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Top 10 Disney Princess Girls Love

Hollywood by Priya Singha - December 14, 2017

Once upon a time, a man with a dream converted a small animation into an international kingdom.
Much of that achievements were built on a set of incredibly feature lms, many of which shared a
common gure. A beautiful, brave princess. The man was Walt Disney, who died in 1966, since then, his
company ongoing to dedicate much of its innovative energy to movies and TV shows about princesses.

On the top 10 list of princesses girls variety, here’s how your favourite Disney Princesses rank.

10. Snow White-

Bright white considered is a rst Disney princess often described as the lady with locks black as ebony,
skin as white as snow and lip as red as rose, is considered as the most adoring princess. Despite her
being a princess, she is down to world and humble. With a lovely and melodious voice, snow white
helps others who are hurt and cares about unknown people with a smile. Her love for creatures,
cooking, cleanness and her comedy is also amazing she doesn’t let her sorrows engulf her, and she
prefers herself and considers in creating others satisfied.

9. Cinderella-

Cinderella is the main character in her eponymous lm and two sequels and is the second Disney
Princess. She is based on the European fairy tale of the same name, of which several variations are
available. Ilene Woods provides the voice/singing for Cinderella, Jennifer Hale provides the voice of
Cinderella in the sequels, Tami Tappan provides Cinderella’s singing in Cinderella III. Cinderella is the
rst Disney Princess to have friends and is 19 years of age. Cinderella is the rst Disney Princess who is
married into Royal prince.

8. Aurora – Sleeping Beauty-

The early Disney movies were all unusual fables with wonderful scenery and women who made no
option for themselves; Sleeping Beauty is the top of these. Aurora was brought up by three fairies and
resided in woodlands for 16 years. As a result of being protected for most of her lifetime, she is seen as
a carefree lady who is a little bit naïve. Apart from being kind and beautiful, Aurora is very obedient and
polite towards her three aunties.

7. Rapunzel – Tangled-

A brave princess in the Ariel/Jasmine pattern, Rapunzel’s been kept in a tower for ages, and, so her
naivete sometimes gets in the way of her progressivism. But she’s still fairly badass. She’s one of the
few Disney princesses to use a weapon and she’s amazingly practical with her hair. She also identi es
the unfairness of her circumstances and discovers a way out of it, outwitting her “mother,” who is, in
fact, her kidnapper, venture to the outside world.

6. Tiana – The Frog Princess-

Tiana is the main female’s character in the lm The Princess and the Frog. Tiana made the record as
the rst African-American Disney Princess. She is the third to be wedded to her title. Commoner-born,
Tiana becomes Princess Consort upon her wedding to Royal Prince Naveen, the oldest son and Heir
Obvious of the Princess of Maldonia. She is the most modern of all princesses due to living in 1920s
New Orleans and is the first American as well as the black princess.

5. Ariel – The Little Mermaid-

Ariel or the little mermaid had a long-standing appreciation for a human world. She wished to someday
experience life beyond the sea and needed to understand the human lifestyle. Above all, Ariel is the
only non-human Disney princess and that has de nitely made her more attractive to enormous
viewers. Despite her absence of voice, Ariel continues to be long lasting and battles back to make things
right. Teenagers can associate to Ariel because she has the rebelliousness of her age and has the
search to understand new things.

4. Merida – Brave-

She’s a real person that needs the excitement of adventure. She straight up shoots for her own hand in
Fearless, breaking an arrow with her own. Merida has no interest in wedding, following the same path
as her queen mother. That could’ve been the end of the movie; mic drop, done a deal. But what’s most
extensive about Merida is that she has the capacity to understand from her mistake and to see beyond
her own wishes.

3. Jasmin – Aladin-

Jasmin who is black and belongs from the Middle East. She places third an example that beauty is not
identi ed by your skin alone. It’s the inner beauty of a person that means matters the most. She has
her own values and camp and rebels against her father’s wishes. Princess Jasmin has the most
different clothing as she looks spectacular in an out t. While all other princesses have mice, parrots,
and bunnies for pets, Princess Jasmin has a tiger as her pet. Which reveals how brave she is.

2. Belle – Beauty and The Beast-

Belle is the Disney version of the manic pixie dream rl. She’s intelligent, nerdy, and type of all over the
place. Plus, she isn’t into big muscle douchebags like Gaston. She prefers the intellectual man, creating
her every nerd’s first crush. Except she’s also an animated so it’s weird.

1. Anna – frozen-
Princess Anna is the newest version of the list of Disney princesses. Anna is lled with power and she is
ebullient and cheerful. Anna is a team player and her identi cation as a princess does not quit her from
befriending Kristof and olive and looking for their help. Anna loves to sing and loved her sister more
than anyone else. It was her love for her sister, Elsa that made her go in search of her even during the
most dreadful weather conditions. Anna is the perfect ideal of courage and she sets forth an example
that love for your family is the greatest virtue one can attain

image source – available on internet (property of their respective owners)

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 Tagged 10 Disney Princess Girls Anna Aurora – Sleeping Beauty Belle Cinderella disney comics disney princess Jasmin Merida
Rapunzel Snow White TianaAriel top 10 disney cartoon top 10 disney character top10 top10twist

Priya Singha
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