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Common Doshas And Their Vastu Shastra Remedies

1)-Naked Walls:Place a picture or a statue of Ganesha on the naked walls of your residence, especially the ones you
see when just entering the house.Remember, bare walls signify loneliness and a good way to cover them up is with
the image of Lord Ganesha
2)-.Low Energy Levels:The energy circles of a residence or office can be improved by making use of Swastika
Yantra. But bear in mind, this method requires cautionand should be done only with expert supervision.
3)-River Or drainage system close to the building:If you have a river or a drain close to the house or office which is
flowing in an anti-clockwise manner in a direction apart from north-east, it isbest to place a west-facing figure of
dancing Ganesha on the north-eastern corner of your house or office.
4)-Wrongly Constructed ToiletsAlways construct a toilet in the north-western or western direction.Remember, a toilet
constructed at the eastern corner can lead to diseases.
5)-Wrongly Designed Beds:If you have health problems, make sure you sleep on a bed with four legs. Beds with
boxes tend to stop air circulation in turn causing badhealth.6)-6)-6)-Incorrect Borings:
If the boring of a house is placed in an incorrect direction, it is advisable to keep a picture of ‘Panchmukhi
Hanumanji’, looking South-West tothe boring.
7)-Inauspicious Images:According to vastu shastr
a remedies it’s inauspicious to hang posters depicting war scenes, crying women, sexy scenes, anger, eagles or
owls.It’s best to replace such pictures immediately.
8)- Kitchen Items:Place heavy items such as grinders, shelf, fridge, and the like, towards the west and the southern
wall of the kitchen.
9)-Doors:According to vastu for windows and doors,if the doors in your house open outwards, change them
straight away by those which open inwards.
10)-Cactus:Vastu for house disapproves of keeping or planting Cactus in the house.Vastu shastra remedies are a cure
to the disharmony caused due to unorganized architectural methods and impulsive planning. If you’re well
qualified and experienced but still not being able to get a good job or run a business successfully, then its best to
consult a vastu specialist. Badlove life, strained relationships, financial difficulties are all indicative of a problematic

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