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THES © HINDU FRIDAYREVIEW FRIDAY, APRIL 12, 2013 Holistic healing — CARE It is neither mantra nor tantra but the inclusive approach has done wonders for patients at TAG-VHS. IEETHA VENKATRAMANAN talk with Dr CY, Krlsh- inaswamy puts things in the right porepective,“Docs any text book of modera medicine have a chapteron Health, per se?" He follows ‘up with the answer, an em- phatic ‘no! “Anatomy, dis” eases, ete Dut not \wellbeingas such Tddefine ‘health as a state in which the person can tackle life ‘vith energy and enthus mhatve hg alent ie/she may have,” ‘The septuagenerian, who is in the 48th year of his ‘career asserts all humili- ty that _modera’ medicine ‘sits imitations afactnot many fellow practitioners ‘might concede. “Tim 70 and retired, virtually. My aim is to work for the relief of pa tients awiding over-inves- tigation and overtyeatment Never mind if the means does not fallin line with my chosen stream. ‘The end should bring happiness to the sufferer.” "Dr. CVK's search has led kim on the Innovative path of healing that combines three meth- ods one of them being Avurred, Dr.CVKis convinced that ‘Ayurveda has the right an Sswers to health issues and cites examples, with video footage, Part of Veda "Ayurveda is a part of Atharvana Veda. Precious material on the subject wae Jost when temples that had ‘nseriptions were destroyed Aduring the Mughal invasion, Parumacharya wanted the translation of whatever was left to reach the common, ‘man,’ says Dr CVK. who re- fers his pationts to Dr. Gini ju. Incidentally, the inside cover of “Jeevani has a close-up ofthe inscriptions at the Turumukkoodal tem- ple in Sanehipuram. “Diabetessrelated condi- tion, especialy neuralgia, respond very well to Dr. Gi ‘tjas preseriptlons. Modern ‘rugs donot adress the ex- eruciating pin when the nerve, the facial one in par tical, is affected. Such ftses have found happy re let at Senjeevani. Amputa tionchave beea avoided. “fact, the patient's de- pendene® on insulin is min Imisedand thequilityoflie ‘ils ‘hand over the Commissioner In honour Prot. Seshadrinath College, Chennai. Jou “K Felicitations Dr. Krishnaswamy wil offer his felicitations at the Boas releasefintiontaneron Ochi rekumer, idya Pharm. 7 ieee eee syle Secretory, CMD, THDC willrsleas¢ the Dok t copy to Dr. Santosh Babu, in Medicine and Homeopathy. Or. Krishnakumer will give the presidential adcress and KS. Viswanatha Sarma and Prot KV sri former principal, Sanskrit INNOVATIVE: Dr. C. V. Krishnaswamy at VHS in Chermai. PHOTO: K.V.SRINVASAN improves. [believe in mini- mal drugging and when T found Ayurveda offering an ideal solution, | grabbed it, Longevity has ao meaning ‘when the person is weighed down by deus and their ide effects,” elaborates Dt CVK. to whom the sastrs, however, was aot new, “Lwas a keen follower of Prof, Viswanatha Sarma, former principal of Venka- tramana Ayurveda College, and Dr. Giria’s mentor When a Cambridge-based physicist told me of the re- lief Dr. Ginifa was bringing to people afflicted with aulliple sclerosis, my inter- est was kindled and I decid ed to tieup with ‘Sanjeevani’ The initiative hhas benefited hundreds of peopl Dr. CV's principle ~ In- novative Human Healing Sas Dactiers and Bounda- tes ~ isthe bedrock of Tas VHS Diabetic Research entre (44-22541921, 1922, 2 unit of VHS), founded in 2011. Ayurveda, ‘modern ind medical science, energy- medicine (pulsed electro Iagnetle field energy, PEMFE) and metaphysical therapy alleome together to ‘cure patients. Comatose statehasbeen reversed, pal sy has been cured with pa- aS a _ Treatment * Energy healing is ‘enshrined in and therapist Rajan Iyer Dynamic ‘Acupuncture (DAMM) therapy. * Biomagnetic pulsar Is a device that pain and inflammation, encourages cell survival and hastens healing process sans rugs and surge tients walkingbackhome to resumetheirduties.Parkin- son's diseace need not spell doom. Every ease is disitaly documented at this paper- less hospital. ‘The patientrscord ys tems andl all hospital oper- ations. including aceatmts andfinancearepreserved in ‘high-security electronic network. Prof. BM. Hegde, renowned cardiologist atk former. vice-chancellor of Manipal University, shor, Dr. CVK calls a pioneer, closely associated with this Project. r. CVE singles out Dr, Girija's pasion for Ayurve. daas her strength. She his absolute faith in the soi fence, faith that she will not compromise, and has proved that the holistic healing the sastra offers is the best.” > 13 | OPEN' PAGE ‘Auto-healing, akin to quantum healing, can bring a sick person back to normal. This alone can be called cure’ Some thoughts on ‘quantum healing’ Bite Fp cy Teen one fy ofr fete tomy ewec Ieties on we erent fesciaret ates ce: dt fo sols Ge cnieranety oct tac fet none ovcedin mat stdin pemtiscinenteeatie Ting bree bg sce Det han pac towed Simin etl wats es THesbomartdiscoy ite ee bee pest anak ate Bihan ue Baetsigtnaps a mee Feel tapos ry Sorat anit