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Name : Fifi Alifah

Class : General English – 3

Well, I’m used many activities on internet. I sometimes used internet

to search for information, for example, directions to a place I didn’t
know. I sent and received emails of course. I downloaded a lot of
music, tutorials video, watched music videos on Youtube. But, I didn’t
watch movies a lot on Youtube. Currently, I often used internet by
mobile phone. Because mobile phone is very usefull. I had some social
media such as WhatsApp, Line, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Path. I
checked that every day. I also chat online to all my family and friends
a lot. Sometimes, I also ordered some foods by go food. I liked used
go food because it was very easy. I also bought a lot of things online
too. I loved shopping for clothes and bags on application online!!! 😊

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