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HPL Reflection Page

1) Think back to your favorite or most challenging teacher. How did they make you feel?

What qualities made them memorable for you? List 3-5.

Now think back on your own career. When did you feel like a leader or a "good" teacher?

2) Think of a time your students were deeply engaged in your classroom. What were their
bodies doing?

Now think of a time your students seemed disengaged. What were their bodies doing?

With your table, I want you to play with the items on the table for 10 minutes. Have one
person write down what everyone says while playing.

o How did you interact with your partners? What did the observer notice?

3) What kind of project work happens in your classroom?

What do you find most challenging about project work?

Imagine a Reggio-inspired experience for your classroom. What 5 words come to mind?

With partners or a small group, discuss how your team plans and creates centers. What
works? What doesn’t?

What parts of classroom management can your students take on?

How do you feel about the idea of releasing some classroom responsibilities?
4) What do you think your administrators might consider the most important evidence for
using HPL strategies in your school?

What do you think parents might think is most important?

Now that you’ve completed this training, what do you think?

Final thoughts:
Notes from Presentation

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