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Panachai Dithapan (Job) 1107 8/12/17


“Dr. Angelo Carlos, the scientist who has just won the Nobel Prize, has disappeared. Police

are investigating. Next news, the earth is starting to be overpopulated. The world population now

reaches 12.4 billion and will continue to grow up rapidly. Some countries have started to establish

the law to control birth rates. Here, in the United States, the number of population is 928 million,

the president will discuss about controlling birth rates with the council tomorrow.” a reporter said

on the radio.

“How was your day?” asked James.

“Well, boring as usual. I have to edit my article again and again, and I really hate my boss. I liter-

ally want to quit my job and work with you.” said Elaine.

“I told you many times that my job is dangerous,” said James.

Suddenly, they heard something explode. Then people started running. They got out of the

car to see what was happening. Then they saw a ton of abnormal people acting weird and attacking

each other.

“Eh, are those zombies?” asked Elaine.

“I guess. Run, El, Run!” said James.

He brought El to the nearest CIA safe house a few blocks away. As soon as they arrived at

the safe house, James contacted a friend at CIA.

“What is going on? What are they?" questioned James.

"I'm figuring out. I found some clues that lead to the warehouse in Manhattan owned by a gangster.

Electricity usage there is suspiciously high lately. It consumes electricity more than it is to be only a

warehouse. So I hacked into security cameras around the warehouse and found that there are new

containers brought in twice a day. You are the agent who is nearest to that warehouse. I think you

should check it out, but be careful." said Joshua.

"Alright, I am going right now," said James, ending the call.

"I am going with you!" said Elaine

"Sorry, El. You have to stay here. It is too dangerous.” said James

He headed straight to the warehouse. On the way to the warehouse, he faced many zombies.

So he observed their behaviors by throwing a rock at someone’s car window, and he noticed that

they were aroused by sound. He quietly sneaked pass the group of zombies and arrived at the ware-

house. Then he carefully climbed up to the roof and peeked through a hole. He witnessed trading

between arms dealers and gangsters.

“You can use them only on people who turned within 48 hours.” said one of the gangsters.

The gangsters exchanged a tank of gas for turning zombies back to human with a dozen of

assault rifles. One of the arms dealers tried that gas on a zombie that appeared to be his friend. The

zombie turned back to a normal human.

James headed back to the safe house to report what he has just seen to CIA. He entered the

safe house and saw no one. He looked around the safe house nervously and still could not find

Elaine. He ran toward the exit door. He opened it and found Elaine with her father, Daniel.

“Where have you been? Why did you go out there alone? It’s unsafe.” said James with a worried


“I worried about my dad, so I went to my house and brought him here. I know it’s not safe but you

have to trust me that I can defend myself,” said Elaine.

“Alright, but if you want to go out next time, you have to tell me. Okay?”


James told Elaine and Daniel about what he had seen. They were surprised.

“Kids, I have some food for you guys,” said Daniel with a smile on his face

They had lunch together. As soon as James finished having food, he headed toward the

phone. While he was pressing a number, he fell down unconsciously. Daniel walked in to check that
James and Elaine are unconscious. He brought them to the warehouse and locked them up. Not so

long after, they gained their consciousness. They wondered what happened.

“Good morning, kids.” said Daniel.

“Dad? What is going on?” questioned Elaine.

“So you are the boss, huh?.” asked James.

“Yeah, I am.” said Daniel.

“You should not see that, James. Sorry, El, but I am doing this for you. Earth is overpopulating. To

reduce the population, someone has to do something, so we captured Angelo Carlos and make him

create a chemical that can turn people into zombies. This way infection will spread quickly. One

day, you will understand. But now I have to go.” then he left the room.

While Elaine and Daniel were having a conversation, James unlocked his cuff. As soon as,

Daniel left the room, he unlocked Elaine’s cuff. James hugged Elaine. They sneaks into Dr. Car-

los’s lab and set him free. He wanted to make everything right, so he followed them. They stealed

the arms dealers’ truck which has a tank of curing gas. One of the gangsters saw them, and he shot

them multiple times but did not hit them. They got on the truck and escaped from the warehouse.

Daniel and his men got in another truck and followed them. On the road, there were many zombies,

but they did not have time, so James hit the zombies with the truck. Daniel’s men shot their truck

and zombies from everywhere nearby came and blocked the road. They could not follow James and

Elaine, and they could not go back either because the zombies were surrounding them. They got at-

tacked and turned into zombies. James drove to the CIA headquarter and had Dr. Angelo make

more cures. He found a way to spread the cures by sending them through the gas pipe laid all over

the city. Everyone turned back to normal including Daniel.

“Sorry, about your dad.” said James.

“He deserves it.” said Elaine.

Elaine published a news article telling all story including what her father did and his impris-


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