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February 27, 1958 Prof, M, 1, Andreasen 1931 Acadeny Place Glendale 6, Calif, Dear Brother Andreasen: Thank you for your letter of the 2lst. I regret to learn that Sis- ter Andreasen had not made the rapid recovery fron her surgery that was an- ticipated, Your letter indicates however that she would be home in a day or two, and I suppose she is now back. We hope that she will make a prompt and satisfactory recovery. In regard to the natter of a record of the meeting, I think I ine dicated in my letter of February 10 that the brethren here had in mind re~ cording on tape the proceedings of our mooting. This would provide a full record of what is said ad done. We assume that such a comlete record would be agreeable to yous Corceming the tine needed, we did not set this, Srotuer Andreasen, for we were not sure how much tine it would take. We do rot intend cutting the time any shorter than necessary, nor extending it eny farther than would be justified. Could you tell us how much ting you think will be necessary for you to have adequately to present vhat you wish to say. If you could give ue an idea of that, possibly we could plan the tine nore intelligently. We know that you will not unnecessarily prolong a discussion and thet you will be pointed in your remake, I wonder, srother Andreasen, if I could ask you a question with which you mst be comovhat familiar, It is pertaining to the Minneapolis meeting ani briefly what occurred there. A few have endeavored to tell us that some things were stifled there that should have been given free course, There has bean suggestion that the denomination went astray there by not heed- ing messages given by Jones and Wacgoner on righteousness by faith. Fecent= ly I have read what L, H. Onristian has written in hie book, "Fruitage of Spir- dual Gifts," and his conment on the Minneapolis meeting. He seems to present ‘the matter there as if the messages were received, that emphasis was ven on righteousness and justification by faith, and that following the 1388 meeting a roal revival took place anong our people, If you have any further light on ‘this matter, I would be very appreciative of receiving ite With cordial greetings to both you and Sister Andreasen, 1 am Very sincerely your brother, REF w 2 R, Piguhr air

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