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Bussell Traven

Mrs. Burr

English 1010

September 25, 2017

​Outsourcing Call Centers Summary O.C.C.S

In “30 Little Turtles” published on the OP-ED Columnist New York Times, Mr. Thomas

L. Friedman expresses how he finds how technology companies are giving Indians jobs are a

good thing. Friedman explains how the Indians are hardworking and optimistic over their new

positions. First, he showed how they are training enthusiastically to become call center workers.

With all of their effort to make them effective at working. Next, he spoke with several of the

training Indians on what their opinion over their new careers are. They enjoy the opportunity, not

only to make money but to also; “Have more choices to marry.” Finally, he gave his statements

on the events claiming; “There is nothing more positive than the self-confidence, dignity, and

optimism that comes from a society knowing it is producing wealth by tapping its own brains.”

He claims there is more to outsourcing than what people believe, how politics, and networking

leads to it. That it allows western countries to lose low-wage jobs, and allow third-world

countries access to high-wage jobs.

Friedman, Thomas C. “30 Little Turtles” New York Times 29 Feb, 2004: 13 Academic Search

Premier. Web. 20 Sept. 2017

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