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Standard 6 C

IEP Case Manager

I served as a case manager for a student who received adapted physical education and
physical therapy only. This was due to a medical condition in which the student entered
5-year-old kindergarten receiving adapted physical education. Typically students must
have another entry point through speech or special education services to receive adapted
physical education or physical therapy.

Because this student did not receive those services, I was made the case manager. I have
never served as a case manager before and learned a great deal about privacy laws. The
parents of this student were also very sensitive to their student’s needs and felt that in the
past the student’s best interests were not being taken care of by the school district.

There were many times throughout the IEP process that I had to sit down with the parents
to have discussion about school district decisions and the laws that led to those decisions.

As a result of this process, I had to familiarize myself with district, state, and federal
privacy laws and policies.

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