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Chet Day’s ISSN 1088-3835

Health & Beyond

Vol. 4, No. 7 Founded on the truth that men, women, and children can control their own health November 1, 1996

The Life and Times complained to his business partner, John Maye,
of feeling ill. He asked Maye to drive him to the
health was unraveling even then.
In the autumn of 1995, Fry traveled from Wells-
of T.C. Fry local hospital for a diagnosis of his ailment. Short boro to the Dominican Republic with some of
of breath and with ankles so swollen that he his business associates and friends. Although he
T.C. Fry, Natural Hygiene writer and independent couldn’t walk, T.C. entered a building that few was sporadically publishing his most recent mag-
publisher, died on September 6, 1996. With this is- Hygienists ever expected to see him enter. azine, The Wellness Messenger, T.C. went to the
sue of Health & Beyond, we’ll try to put his life In the hospital, a blood test indicated that T.C. Dominican Republic to investigate setting up both
and work into perspective. had a high acid blood pH. A bronchoscopic ex- a Natural Hygiene retreat and health college.
During October, as I read and studied many let- amination revealed a lesion of the upper lobe of Apparently, even at this time, T.C. lacked the
ters and talked by phone with many people, I saw his left lung near the pleural lining. excellent health that he proclaimed publicly in
it written and heard it said of the late T.C. Fry that T.C. remained in the hospital for further tests. his infrequent issues of The Wellness Messenger.
he embodied one of the great humanists and health At 5:50 on Friday evening, Maye spoke on the We know now that sickness had replaced his for-
authorities of our time. That his generosity only ex- telephone to Dr. Casablanca at that hospital. The mer health. And yet he continued to advocate his
ceeded his intelligence and desire to serve humankind. doctor wanted permission to give Fry “blood thin- version of fruitarianism, taking to task the Amer-
Indeed, some proclaim T.C. Fry’s writings the final ners.” Maye told the doctor he couldn’t consent ican Natural Hygiene Society in his Letters to the
word on achieving and then maintaining optimum to that without Fry’s authorization. Only a few Editor column of the September, 1995, edition
human health. minutes later, the doctor told Maye that T.C. had of his publication.
During October, I also saw it written and heard just died. After that conversation, the doctor ad- In paragraphs dripping with irony unrealized
it said of the late T.C. Fry that by advocating a fruitar- ministered various drugs in a futile attempt to re- at the time, T.C. wrote: “Throughout my writings
ian diet he did great disservice to the alternative suscitate Fry. and lessons, I have cited ample scientific litera-
health movement, a disservice dangerous at worst Later that night, Dr. Zovluck received a tele- ture that establishes our fruitarian disposition. In
and misinformed at best. That his greed for money phone call from Anna Inez Matus, a woman who this area, I am a world-class heavyweight. I do
only exceeded his smooth ability to hoodwink the owns a Natural Hygiene retreat in Pine Grove, not yield to puny intellects. The folks at ANHS
Natural Hygiene community. Indeed, some proclaim PA. Matus told Zovluck of T.C.’s death and that have cited zilch in support of their position. All
T.C. Fry the Scalawag of the Living Foods Movement. the doctors wanted to perform an autopsy to de- they’ve displayed so far is their particular bias in
So how and where do we find the “real” T.C. Fry? termine the cause of death. The doctors needed the matter. I challenge them to trot out their prize
Did he embody the best of humankind? authorization from a next of kin. Nobody con- intellectual stallions with the data to back up their
Or did he represent the worst? tacted by Maye and Matus knew the telephone recommendations. Anecdotal assertions will not
You decide. number of T.C’s first wife, Marianne. Being a cut the ice.”
