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1. JULIO- Young man of 18 years, in love with Ramona. Live in the rich
neighborhood of the city with your parents. Protagonist of the work
2. RAMONA- A 17-year-old girl of African descent. He was born in the country,
his parents are immigrants. In love with Julio, she lives in a working class
neighborhood in the city. Protagonist of the work.
3. LEÓN.- Young man of 18 years, Julio's best friend.
4. FATHER OF JULY.- Man of 45 years. Rich man
5. PADRE DE RAMONA.- Man of 48 years, of African origin.
6. MADRE DE RAMONA.- A 41-year-old woman of African origin .

(Characters that intervene in this act Julio and León.)
Night closed, Julio waits in front of the house of his friend Leon. Wearing a travel
backpack, he throws a small stone at one of the windows. When you hit it, a light
on the other side of the room comes on. Leon looks out his window.
JULIO: Leon!
LEÓN: What's wrong? Ah, Julio, what's up? What are you doing here?
JULIO: Baja León, please, I need to talk to you.
LEÓN: Okay, low.
Leon's window goes off. Julio takes off his backpack and leaves it on the floor
next to him. Leon enters the scene.
LEÓN: What's up Julio?
JULIO: I need you to help me León.
LEÓN: Sure Julio, tell me what you need.
JULIO: You have to go and talk to Ramona. I need you to go and tell her that I'll
wait for her at the bus station at 7 in the morning. Her parents removed her cell
phone when she told them we were dating. And in my house things are not better,
my father read the messages that he had sent me with her and he has threatened
to throw me out of the house if I continue with her.
LEÓN: What a strong Julio, but maybe your father was a heater and he does not
think about it.
JULIO: Leon, believe me. He would never accept that I should go out with a girl
like that.
LEÓN: Well, I talk to her.
JULIO: But you have to go now Leon.
LEÓN: Now?
JULIO: Yes, it has to be now. She will not be scared when she sees you. You
have to go now and tell her that I wait for her at seven in the station. I'm not going
to let my father stand between her and me, if she wants me we'll go together, but
if she shows up I'll know that I'm alone, I'll leave and I will not hold a grudge
against her.
LEÓN: You rush Julio.
JULIO: I have to go Leon, please do not fail me, go and talk to her. And tell him
I love her.
Julio takes the backpack and leaves the scene.

(Characters that intervene in this act Leon, Ramona, Father of Ramona and
Mother of Ramona.)
Ramona room. She is sitting on the bed in front of her Mother and Father.
FATHER OF RAMONA: With that boy Ramona?
RAMONA: That boy has a name and his name is Julio.
FATHER OF RAMONA: Yes, and he lives in a neighborhood where they look at
us with disgust and fear of people like us.
MOTHER OF RAMONA: Surely that boy is a great boy Ramona, but you are
very young. Very young and really that life is going to take you by different ways.
RAMONA: Well, but that's my decision. I do not think it's that serious either.
FATHER OF RAMONA: Since it's not going to be serious, that little boy sees
you as a toy, a novelty, when he got tired of you he will discard you. They want
everything they want until they have it, then they stop wanting it. You already
know Ramona, and we do not think about returning the cell phone, until there are
no reasons. I DO NOT WANT YOU TO SEE THAT CHILD. You already know, I
Ramona's father leaves the room, slamming the door.
MOTHER OF RAMONA: Excuse your father Ramona. He says everything
because he cares about you.
RAMONA: Well, I could measure your words a little more. I want to be with Julio
and neither you nor anyone is going to make me change what I feel for him.
MOTHER OF RAMONA: Think about it, daughter, we do not want anything bad
for ...
RAMONA: Leave me alone.
MOTHER OF RAMONA: How you want.
Ramona's mother leaves the room saddened. Ramona is left alone crying in
bed. Leon appears through the window of Ramona's bedroom. She gets up from
the bed and opens the window.
RAMONA: What are you doing here León?
LEÓN: Ramona, I have to talk to you, Julio sends me. It waits for you tomorrow
at 7 in the bus station. He has asked me to tell you that he loves you, and that if
you want it he is willing to go with you, where they do not prevent you from being
RAMONA: He's crazy.
LEÓN: Yes, crazy about you Ramona. You know how it is. I have to go Ramona,
I do not want your parents to see me here with you.
Leon goes out the window. Ramona sits on the bed, looking at the open window
through which Leon has just left.

(Characters that intervene in this act Julio, Ramona, Father of Julio, León and
Father of Ramona)
Bus station. Julio waits sitting next to Leon while the clock strikes seven o'clock. It
is Sunrising.
JULIO: Surely you gave him the message, right?
Leon nods.
JULIO: And he did not say anything to you?
LEÓN: Nothing at all, I did not give her time either. Julio left immediately, imagine
if her parents caught her with her in the room.
JULIO: I'm afraid it will not come.
LEÓN: Even if it was, that does not mean anything Julio. It could not have
arrived. Wait a little, stay and look for it.
JULIO: I'm afraid not Leon, I go to the bathroom for a moment and I take the
Julio leaves the scene. Leon waits while his friend is seated, while Ramona
arrives at the station running.
RAMONA: Leon! Where is Julio?
LEÓN: Calm down Ramona, you went to the bathroom for a moment.
The Father of July approaches from afar.
RAMONA: (scared) Julio's father !, I have to hide Leon. If he sees me, I do not
know what he is capable of doing.
Ramona moves away from them, Julio's father approaches León.
FATHER OF JULY: Leon! Where is my son?
LEÓN: I do not know, I know I was going to come here this morning, but I have
not seen it.
FATHER OF JULY: Come, help me find him.
LEÓN: But ...
FATHER OF JULY: But nothing, I also think I saw the little girl that has eaten
my son's head.
Julio's father comes out decisively. Leon follows him behind. Julio appears with
his backpack, he meets Ramona's father.
JULIO: Do not worry, your daughter has not come. It does not have to worry.
FATHER OF RAMONA: Of course he has not come, I come to tell you that I do
not want you to get closer to my daughter.
JULIO: Do not worry, I'm leaving and I will not bother you again.
Julio turns around and leaves. Ramona's father goes in the opposite
direction. Ramona appears on the scene.
Public address of the station
The train leaving at seven has just made its exit.
RAMONA: He's gone. And part of my heart goes with it. It was nice while it


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