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Alexia Gates

Mrs. Szetela

English 1010 (Period 8)

Sept. 23rd 2017

Gates Family Christmas Eve Dinner

Every time I smell the wonderful scent of my grandmother’s rolls or taste the sweetness

of a honey ham I think of Christmas Eve with my family. While we may not have very many

food traditions in my family, Christmas Eve dinner is and will always be special in my home.

“Traditions are an essential part of forging a family identity, of making the family a place where

kids know they belong.” (“Family Ties” para. 3) I enjoy having extended family come over so

we can reconnect while eating a wonderfully prepared dinner. The meal is planned and prepared

perfectly every time and it always brings my family closer together. This tradition has been in

our family for generations and will always be one of my favorite moments every year.

I have six people in my immediate family. That’s me, my three sisters, and my parents

who are all there for this dinner. One of my sisters is married with a little baby boy and they are

also a part of the meal. Then we always invite my Aunt and Uncle and their family on my mom's

side of the family. One of my cousins has three kids and they all join us. Her husband is in the

military so sometimes he is here, and sometimes he is not. Everyone that can come enjoys being

surrounded by family and growing closer to one another. “Christmas is a time of great family

togetherness and communion, or a time that underscores the sorrows of the lonely.” (“Christmas

Cheer” para. 1) This is one of my favorite dinners because we get to spend more time with my

extended family and learn about what they have done in the past year.
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My family and Aunt and Uncle’s family on my mom’s side has always come together for

this dinner every year since I was young. We do not have very many get togethers with my

extended family, so this tradition is one way we can see each other. There are so many wonderful

memories of this meal we have together. It is amazing how one meal can allow a family to

reconnect and talk about the past year and all the good and bad moments that have happened. It

is a time to feel love and happiness from everyone that you talk to. It is a nice peaceful night

where we can enjoy each other's company. Christmas Eve dinner in my family is just a night to

get away from daily stress and be with family.

One of my favorite things about this family tradition is the way we decorate for it. It is

during Christmas time so, of course, we have our beautiful tree up and decorations all around our

house. We have a beautiful Nativity scene on our mantel and a festive village decorating our

television stand. We add even more Christmas spirit when we decorate the table for dinner. We

put down this elegant red table cloth that drapes perfectly across our wooden table. The ham is

our centerpiece when it is cooked and placed on an elegant plate. It always looks so warm and

flavorful sitting right in the middle of the table. We have these really fragile plates, called Desert

Rose, that we use for the dinner. My Grandmother and Great Grandmother used the same kind of

plates for their Christmas Eve Dinners. Then, they were given to my parents as a wedding

present for them to use. We never use them unless it is a special occasion and what better dinner

than Christmas Eve Dinner? When the table is set with the decorations it just feels like it is going

to be a memorable night together with family.

For this traditional dinner, there are two different places that we go to. Every other year

we have it in my house with all our decorations and family cooking. However, during those years

in between, we go over to my Aunt and Uncle’s house. They always have a large gorgeous
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Christmas tree up in their front room right when we walk in. It is nice to walk in and just smell

all the food across their island that makes my mouth water. During those years, my Aunt and

Uncle will cook most of the food, but we bring over some food like mashed potatoes or stuffing.

We enjoy the meal at either place, but in my opinion I love it when we have it at my house more.

When we do it at my house I can cook and decorate instead of just going to a house that is

already done all of that. At the same time, it is nice to go over to their house because it is fun to

see what kind of evening they have in store for us. It is one of the only times in the year that we

go over to my Aunt and Uncle’s house or they come to ours, so it makes it all the more special.

In my family, we all work together to make this meal come together. My mother usually

buys a delicious honey ham and spends the day making it. She has this special touch that just

makes anything taste amazing. All my sisters and I usually make the side dishes. We have

mashed Potatoes, stuffing, and Jell-O usually. My Aunt brings over a very unique type of rolls

that we call “Grandma’s Rolls” in my family. She also brings salad that has pomegranates which

is one of my mom’s favorite dishes. My Uncle makes this homemade honey mustard sauce that

was originally made by my grandmother. My cousins bring some macaroni and cheese for the

kids who don’t want to eat the other things. My Dad, who does not like to cook, usually will do

the cleaning up afterwards. I, personally, hate to do dishes so I am always happy when he does

them that night. In a matter of hours, the meal is prepared and ready to be devoured.

