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acrifice, because the Keesh’s father sacrifice is unvalued in the society.

We can see from

the characters in the story such as Ugh-Gluk. Ugh-Gluk is the harsh person, then she
likes to underestimate people. it looks at the story that from the beginning until the
ending of the story she is still unconscious with the sacrifice of the Keesh’s father. She
still opposes Keesh desire to go to hunt the bear by himself. That is the proof that she is
a harsh person. Beside that, she likes to underestimate the people seems when she said
to Keesh that, it’s impossible to the son of a failure in hunting will be success to hunt the
bear who is 13 years old by himself. Not only the Ugh-Gluk character that we can see
from the theme but also the other characters. After the death of his father, Keesh lived
alone with his mother in poverty and they are quickly forgotten by the society. In
contrast to when Keesh has grown and become a strong boy, he tried to prove the
community that he is able to hunt. When he succeeded in getting some bear meat, the
people around him change into community who appreciate and elevating them into the
higher class. Before Keesh succeeded in proving his intelligence in the hunt process, the
people around him have given prejudiced by accusing first that Keesh has used magic to
get the bear meat. This story shows the character in a community life. They just
appreciate someone when he/she succeeds to give something to the society/community
and they immediately forget it then. Finally, we can know the caharacteric of the
characters through the theme.

4. Conclusion
Through this literature work, the author tries to portray the phenomena that is
commonly found in our life. Keeesh is a major character who has important role in the
story that the author expect to be able to create the impression of being a savior in the
community. Keesh tries to sensitize the community by doing the same thing as that of
his father do in the past. Finally, he succeeds in showing to the communi

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