T.C. wrote often and vociferously that he walked close friend of Fry’s for thirty years, Zovluck pro- T.C. refused to yield to “puny intellects” and said
where the truth took him. I try to do this too, though vided Matus with Marianne’s telephone number. “Anecdotal assertions will not cut the ice” and yet
I don’t do it with the certainty of voice that Mr. Fry Marianne spoke to the doctors at the hospital at the same time he had fallen ill, perhaps gravely
used in his work. May I share with you the “truths” and gave her consent for the autopsy on her ex- so from the dietary he’d advocated so long. He con-
I’ve managed to gather the past four weeks? Here- husband. tinued his reply to the letter, adding:
in you’ll find the words of T.C. himself, the words of The doctors performed the autopsy on Satur- “What ANHS does recommend is so great an
those who knew T.C., and the words of those who day, September 7. The autopsy indicated that T.C. improvement over the conventional dietary that
knew of T.C. Fry died of a coronary embolism and that he had I wish them every success in promoting it. It’s
You’ll find me in this italicized typeface, com- atherosclerotic plaques in his lower legs. The doc- better to be a little sick than a lot sick. However,
menting on occasion, trying to help piece together a tors contended that T.C. had thrombi (blood clots) let’s not be so intellectually dishonest as to in-
complete picture composed of many puzzling and in his lower legs that became an embolism (blood voke the aura of science in support of a scientif-
disparate pieces. clot that travels in the circulating blood). The ically insupportable position. As some of their
Will we complete in this issue of H&B the puz- doctors concluded that the embolism traveled to spokesmen in the past have characterized it–it’s
zle that we knew as T.C. Fry? T.C.’s heart and killed him. the optimum diet in the face of present reality.
No, I fear we’ll need more time to do that. But On Friday, September 13, at 3 p.m., Matus con- “Personally, I go along with Dr. Herbert M.
we can begin to at least sort through some pieces. ducted a memorial service for T.C. at her health Shelton’s masthead, ‘Let’s have the truth though
Let’s start with my edited version of T.C.’s final retreat. Many Natural Hygienists and friends of the heavens fall.’”
days as written and reported by Dr. Bernarr Zovluck T.C. attended that service. At the same time, all T.C. wrote here of having the truth and yet ap-
in the October issue of the Natural Hygiene over the world, those who knew T.C. joined in parently he didn’t respect the word enough to share
Many-to-Many. I have augmented Dr. Zovluck’s meditation and/or prayer for him. the truth of his own physical health with his read-
report with information I’ve gathered from other In an attempt to determine the real cause of ers. But the truth does tend to get around to folks
sources. death, as Hygienists like to think of it, we need to eventually. To wit...
Before his death, T.C. Fry requested of his first move backward about a year. I recollect one puz- In a letter dated November 12, 1995, Heidi
wife, Marianne, that she spread his ashes around zling phone conversation I had with T.C. during the Gerstad, a member of The Natural Hygiene
her yard in Austin, Texas, so that what was left summer of 1995. He rather enigmatically assured Many-to-Many, wrote to her fellow contributors:
of him might become part of a pecan tree. She me that any rumors about him “that came in on the “Just came from my mother’s house where she
honored this request just over a week after her grapevine” were exaggerated. Unsure of the point hosted T.C. Fry’s speaking. I really don’t know
ex-husband died on September 6, 1996, in a hos- he wished to make, I changed the topic. I recall that where I’d be today if it weren’t for T.C. I know
pital in Wellsboro, PA. he seemed a bit short of breath at the time. Look- I’d be a sight worse off, so I don’t want to speak
Early on Thursday morning, September 5, T.C. ing back on this now, I can’t help but think that T.C.’s ill of him. However, I feel it only fair I express
336 November 1, 1996 Health & Beyond
my observations about today’s talk in the M2M. that he was very anemic. He revealed that he and the telephone. Fry told him that on October 5, he
“T.C. was, well, T.C. Still a proponent of raw the others who went with him to the Dominican was going to give a seminar on Natural Hygiene
food and fruitarianism. I really didn’t hear much Republic had undergone ozone therapy. He said in San Diego. He told Zovluck he needed his help
new, and that was part of my disappointment. I he received from 12-17 ozone therapy treatments. to achieve better health. He admitted that he was
expected to listen to a man absolutely ALIVE He said that he also took an enema there because still sick with edema, anemia, difficult breath -
with his subject, instead I heard what sounded to he was constipated. He said he was very sick as ing, and low energy.
