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Vitamin C content of guava red meat (psidium guajava l.

) has been strained using

blender and juicer.
Apriani Puspitasari*, 050501003
Jatmiko Susilo** dan Nova Hasani F.***
Refference : 22


Has done research on vitamin C content of meat red guava (Psidium guajava L.) has
be strain used a blender and juicer. This study aims to compare levels of vitamin C in
meat red guava strain use a blender and juicer.
In this study using guava red meat on the outside, with strained using a blender and
juicer is analyzed using the method of 2.6-diklorofenolindofenol treated with norit.
The results showed that levels of vitamin C are guava meat blender and juicer real
difference to the value of significance is 0.000 (P <0.05). Based on the results of
research has been done, it is necessary to research levels of vitamin C in all parts of
red guava and other methods.

Keyword : Vitamin C content, guava red meat (psidium guajava), blender, juicer

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