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Haunting, that’s the life of Keesh, a 13 years old who trained himself to be the next great huntman that
will ever known in their village. His father “bok” was also a great huntsman, but sadly he got killed by a
polar bear. Because of what happened in his father, he struggled so much. Even his co-villagers and
council doubted him that he can do such things. But those discrimination didn’t stop him, he stand his
words and because of his accomplishments in killing bears , he got accused that he's using witchcraft
which is not true. But lastly keesh explained and made them realized that he did all of those, not because
of witchcraft, he did all of those because of bravery, headcraft and smart ideas.

Keesh proved and made us realised that doing such things is not a bad thing, it’s not about your age or
status in life or any reason that we can’t accomplish our aim or goal in life. Keesh tries to proved that his
father has become the savior for his community. He comes again to make the society aware that they
have to appreciate every sacrifice of a person and we should not have bad prejudice towards each other.
It’s just disappointing in his part that he just wanted to help his village but they misunderstood him and
even accused him on a bluff things. Discriminating is not we should do, appreciation is. Like keesh, I will
also do the same thing, that we don’t need to be affected on discrimination, ‘cause we know our selves,
strength more than anyone does. We can’t just let them discriminate us, at the same time I felt proud and
amused on what did the young lad do to change the perception of his co-villagers.

Even though bok ( father of keesh) died without the appreciation of his co-villagers, he’s son who
continued he’s journey to give the honor himself, to proved all the people out there who didn’t believe
him. Just like the perception of keesh , we need to fight, not give up on important things that can lead us
to a good pathway. Jack London is a very wise man to write something like these, that will give more
inspirational quotes, stories and wisdom that will help us to improve our selves more.

If we just open our mind in every situation, even though it’s easy or hard, we can make through it, we just
need to trust our selves, even no one trusted us. Jack London is a very wise man to write something like
these, that will give more inspirational quotes, stories and wisdom that will help us to improve our selves.
Giving up and being affected in small things can’t help us to grow more, instead the more we’re ashamed
of our selves, the more we fall down. We just need to be like keesh, who’s strong and independent young



Life can be very challenging, you need to be wise, smart, brave and thoughtful, we need to be
independent also on how we make our decisions in life. The decision we've made will also affect us,cause
the decisions we've made will have the cause and effect. That's why keesh decide to be strong,
independent and brave kid. He teach us many things that will help to improved our life and selves. Life
can be hard, but there will be always a path for us that will help to lead us to a new and happy
environment. We don't need to be stressed just because we faced many problems in our daily life, once
there is a problem, there will be always a solution. That's how life worked. Discrimination or any
distraction can't help us to be a better person, they're just a wall who's trying to stop us, just like how the
council doubted the young lad who named keesh.

In the story of keesh I learned many things, that when someone sacrifices his/her life just for the sake of
many people, we need appreciated it. I also learned that no matter what happens bravery and wise will be
the greatest sword that I'll ever have. The story of keesh teach us many lessons that we can apply to our
selves just like how he become an independent young lad. Keesh proved and made us realised that doing
such things is not a bad thing, it’s not about your age or status in life or any reason that we can’t
accomplish our aim or goal in life. Keesh tries to proved that his father has become the savior for his
community. He comes again to make the society aware that they have to appreciate every sacrifice of a
person and we should not have bad prejudice towards each other. It’s just disappointing in his part that he
just wanted to help his village but they misunderstood him and even accused him on a bluff things.
Discriminating is not we should do, appreciation is. Like keesh, I will also do the same thing, that we
don’t need to be affected on discrimination, ‘cause we know our selves, strength more than anyone does.
We can’t just let them discriminate us, at the same time I felt proud and amused on what did the young lad
do to change the perception of his co-villagers.

Even though bok ( father of keesh) died without the appreciation of his co-villagers, he’s son who
continued he’s journey to give the honor himself, to proved all the people out there who didn’t believe
him. Just like the perception of keesh , we need to fight, not give up on important things that can lead us
to a good pathway. Jack London is a very wise man to write something like these, that will give more
inspirational quotes, stories and wisdom that will help us to improve our selves more.
Giving up and being affected in small things can’t help us to grow more, instead the more we’re ashamed
of our selves, the more we fall down. We just need to be like keesh, who’s strong and independent young

In all, stories are not just stories, they are the other world that has many lessons to be told, lessons to help,
lessons to give us many inspiration words that will help us improved our selves in any ways if we'll just
put in our minds that everything happens for a reason. Problem are only problem they are the reason why
we're improving our selves to be a better person and human being as well. The story of keesh will marked
in our lives that give us inspiration to live and continue our journey as we wanted to be.

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