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Sociology of health is research and teaching that is more characterized by

intimacy, applied and togetherness that is driven by the existence of health
problems. In the world of dental therapist that almost entirely aims to serve the
community requires this knowledge as one of the supporters of expertise in the
profession, sociology learn the way of life of the community and dental therapist
in charge of providing nursing care in order to meet basic human needs. A study
of sociology in the form of cultural values and social norms need to be studied by
a dental therapist in order to fulfill human needs can be well implemented
sociology of health also discuss health behavior, the influence of social norms on
health behavior, and interaction between health workers with the community. The
basic principle of the discipline of health sociology is the application of concepts
and methods of sociology discipline in describing, analyzing, and solving health
problems. In other words, the sociology of health is the application of social
science in assessing health problems.
Keywords: health sociology, basic human needs, health problem study,
health officer role

A. Research Background
At this time, the world of health in Indonesia is always experiencing
progress in terms of service to the community. Along with the development of
technology and the era of globalization is increasingly competitive in building and
realizing the community to stay healthy and prosperous life. Building cooperation
and mutual cooperation together between the community with fellow health
workers would come to add to the creation of a relationship that will be beneficial
for both.
In this case, if associated with a science that talks about the problem is a
science called sociology. Because in sociology learn about various social
problems in everyday life. Sociology is a science that accommodates all forms of
arrangement and order of interaction between the person, family and society in the
process of human life from birth to death. Humans study sociology because of the
diversity of culture and way of life make this science learned by various
professions that promote community service as a means to recognize human
beings as their clients.
In the world of dental therapist that almost entirely aims to serve the
community requires this knowledge as one of the supporters of expertise in the
profession, sociology learn the way of life of the community and dental therapist
in charge of providing therapist care in order to meet basic human needs. A study
in sociology in the form of cultural values and social norms need to be studied by
a dental therapist in order to fulfill human needs can be done well and there is no
mistake of perception between the two. Therefore, the researcher is interested to
conduct research on dental therapist lecturer poltekkes kemenkes tasikmalaya with
focus on study of health sociology according to the science of dental therapist.

Law No.23, 1992 on health states that: Health is a prosperous state of

body, soul and social that allows productive life socially and economically. In this
sense, health must be seen as a unified whole consisting of physical, mental and
social elements and in it mental health is an integral part of health.
According to Wilson the sociology of health is observation and analysis by
distance, which is primarily motivated by a sociological problem, while sociology
in health is research and teaching that is more characterized by intimacy,
application and togetherness that is primarily driven by health problems.
According to Wolinsky, the orientation of health sociologist is more
focused on health problems, not on sociology, so the sociology of health tends to
be poor theory.
Health sociology is the study of health care as an institutionalized system
in society, health and illness associated with social factors (Ruderman: 1981).
According to ASA (American Sociological Association, 1986) Health
Sociology is a sub-field that applies perspectives, concepts and theories and
methodologies in the field of sociology to conduct studies on phenomena related
to disease and human health.
It can be concluded that sociology of health is a sociology that focuses on
health problems that are a problem and occur in all levels of society.

A. Research Design
This study uses a qualitative method. This method is very effective to
be used in finding responses and views because of direct meetings, so that
more subjective research and description and interpretation of informants can
be investigated in depth. While the design used in this study is a case study.
Case studies are more into the inquiry phase of a study because it prioritizes
survey and historical processes as a way of causal explanation (causality).
However, case study methods are only a preparation of research methods and
can not be used to describe or test a problem.
B. Research Subject
This qualitative research consisted of 4 lecturers of dentistry of
polytechnic of Kemenkes tasikmalaya as respondent, 1st as lecturer, 2nd
lecturer as well as student administration, 3rd respondents as lecturer and head
of department and 4th respondents as lecturer and head of study program D-IV
The respondents consisted of 4 men, they were selected for expert in the field
of health sociology.
C. Data Collection
The researcher then collects the required data using interviews and open
interviews. interviews were conducted once each respondent for one week. The
data collected in the form of frequently asked questions and videos to further
strengthen and as documentation.
D. Data Analysis
The data collected from the respondents is then categorized according
to the questions that focus on the study of health sociology according to the
science of dental therapist.

A. Finding
Interview conducted with a customized schedule and readiness of
respondents who took place in campus dental therapist polytechnic of
kemenkes tasikmalaya. Each respondent received three similar questions about
the study of health sociology according to the knowledge of dental therapist
obtained the following data:
Personal data
Respondents 1
Name : Aan Kusmana, SKM., MA.Kes
Job : Dental therapist lecturer

Respondent 2
Name : Samjaji, S.Si.T., MA.Kes
Job : Dental therapist lecturer and student administration

Respondent 3
Name : Rudi Triyanto, S.SiT, MDSc
Job : Dental therapist lecturer and head of department