me more like a broken record. He looked frail. a result of foolishly taking those ozone therapy Zovluck told Fry that he was dying and that
(If you’re reading this, T.C., I like you and I apol- treatments. He said his resultant anemia was caus- he had better fly out to Los Angeles immediate-
ogize if you find this hurtful. I may be project- ing metabolic dysfunction in the iron and other ly. And that if he didn’t do that, he should go to
ing my personal disappointment where health is minerals in his blood. bed and stay in bed with his eyes closed till he
concerned onto you, onto your talk.)” T.C. Fry took between 12 and 17 ozone therapy recovered. T.C. promised Zovluck that he would
Ms. Gerstad observed T.C.’s frailty and noted with treatments! You can imagine my amazement when go to bed and follow the suggestions.
disappointment his lack of energy. You’ll also note I learned that the same man who scolded me for But T.C. didn’t go to bed. Instead, according
the beginning of a thread that winds throughout as experimenting with Kombucha tea had fallen so ill to Dr. Zovluck, he obsessively went back to his
we progress with the story: the fact that so many that he gave himself over to an invasive procedure workaholic bad habits and thereby committed
felt they owed T.C. a more than fair shake because like ozone therapy. suicide!
of his contributions to Hygiene. As a side note, many already blame T.C.’s death Dr. Zovluck ended his report on what hap-
On February 6, 1996, Dr. Zovluck received a on the ozone treatments. In an attempt to deter- pened to T.C. with the following paragraph, which
telephone call from T.C. and his girl friend, Dr. mine the truth, I spent several hours reading about I quote directly from Ward Nicholson’s Natural
Andrea Savage, a retired dentist and dental pro- oxygen and ozone therapy and its dangers. Due to Hygiene M2M:
fessor. Zovluck had been a close friend of Sav- lack of space, I can’t go into detail, but I did note “Many people want to know why Fry died at
age for several years. this startling and impressive statement: “The Ger- the early age of 70 years of age of a coronary em-
During that phone call, Fry and Savage told man Medical Society has published that 384,775 bolism, why he had multiple atherosclerotic
Zovluck about Fry’s immediate health problems. patients were treated with ozone with a minimum thrombi of his lower legs, why he had edema of
He had large swellings of both his feet and an- of 5,579,238 applications, and the side effect rate both his ankles, why he had a lesion of the up-
kles and his weight had dropped from 146 lbs to observed was only .000005 per application! The re- per lobe of his left lung, why he was anemic, why
121 lbs. They also described T.C. as being “col- port also stated ‘The majority of adverse effects were he had a high acid blood pH, why he had diffi-
orless and ashen gray” and that he looked like he caused by ignorance about ozone therapy [operator culty breathing, why he was lacking energy, why
was “90 years of age.” They revealed that T.C. error].’ The University of Innsbruck’s Forensic Insti- he lost so much weight, why he underwent 12-
had to wear many clothes to keep warm. tute published Dr. Zacob’s dissertation quoting this 17 ozone therapy treatments, why he chose to
Zovluck told Fry and Savage that Fry proba- in The Empirical Medical Acts of Germany.” have an enema to remedy his constipation, why
bly had congestive heart failure and would die Obviously we need more detailed information to he was a workaholic, why he chose to have so
soon unless he went immediately into complete determine the role ozone therapy had in the death many children by so many different women when
physiological rest. Zovluck told them that Fry of T.C. Fry, but given the other facts we do have, I he didn’t have the economic means to support
should go to bed, keep his eyes closed, remain in conclude at this point that we cannot point the fin- those children, why he was kyphotic (posterior
bed, sleep, meditate, and fast or eat exclusively ger of cause solely at this allegedly benign proce- convexity of his upper spine), why he was os-
organic, raw fruits and v egetables. Zovluck en- dure. teoporotic, why his teeth and mouth were in such
couraged them to fly to Los Angeles so he could More time passed. In April, Fry told Zovluck poor shape, why he failed in so many health busi-
help. that his weight had dropped to 111 lbs and that nesses, why he incurred the animosity of so many
They promised Dr. Zovluck that they would he did not have the strength to crawl up stairs. people in Natural Hygiene, and why he didn’t
see him soon. Zovluck told him to get to bed immediately, close practice of what he wrote so beautifully in style
But that was not to be, for several days later his eyes, keep his eyes closed and remain in bed, and substance? I generally do not try to play ret-
Zovluck received a letter from Fry that said, “Cer- sleeping, meditating and fasting and/or eating ex- rospective Freudian detective. I am generally in-
tainly, Andrea and I will be spending some time clusively of organic fruits and vegetables. Zovluck terested in only the here and now.”
