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Lesson Plan Template

Name(s): Ebrar Karaosmanoğlu
Ayşegül Karayel
Öykü Naz Gümüş
Unit Title
Grade Level
2nd Grade
2 lesson hours
Learning Outcomes [ASSURE (State Objectives)]
Second grade students will learn how to ask questions about the abilities of the animals. They will use at
least %75 of the vocabulary that had been covered in class in previous weeks.

Instructional Materials & Media [ASSURE (Select Strategies, Technology, Media and Materials)]
Prezi Presentation, videos, songs, online assessment (google forms)

Learning-Teaching Methods [ASSURE (Select Strategies, Technology, Media and Materials)]

Direct Method during the class activities
Grammar Translation Method during lecturing.
Suggestopedia during the display of presentations and videos.
Videos/ Songs

Teaching Activities [ASSURE (Utilize Technology, Media, and Materials and Require Learner Participation)]
1. Showing the abilities of animals by using Prezi Presentation.
2. Showing a video, which includes a song about animals and their abilities by using Prezi
3. Directing students to ask themselves about the abilities of the animals.
4. Asking students their abilities that they have learned during the lesson hours.
5. A short quiz at the end of the lesson.

Individual Learning Activities Students are supposed to answer at least 3 questions

out of 6 successfully in the quiz which will be given at
the end of the class.

Group Learning Activities Students are supposed to ask questions to each other
about the abilities of the animals that they have
covered in class.

The content includes questions about the abilities (can/can’t questions). At first, students are shown a Prezi
Presentation which includes some animal pictures and shows what they can/ can’t do. After the Prezi
Presentation, students are watched a funny and educatory video including a song and images about the
abilities of the animals. Then students are asked to answer each other’s questions about the content of the
presentation and video. After peer Q&A, students are asked to form basic sentences about their own abilities.
At the end of the lesson, students are asked to participate in a quiz created by using google forms.

Measurement & Evaluation

Measurement/ evaluation will be made by quiz at the end of the class.
Measurement & Assessment Activities for Main measurement will be made by quiz, but at the same
Individual Performance time, students are observed frequently by the teacher.

Measurement & Assessment Activities for Teacher will observe peers while they are participating in
Group Performance an activity. All students are expected to participate in the
Homework (optional)

In the main measurement which is made by quiz, students are required to answer at least 3 out of 6
questions successfully.

Explanation regarding to the implementation of the plan

If the computer or the projector doesn’t work, the teacher will provide the hard copy version of the
If a student is not able to participate in class due to an illness or another reason, the teacher will take care of
him/her after the class.

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