Respondent 4
Name : Drg. Hadiyat Miko, M.Kes
Job : Dental therapist lecturer and head of study program D-IV
Question : Is there a performance between the sociology of health with
the science of dental therapist?
Respondent 1 : Yes, health sociology arises from the health and social sciences
that are infected by the dynamics of society, the nature and
customs of society and counter-productive customs as examples of
typical foods containing vinegar, tooth brushing,
Respondent 2: Yes, in providing dental health services to the community must pay
attention to cultural and sociological factors. In providing dental
counseling in patients should use simple language materials,
especially when performing dental services should know the
patient's subjective data correctly so that when performing care
services dental care can be appropriate, accepted and understood
by the patient.
Respondent 3: Yes, because the dental therapist profession with the general public
includes school children, dasa warsa groups, young women, elderly
etc. So the role of dental therapist should understand the behavior
of different societies unhealthy sociology of health will be faced
with obstacles that affect health services that are less qualified.
Respondent 4: Yes, health sociology is a basic sociology of societal science that
deals with people, people and the environment. The role of dental
therapist is related to society eg a group consisting of individuals to
be served by dental therapist, social backgrounds must be known,
religion, ethnicity etc for the treatment movement towards the
patient then must find out sociology, social level, dental therapist
treatment of the patient's condition for prevention, treatment and
Question : Describe the benefits of health sociology according to the
science of dental therapist?
Respondent 1: Provide an analysis of the relationship between dental therapist and
patients, regulate the socio-economic background of the
community in the utilization of health services, analyze social
factors in relation to the etiology of the disease.
Respondent 2: Providing counseling can know the sociology, anthropology and
psychology, get stock of science to overcome the barriers caused in
giving counseling can be arranged by knowing science of
sociology, anthropology, and psychology, knowing custom or habit
society especially in dental health because some residents in
Indonesia who consume foods containing vinegar that have a
negative impact on teeth etc.
Respondent 3: Studying the sociology of health can understand the social science
so when the public health worker duty in doing the health service is
ready to be applied, the process of interaction in doing health
services in the field of promotive (improvement), preventive
(prevention), and simple curative (healing) can done easily that
aims to improve the degree of public health.
Respondent 4: The role of dental therapist must understand the patient's economic
condition and be prudent in providing services regardless of social
status, encourage the patient to follow health insurance bpjs health
insurance example so that his health covered, in terms of ethnicity
and religion should be considered in terms of courtesy in
performing health services, his treatment must be in accordance
with moral values, religious ethics.
Question : How is the application of health sociology according to the
science of dental therapist?
Respondent 1: priority of dental therapist diagnosis as nursing guide, ethnomedis
(traditional treatment procedure, program dental and oral care
services, immunization programs etc.
Respondent 2: Knowing the patient's etiology more detail about therapeutic
communication, patient examination either objectively or
subjectively with the aim of doing dental treatment to improve
health degree.
Respondent 3: Conducting UKGS activities, conducting counseling,
understanding patient history data, conducting surveys to find out
cases of dental and oral diseases.
Respondent 4: Exactly accurate according to the circumstances of the
environment, socio-economic conditions, doing any work wherever
and when outside the territory can not be generalized should
understand the social geographical conditions.

B. Discussion
From the interviews of four respondents on the study of the sociology
of health according to the science of dental therapist produces answers that are
diverse and contain the same meaning because the main topic in the study of
sociology of health is closely related to the relationship between social and
health conditions and the relationship of health practitioners with patients. To
further facilitate this understanding can be formulated the conclusion of the
analysis as follows health sociology is a subdisciplinary science of the field of
sociology, this discipline is the applied science (Applied science) from the
study of sociology in the health contest.
The basic principle of the discipline of sociology of health is the
application of concepts and methods of sociology discipline in describing,
analyzing and solving health problems (health sosiology is the application of
social science in assessing health problems). The scope of the study of applied
sociology depends on the scope of the study object itself, meaning that health
sociology is a science in studying matters related to health sciences. While
Sociology of dental therapist is the science of sociology in reviewing the
problem of nursing services.

A. Conclution
The development of the science of sociology of health began since the
man was aware that health is not only limited to physical, but also mental and
social conditions of a person. As a specific field of sociology health is also
defined as the field of science that puts the problem in the context of socio-
cultural and behavioral. The role of health workers in facing socio-culture in
the community, giving KIE (Information and Education Communication)
needs to pay attention to socio-cultural aspects of society, race, ethnicity,
values, work and social status needs to be considered, providing services
related to bio, psycho, cultural & spiritual.
The goal of applying health sociology involves increasing the capacity
of health workers to address the health problems experienced in community
groups. Increasing the ability and confidence of medical personel in addressing
the social and emotional needs of patients, their ability to deal with diseases
suffered by patients, seeking medical help, analyzing social factors in relation
to the etiology of the disease, beneficial to medical practice that sickness and
physical disability other than as social reality as well as medical reality, health
sociology also provides an analysis of the relationship of health and patient

B. Recommendation
Health sociology is useful for learning how people seek medical help.
Providing a public understanding of the symptoms of the disease as well as the
actions deemed appropriate according to the values and norms prevailing in the
community. At least through understanding the sociology of good health,
bureaucratic and economic constraints people access health can be improved
more nicely. The people with their simplicity, health practitioners with their
professionals, the government as the bridge.
There are at least three approaches used in the sociology of health, that
is, the structural functioning of society as an interdependent system of family,
economy and health, working together, conflict theory identifies potential
conflicts between medical personnel and society in general and interactionism
reinforces interaction medical personel with the general public.

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