The rolls called “Grandma’s Rolls” are very special in our family. My Great-Great-Great

Aunt Ila would make these rolls that are really called Sweet Dough Rolls. She would bring it to

Christmas Eve Dinner with the family to share. My Great-Great Grandma Wood loved these

rolls and would always enjoy them when Ila would bring them. Because of this, she decided she

would keep up the tradition and make the rolls for Christmas Dinner just like Ila. My Grandma
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Long would then start loving these delicious rolls and she continued the tradition. These rolls

were passed through the generations and now it is our turn to keep up the great tradition. Today,

my family still keeps up the tradition and we all still love these Sweet Dough Rolls.

Every year it is has become a tradition to make these rolls for Christmas Dinner.

Sometimes my aunt will make them, but other times my sister and I will make them. This is one

of my favorite things to do for this family food tradition. My grandmother passed away when I

was only six years old so I do not have very many memories of her. It is hard sometimes to listen

to my older sisters all talk about all of these memories of this wonderful old woman and I have

nothing to share. Although, there is this one memory that I can remember when I make her rolls.

I remember rolling out the dough with her, even though I was really little and was not really

helping her much. We would make the rolls and then put them in front of my grandparent’s old

fireplace and watch them rise. “No matter where you come from, I think everyone has special

memories with their grandma or mother and their recipes. The dishes in the book just happen to

be the recipes that are special to us.” (“Food Traditions Bring Families Together at Christmas

Time” para. 13) I love it when I get to make these rolls for my family’s Christmas Eve dinner

because I can reminisce making them with my grandmother.

Christmas Eve Dinner is not as common of a tradition as Christmas day dinner.

Christmas is a holiday that naturally brings joy and happiness into people’s hearts. Many people

can feel how Christmas time can bring family close together. It is very common to find families

gathered around a table or Christmas tree on Christmas Eve. Every family has a different way of

celebrating Christmas that is based on their culture and family. “In Denmark, the people look

forward to a special rice pudding dessert on Chrissy day. A single almond is hidden inside, and

whoever finds it will have good luck for the coming year.” (“10 Weird Christmas Traditions
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from Around the World” para. 3) For my family, we can easily come together for a nice meal

and presents. We as an extended family do not spent a lot of time together, but during Christmas

time we finally reconnect and enjoy a nice evening full of joyful spirits and laughter.

Christmas is a holiday that brings joy to people’s hearts. It is often the one time in the

year that families get together and spend time catching up on life. Seated at the dinner table, my

family can finally reconnect while eating a meal that we all contributed to. This food tradition

naturally brings family together, with it being during Christmas time and all the cheer that it

brings. This culture of joy and togetherness at Christmas time has always been around to bring

families closer to each other. Cooking, decorating, and eating on this special day brings us all

closer together in ways we never knew. This time of year just invites a warmth and cheer for

most people that allows us to come together with bright spirits. For me, when I go to sleep that

night I always feel happier and more loved by my family than any other night.

This family food tradition has been a part of my family for a long time. While it may

have changed as time goes on, we still stay true to the main reason for this tradition, family

togetherness. Christmas Eve Dinner is and will always be my favorite time to spend with my

family. The beautiful decorations that we have create the warmth and closeness in our home.

Everyone cooking and preparing the meal helps us work together as a family and brings us

together. The smells and sights of the beautifully cooked dinner creates a nice welcoming

atmosphere where we can enjoy some family time together. Having extended family and us all

sit around the table and talk about our lives just makes that night a truly magical night filled with

laughs and smiles. That is why this family food tradition is one of my favorites and will continue

to be my families best time to be together.

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Work Cited

"Christmas Cheer." The Southland Times, 24 Dec. 2002, p. 4. EBSCOhost, September 24th,




Watlington, Laressa. “Food Traditions Bring Families Together at Christmas Time” Viva

Colorado, Dec. 2012. Digital First Media, September 24th, 2017.


Ray, Mark. “Family Ties” Scouting, vol. 104 no. 1, Jan/Feb2016, p. 18. EBSCOhost,


24th, 2017.



“10 Weird Christmas Traditions from Around the World” Dolly , no. 504, Dec. 2012, p. 162.

EBSCOhost, September 24th, 2017.
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