with you in late March or April. Just now I’m told him he would die soon unless he did as sug- Well, I put most of my time and energy in the
committed to a video session to make two videos gested. here and now too, but I also want answers to the
on February 17th. I don’t know the next com- Shortly thereafter, T.C. went to Matus’s health questions Dr. Zovluck posed in the conclusion of his
mitment after this. By the end of March, busi- retreat to recover his health. recitation of the facts regarding T.C.’s death. In seek-
ness should be sufficiently on its own that it can Matus took care of T.C. for two to three weeks. ing answers, let’s turn to reports that came from
fly with its present personnel. I can take off a She tried to teach him meditation, but he lacked across America in response to my call last month for
week or two for spending with you. I want to receptivity to learning the process. So she taught information and comments about Mr. Fry.
learn new and better techniques so that even An- him creative visualization. When T.C. arrived at Dear Chet: Your intention to publish a memo-
drea will wholeheartedly say: NATURAL HY- her health retreat, Matus said he had f ive lbs of rial issue to T.C. Fry is a very noble endeavor as
GIENE ALWAYS WORKS! Again, I look for- edema in each of his ankles and that his oral tem- he deserves an honorable spot in the history of
ward to meeting and being with you.” perature was 99 degrees Fahrenheit. health truths as disseminated in Natural Hygiene.
One can speculate from much of the above let- Matus told Zovluck that Fry looked, felt, and While it is true that some people were highly crit-
ter that at this point T.C. had his own doubts about functioned better after his April stay at her re- ical of T.C. Fry, the criticism was based on frag-
Hygiene. I’ve also never seen T.C. admit in writing treat. She tried to convince Fry to remain longer ments from which they made judgments. A valu-
that he needed to “learn new and better techniques.” so he could achieve better health. But T. C . able lesson I learned from Krishnamurti was to
On March 22, Fry told Zovluck by telephone wouldn’t listen. look at the whole picture instead of making a
that he was going to Austin to visit his first wife, She told Zovluck that Fry wanted to rush back judgment from a fragment. Also, part of the crit-
Marianne, with whom he had six children. Then, to continue his health publishing and education- icisms was due to envy and apprehension.
Fry said, he and Maye would fly to Honduras in al business. She said Fry was like “a man on a It was correct that Fry had some faults, but he
Central America to set up a Natural Hygiene mission,” that he was obsessively determined to also had many assets that were positive. Some of
health retreat and health college. complete Dr. Herbert Shelton’s dream of setting his business dealings were not entirely ethical.
