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To Whom It May Concern,

I am writing to recommend Olivia Fields into the Lincoln Performing Arts School. Three years ago I had
the privilege of working as the CEP site director for LPAS. During that time I was continually amazed
with the staff and curriculum. Both of which I think would foster a great place of learning for Olivia.

Olivia is a sweet and kind child who I’ve grown to know from my work as Director of Music at the church
who family attends. She appears each Sunday morning with a warm smile and is always eager for what
lies ahead. Before she was at an age to attend Sunday School classes she often accompanied her
grandmother to morning choir rehearsals. I loved watching her curious face as we sang. I like to believe
that she was experiencing music and the arts in these moments and growing to love it, although I’m not
certain that she wasn’t just fascinated with the way the crazy man was waving his arms around as
people sang!

Two years later her curiosity has not diminished and her interest in art and music has also seemed to
flourish. Grandma, a former music teacher and lover of the arts, has begun to expose Olivia to several
different types of performances including taking her to child appropriate shows in the Broadway in
Louisville Series.

I think Olivia would flourish at LPAS as a potential future artist and more importantly a person. In my
brief time there I was blown away with what the students were learning and were becoming. When it
was time for Olivia’s parents to begin looking at elementary schools I strongly encouraged them to
consider Lincoln. They agreed that this could be a great place for their child. I hope you’ll accept Olivia
and allow her horizons to continue to expand.


Phillip Morgan
Director of Music
Central Presbyterian Church

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