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Areas of Two-Dimensional Figures

Standards: Organize information in a neat manner.

The most common shapes in the world are rectangles, squares, triangles and circles. You will
create a booklet that presents each of these shapes. Each shape should be displayed on a
separate page that includes:
9 Title - name of the shape
9 Example of the shape from real world – this could be a clipping from a magazine, or a
realistic drawing of an object
9 Diagram of the shape with clearly marked dimensions that apply to the figure: length, width,
height, base, or radius
9 Formula for the area of the shape
9 Example of a problem that demonstrates your understanding of the formula application.
The booklet should have a cover page with the title and you name. The text of the booklet should
be typed or neatly handwritten. The use of color is a plus. Your booklet will be evaluated not only on
the contents but on the neatness of presentation as well.

I will use the following rubric to evaluate your booklet.

3 2 1 0
Each page has a title Some pages are No titles on
Page title
of the shape missing titles any pages
Each shape is The examples for
There are only There are no
accompanied by an the shapes are not
Real world few examples real world
example that from real world or
example throughout the examples of
represents an object they are examples
booklet the shapes
from a real world of a wrong shape
The diagram has There is no
Diagram for The diagram has The diagram has
correct marked diagram on
the shape wrong labels no labels
dimensions the page.
The page has the
Formula for The formula is
correct formula for
the area not correct
the shape
The page includes
The problem in
an example of a There is no
Example of a the included
problem on how to example for
problem example is soled
correctly find area of the formula
the shape
The writing is
The writing is neat The writing is hard to read,
Neatness of and legible. There somewhat messy there are a lot of
the booklet are no crossed out or hard to read. crosses out
(x3) words. All pages are Some pages are words. Some
there. missing pages are
              Total _______________/24

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