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Gregory Hofmeister is a native of Northeastern Ohio where he attended McKinley Senior

High School. Graduating high school with a 4.3 GPA and an active member of the fine
arts programs offered at McKinley, Gregory left Canton, Ohio to pursue a degree in
Music at Ohio University.

A fifth year Music undergraduate student at Ohio University, Gregory has managed to
invest himself in the various musical theater and choral areas between the university and
community. Each year he has auditioned and placed in the top choir, Ohio University
Singers, and has acted as the bass section leader the last two years. In choirs at OHIO,
Gregory has held the following executive and leadership positions: Vice President of
Ohio University Singers (2017) and Music Director (2016), Recruitment Chair (2016),
Librarian (2015), and section leader the last three years. Gregory was a four-year member
of Section 8 A Cappella as their featured bass and played trumpet in the Marching 110
for two seasons. These ensembles have helped enhance Gregory’s education and
provided him with rehearsal management and conducting experience.

The Ohio University School of Music has provided Gregory with a wide array of taught
and assessed skills such as: music theory, aural skills, piano, and music history. In these
classes, Gregory has learned a fundamental and practical approach to music that will
enable him to communicate and seek employment in the musical arts after college.

As a vocalist, Gregory has taken voice lessons with the Voice Department’s faculty. His
instructor, Kelly Burns, has taught him for five years. In this time, Gregory has delved
into various repertoires including: art songs, arias, musical theater, and opera. He has
sung in English, Italian, Latin, German and French while at OHIO. Gregory has
competed in the Regional NATS audition and earned 3rd place his freshmen year in the
classical category and 3rd place in musical theater his senior year. Gregory has also
participated in the Broadway at OHIO event the last two years and worked with Sam
Simahk and Rachelle Fleming. Gregory completed his senior year with a junior recital
with the Songs of Travel, Tre Ariettas by Bellini, and Der arme Peter by Schumann. This
school year, Gregory has planned two senior recitals, one classical and the other entirely
musical theater.

In the Athens’ community, Gregory has performed for three summer seasons in the Ohio
Valley Summer Theater (OVST). While in OVST, he played the role of Bert in Mary
Poppins (2015), Don Quixote in Man of La Mancha (2016), and Brad in Hairspray. In
his second year of working with OVST, Gregory was awarded the Bob Winters award for
service and dedication to the arts. Among musical theater in the community, Gregory has
sung in various church choirs as a paid singer. Gregory has also helped chaperone and
lead vocal instruction at the OHIO summer music camp the last two years. Gregory has
also worked with countless choral programs in the southeastern Ohio region and assisted
in Solo and Ensemble as well as regional contest. Gregory is a member of NAfME,
ACDA, and student NATS here at OHIO.

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