fen Guise He od ite the awl Peete ont id not help. Moving in the che besane utearble is Giendstoid imthiseouldberelievedy surgery aay Clinic Hevasatingready ‘onan irambulsncesscenves Honalaietrvsl mis inpeasble Tks wt, though vas « strong Dele n er guar inca tue The patent ae si hit a6 Rebalind hinwelf to be ston tie Lite di he rete that a ‘tice nowsustaboat 5 per cent of thisurverse HE Bad to go for the Blessing ‘Thery a mincle happens. The essing seemed to reduce his dir sconfre radualy, and ik 24 hours Ihewaie from ain, He sce ‘Work tT think he herein’ Interentionalonsiuahe ‘One col day lin tht his made ifitisone could ne besa. esi Lasofratienaists ruldnot ‘een believe thie happen. (cr ol ft thom ether Everthing tht happens here ha resent ‘au ceaoalg mgt nat be able © ‘uel any sue happens 1 ‘Quantum ples ther clit" ‘Quant psi wish tame conventional le state pins up Side dwn hasan importa ri Ble washistutourtnaghtsdeter. mie reaity, aria the 160Dsthey ‘proved Bic withthe Conbieslt ex Derlment The eberer mares ‘itermincs the behaviour of ney tthe qeantum level Recetly the ‘coerimeats of Dean Radin co firmed the due ct experiment ‘oul Bohar shar ofan ‘The ind eanoot be coafted to the bran The an who te To do ‘hiewathe Canadian earosureon Wilder Pet, with hi exper ‘ments on the cpened wp brine of Pints during sirgey: Cosining themindtothebralastighsiness Inwestem moder medicine sling tellin of dolar of rain oi ‘ing meiner ald. peyote tras ‘The mind is the cawas on which ur thoughts are projected and is 2 part of or eanciausnest Ose Soll es holgraphic projection of cur consceumess Therefore, We shaun have complete contol Over our bis ie try si hae ‘hersrtne intent toe Elec trent unr the ame conditions ‘woul mets at ke partie, {in hen at other times sic 10 ctng ike waves Ceres net ‘even believe this ‘cannot be either {).depsntingon what the obser expected was ging te happen, whatever the ofmered telered woul eccr is what the quantum field id” Quant phsieutshave fc ification dealing with, Dining end defining the quanta orld Are we not the masters Cation as we dead what man festsoutoftheitedofakossbiity Andintofeem’? ‘Jat ar erator be theBlcprine ofa mokeul o ruil the hu an mind has a bIueprit of the Thoma boy Whe the ed needs tabs ruil efron the and sul dothat ea timewe excite between caer dormesness) ene parce (e happens inmamersbe tines ina second. Wr shoil ve total conte over what um want ‘with retention to mane out ofthe ener eldthe nettnoment Ttdependsonourbeliet and eetings toa exentBven anathelst cule rot com under th shadow of eu Intsvesionalits Un Unaided Uy any reductioait chem the eadeart muscle cell death) Inthe conreof thine hart etal) get the help of igh Touring mona cll sipping to ‘esp the decel space ee sipping. When normal els Spot of ther ners! place the fibroblasts Holding thse cols in pce gt stimula to protusemore re (ibrobls: tleprotieration this upping lent of strong fbr to rebuld the skpped calls in place Heart Tnuscleclls fray fem fartthatcanotsipout trio hypertrophy toe the heart ‘use wal rong Oper phy) Thus, hans o the {connie mrnais sem, cur satu tines of ers sch aliens develop a strong ne bat heart Gemodeling) whi dots not gre rive Lo venue sneunsms,enteusrsepal do fects and/or maligant arth foc in the entre Auto-beleg, Mcntoquaatu teslig bingone back tenormuley.Thisslonecan be fale ure, We might fave to dere oar consis ini to tat vel ‘where we gotan isi to healer Selves eee a her book Mose jesofmaton, Candas ert ho showed forthe ist tine that on de receptors ave outs the bean ‘lk, predicted thts time is nt far when we yet aeadache well havetost na guletcrnero mel- ‘tate to elerate our consciousness {0 gst total vee Hom besdache tea of conunsing the o aled paiekler pls "What Wekow ean beheld inthe im of one's are wale what we Alanat now comet to thes ofthe niet, Western eduction set th ny 3 ren is Wor’ energy ae matter are own to humans, The reraining per cant socal Profesor Hegde cardlogit anlefierc Vee Chanel af ‘Manipal Ura a Pada Phushan ewache arbmbeipeigmel com oat wten he ist rouble a be {Wi harg ont the as! srw whe rowing Rock Haden was Cup by the papraca speaking ino ‘ourdes fn hs tinal stage of AIDS, ‘They asked him how he ence te cident ofthe American aton- Hist Society, cou bale Landes freer coud sae him. He rep: hen tcomestoye yousvalon sourseptcsn ‘Quantum healing is what hap- pens then your own viene Face happen dving the ose [itn between matter and energy to rebul te earaged pert ‘Ths pecs that level of consists {Phen one is very trang This Ie Irene medtation and ach et ‘es have therapeei ae. Stes hhne shown mind medttionsan fen lengthen the telomeres which f@orvbesherton with ge They fre showm to even change gee penerance Dy alien the nye FPonment needed fort Eigen rings vation eles to hiran, fonelouences now that Laake aes deminattat Bl ‘One sximie of ential r= Inodating after 4 nonfatal heart $Mack where the ky pate eee

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