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Alyssa Digman Digman 1

Ms. Mann
English II
26 October 2017

“The Disconnection”

Jenna awoke with a deep breath, pulling her red blanket along the corridor with her

every step. Peering through the frosty window, she realized it would be a cooler day than usual

for the big city. It was Saturday, “Time to run errands” Jenna remarked through a deep sigh

after checking her cell phone. She had 200 messages as she frantically began scrolling through

them all. After washing up and eating breakfast, she used her phone to pull up the list needed

to shop. As her mom and dad yell at her for burying her head in her phone, she makes her way

out. Corn, grapes and coffee was all that was needed. After crossing them off on her phone and

texting her parents that she was checking out, Jenna made her way back home. After reaching

home, she drowsily put the food away and sat on the couch seeing she had 300 more

messages. “That is even more than this morning, I can’t take it,” states Jenna as her brow


The fury inside her began to rise and urge her to do something a popular city girl would

usually never do. “Disconnect?” Jenna questioned her own decision. “This is the only solution”

she thought as she held down the power button to turn her device off. Sitting in silence was a

new feeling to her. No buzzing, vibrating, sounds or notifications were made. Taking in her

surroundings, Jenna got up and walked into the living room where her family was located.

“Game Night” thought Jenna. She never knew this happened every Saturday and merely

ignored the laughter through her headphones before. Now that she joined her family playing

games, she felt a new sense of happiness and comfort. As Crazy 8 finished up and bedtime
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rolled around, Jenna picked up her phone then placed it back on the counter remembering the

deal she made herself, and her family. And with that, off to bed the family headed.

BEEP, BEEP, the piercing sound of the alarm cut through the crisp chill air in Jenna’s

room. As Jenna's Sunday began, it was exactly the same as Saturday. “Wake up, go to the store,

come home, sleep” stated Jenna as she realized this is how her day would go. Hours pass. Now

its bed time and off to sleep she went again.

The Monday morning sun yanked Jenna out of bed and onto her school bus. “Still no

phone,” remarked Jenna joyfully as her plan was making her feel more aware of her

surroundings. As she went through the day she realized everyone had a device and began to

feel antsy wondering what news could be going around that is so important for her to miss out

on. “It’s probably just high school drama” Jenna reassures herself. Upon arrival at home, Jenna

decides to stop by the store to pick up the cookies she meant to grab on Sunday. As she walked

in, a sight so horrific, so gut-wrenching, and so gory, instantly the air was knocked out of Jenna.

She has walked into a robbery. As she looks around, all the people are on the floor. “Bullet

holes” Jenna whispers through the nausea of the blood around her. She shuddered with fear.

Jenna saw she was the only one alive but was not yet spotted since she just walked in. With her

little energy left, she looked and saw the shooter was in isle one and moving towards the

storage room. Now was the only moment for Jenna to call for help. She reached in her pocket

to call 911 but…. her cell phone wasn’t there.

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