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Report Eumind Mass




WVOC | [Bedrijfsadres]
 Introduction p.2
 Passports 1st generation p.3
 Passports 2nd generation p.4
 Passports 3rd generation p.5
 Similarities and differences p.6
 Conclusion p.7

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The aim of this report is to research how people got information in different period of time.
To get the necessary information, each member had to interview 3 people: a grandparent,
a parent and a friend.
With all the information, each member made differences and similarities based on the
information of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd generation.
To get the conclusion, the group had to answer the question: To what extent has the role of
mass media and books changed?

Page 2
Passports 1st generation
Name: Bep
Age: 65 years old
Profession of parents: Mom: housewife dad: opparitor
How many people in the same house? She lived with 8 people in 1 house
What has impressed you? That there was no colour television.

Name: Dukke
Age: 64 years old
Profession of parents: Her parents were both farmers
How many people in the same house? She lived with 8 people in 1
What has impressed you? When the Berliner Wall fell

Name: Sjaan
Age: 85 years old
Profession of parents: her father was plumber and her mother was housewife
How many people in the same house? She lived with 8 people in 1 house
What has impressed you? That the Netherlands were liberated from Germany

Name: Kees
Age: 77 years old
Profession of parents: His father was grocer and his mother was housewife
How many people in the same house? He lived together with 11 people
What has impressed you? When in 1953 the Watersnoodramp occurred

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Passports 2nd generation
Name: Patrick
Age: 44 years old
Profession of parents: his mom was housewife and his father was
How many people in the same house? He lived with 5 people in the same house
What has impressed you? That there were no computers and internet

Name: Anita
Age: 43 years old
Profession of parents: Her mother was cleaner and her father was
How many people in the same house? She lived with 5 people in the
same house
What has impressed you? The nuclear disaster in Ukraine impressed her

Name: Johan
Age: 54 years old
Profession of parents: His mother was housewife and his father was janitor on a high school
How many people in the same house? He lived with 4 people in 1 house
What has impressed you? The train hijacking in 1977 impressed him

Name: Marcel
Age: 43 years old
Profession of parents: His parents were both clerk
How many people in the same house? He lived with 4 people in the same house
What has impressed you? A special football match impressed him

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Passports 3rd generation
Name: Olav
Age: 12 years old
Profession of parents: His father is owner of some companies and his
mother is professor
How many people in the same house? He lives with 5 people in 1 house
What has impressed you? He doesn’t know what impressed him

Name: Jelmer
Age: 14 years old
Profession of parents: His mother is teacher and his father
is accountant
How many people in the same house? He lives with 4 people in 1 house
What has impressed you? He went to Catalonia a few years ago. What is happening now there
impresses him.

Name: Thijs
Age: 11 years old
Profession of parents: His father is accountant and his mother is
How many people in the same house? He lives with 4 people in 1
What has impressed you? When Catalonia cut off from Spain.

Name: Jelmer
Age: 14 years old
Profession of parents: His parents are both baker
How many people in the same house? He lives with 4 people in 1 house
What has impressed you? All the problems between Spain and Catalonia

Page 5
Similarities and differences
All grandparents experienced the developing of the TV when they were a teenager. Nobody
could afford a computer and most people couldn’t afford a TV. One grandparent wasn’t as
old as the other, so they lived in another period of time of technology.
There was no internet. The computers were developing and were getting better. But a few
people could afford one.
Mass media is more important than before and everybody get information faster. Mass media
has changed our lives a lot. But mass media could be addictive too.

Page 6
To what extent has the role of mass media and books changed?

Teens in the 1st generation didn’t have computers, internet or TV’s to spend their time on.
They spend time on helping their parents, playing with friends or reading books.
Some could afford a TV, but most people couldn’t.

When they got kids and the kids were teens, most grew up with TV. TV’s were developing
and there weren’t many channels to watch, but purchasing a TV was less expensive than 30
years ago. Computers were expensive to purchase, so most people didn’t have one.
Most teens spend their time on reading a book.

Teens now have everything: a computer, internet, a smartphone and a big TV.
The technology has improved over 3 generations: connecting with people is easier and
getting news is faster than ever before.
Reading books is still popular, because reading moves with the time.

Over 3 generations of teens has changed a lot. We can get information a lot faster and
easier. We can do things we never could do before. Mass media has got more important,
because 70 years ago we were only connected with our country and a normal person
couldn’t connected foreigners. Now we are more connected with the whole world, mass
media is convenient to know what is happening in the world.
Reading isn’t getting popular, because it is as popular as 70 years ago.

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