Female 7 12 9 28 27%

total 23 40 40 103 100%

The number of students in this study were 103 respondents. 75 or 73% of

respondents were male. 16 male respondents from G12-13, 28 male respondents from

G12-50 and 31 male respondents from G12-57. While female respondents were 28 or

27% of the total population of respondents. 7 female from G12-13, 12 female from G12-

50, 9 female from G12-57. The table shows that the male has the most number of

respondents. In this school year 73% male is in the computer programming or IT elective

was chosen.

GWA of HSU G12 IT students

GWA Number of Respondents %

Qq79 - Below 3 2.9%

80 - 85 30 29%
86 – 90 63 61%

91 - above 8 7.1%

The table shows that among 103 respondents 61% of them got 86-90 general

weighted average last school year 2016-2017. Only 2.9% of the respondents have 79 –

below gwa.

Technological Devices Accesibility








Desktop Camera Laptop Pc tablet USB Drive SmartPhone Printer

G12-13 G12-50 G12-57

The student’s most accessible devices are smart phone, USB drive and laptops. The

graph shows that usage of technology among HSU G12 IT students are much accessible.
Technological Devices Activities
Very Mode Can’t
% Easy % % Hard % %
Easy rate Do
Send email 61 59% 36 34% 7 6.1% 1 0.9% 0 -
Presentation 57 55.3% 37 36% 9 8.7% 0 - 0 -
Spreadsheet 37 36% 33 32% 29 28% 3 2.9% 1
Download 51 50% 32 31% 18 17.5% 2 1.9% 0 -
Photoshop 22 21% 22 21% 28 27% 17 16.9% 4
Troubleshoot 25 24% 30 29% 33 32% 13 12.9% 2

The table shows the following activities done using technology devices. Out of 103

respondents, 59% of them answers sending an email is very easy for them while 0.9%

says it is hard. Making presentations using Microsoft PowerPoint is very easy answered

by 55.3% of them while 8.7% says it is moderate. Creating a spreadsheet for computation

or other accounting related purpose is very easy from 36% of respondents and 32% for

easy while 28% answered it was moderate and 0.9% answered they can’t do it. In

downloading apps or any media that is useful in education which 50% of the respondents

answered it was very easy and at least 1.9% of respondents is taking it as a hard

activities. In editing photos using Photoshop 27% of the respondents which is the greatest

number says it was a moderate task and at least 3.9% of the respondents says they can’t

do it. Fixing or trouble shooting technological devices such as computer is moderate task

from 32% of the population and 1.9% says they can’t do. This shows that most activities

is not difficult to do by HSU G12 IT students.

Knowledge on Computer Apps Function






Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5

Correct Answer Wrong Answer

In this graph it shows in following question that is asked in the survey questionnaire

is a general information that one of the choices is the right answer. Q1 for Question

number 1 is bout search engine for searching or gathering information online, Q2 for

Question number 2 is about the use of Microsoft excel, Q3 or question number three is

about the use of PowerPoint Presentation has the highest number of correct answer and

least wrong answer meaning most of the students knows the purpose of using such

application. Microsoft Excel is for computation that is asked in Q2 or question number 2

got most wrong answers among the following questions that is asked. Lastly, Q5 or

question number 5 is about the use of Microsoft access. This following questions allows

researcher to know the extent of knowledge of students in using different computer

educational applications that is most use and studied in school.

Importance of Technology

VH % H % SH % UH % NE %

Q1 58 56% 30 29% 15 15% 0 - 0 -

Q2 53 51% 31 30% 19 18% 0 - 0 -

Q3 49 48% 28 27% 26 25% 0 - 0 -

Q4 47 46% 34 33% 20 19% 0 - 2 1.9%

Q5 53 51% 28 27% 22 21% 0 - 0 -

Q6 59 57% 21 20% 22 21% 1 0.9% 0

This table shows the importance of technology involvement in their study and

technology they use in teaching by their instructors or teachers. The scale are VH (Very

Helpful), H (Helpful), SH (Somewhat Helpful), UH (Unhelpful) and NE (Never Experience).

Q1 or Question 1 in section c of the survey questionnaire is on lecture notes projected via

Powerpoint slides, 56% of the respondents said it is VH (Very Helpful). Q2 or Question

number 2 is presentation it was 51% of the respondents said it is VH (Very Helpful). Q3

or Question number 3 is asked if individual or small group work using computer lab or

computer classroom, 49% of the respondents says it is VH (Very Helpful). Q4 or Question

number 4 is about individual or small-group work using laptop was asked, 47% of the

respondents said it is VH (Very Helpful) while 1.9% have never experience this situation.

Q5 or Question number 5 is about the use of laptop and projector or tv as chalk

replacement, 51% of the respondents said it is VH (Very Helpful). Q5 of Question number

5 is about laptop and projector for pedagogical use like websites, interactive simulations

and learning objects were asked, 57% of the respondents said it is VH (Very Helpful).

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