On March 28, Fry flew to Austin, Texas, with- up a Natural Hygiene College and to teach the On the other hand, he had a basic understanding
out Maye. world about the benefits of Natural Hygiene. of most basic health principles as promulgated
On March 31, T.C. told Zovluck over the phone On August 26, Zovluck again spoke to Fry on by fundamentalists in NH and never hesitated to
Health & Beyond November 1, 1996 337
expose the deceptions and exploitations in the Dear Chet: Mr. Fry was very giving and al- The woman who shot him was a long time Nat-
health field. most unbelievably gregarious. I always appreci- ural Hygienist with whom I exchanged letters for
In spite of being an 11th grade dropout, his ated the accessibility which he maintained with some time, not some Establishment agent. He
presentations were basic and scientific with some his students. His genius, creative output, and misused her life savings and took advantage of
exceptions, one perhaps being fruitarianism. His meta-synthesis of NH principles have been a her mental and emotional state, leading her on
book The Great Aids Hoax is a good example of blessing to many. with false statements. I would have wanted to
T.C. Fry’s scientific brilliance in understanding In the early 1990’s, I began phone calling and shoot him, too, under those circumstances. The
and research which is well documented. His corresponding with T.C. He would always spend guy has a charming way with women and has
course on NH has been adopted by one of the plenty of time with the phone calls, sometimes been married umpteen times. He is also a mas-
medical universities in France. explaining a recent kick that he was on, some- ter con artist who fails to deliver on his promis-
He probably erred in concentrating on a fruitar- times introducing other Hygienists, sometimes es. The list of his failed schemes is long. He has
ian diet, but a gunshot to the head by a spurned simply telling a new joke he was enjoying. attempted, failed, and lost his investors’ money
girl friend, an accident in a car when he hit a tree He was generous in his desire to elevate oth- with various scams including a persimmon farm
doing 85 miles per hour where he sustained se- er Hygienists and helped to give me a higher pro- in Texas, a health and fasting resort in Missouri,
vere injuries, and a number of knife wounds from file by publishing my autobiography in two of health-oriented Caribbean cruises, three sub-
combatants while working as a detective for New his Hygienic magazines. For this I was very thank- scription publications which are well-known in
York City undoubtedly had lasting damages on ful and continued to phone, correspond, and send Hygienic circles, a mail order business, and now
his body. He also had a heart condition before him clippings and articles of interest, which he his nutball version of the evil government and
adopting a healthy lifestyle that contributed to occasionally used for Hygienic article materials. economic conspiracies. The man is a circuit-rid-
physical weaknesses. Fry was known to binge at T.C. would sometimes call me on Sunday ing prevaricator.
times. In 1982 while staying at Dave Stry’s Vil- mornings just to gab about anything from reli- The IRS got after him not because he boldly
la Vegetariana in Cuernavaca, Mexico, a couple gion to conspiracy theories. He told me once that spoke out against the machinations of evil mon-
of staff members related that Fry and his wife in the early 1980’s some (C.I.A.?) agents had in- ey men, but because he shamefully defrauded,
Marti used to go to the market and load up on filtrated his work force and that one had ner- mismanaged, and swindled honest people. If you
fruit and return to the villa and binge. It became vously pulled a gun on him, shooting T.C. in the want to believe in a conspiracy, fine. Get it straight
so bad that Dave gave them orders to eat in their head and in the hand. Although T.C. was some- from an honest person who seeks only truth and
room as the guests were complaining. Also, an what vague about it, from reading and conversa- justice, not some flimflam man who works on
acquaintance who worked at Fry’s place in Bran- tions, I understand that one bullet travelled un- your paranoia and siphons money out of your
son, MO, mentioned that Fry would make a huge der his scalp, though not penetrating his skull, wallet.
salad with veg e t a bles, nuts, and fruit and while another bullet badly damaged a finger on Along with her thoughts as quoted above, Helen
overindulge. The next day he would have gastric one hand. Anyhow, I always respected his guts provided additional proof, a copy of a story printed
distress and blame it on the nuts. I’m not trying to continue with NH like he did in spite of such in the October 15, 1980, edition of the DeWitt
to be critical, but it would be interesting to know opposition. County View:
how it all affected his health and how often he He would tell of his childhood days, walking T.C. Fr y, minister of The Church of Hu-
did go off track so that we can avoid or try to barefoot in Oklahoma, working and playing in man Life Science, which operates a ware-
avoid the same mistakes. the open air. He also seemed very proud of his house on Main Street in Yorktown, has filed
I met T.C. Fry in 1982 when he took over Dr. confrontation with a preacher at an early age suit against Frances Adelhardt of Victoria for
Cinque’s Health Retreat in Yorktown, TX, as Dr. (about 14?), confuting the preacher with logic. $100,000. The case is scheduled to be tried
Cinque took off for a year, having spent some Although I am a Biblical researcher (he knew in Victoria County. No date is set.
time there. Also heard him speak a number of that and seemed to enjoy the verbal jousting which Fry alleges that Miss Adelhardt caused him
times. He had a friendly charisma and displayed I could offer), we found that we both used many pain and anguish when she shot him in the
an impressive ability to quote facts and figures of the same arguments against fallacies which back of the head last December 12th, and
with documentation from memory. are often passed off as scripture, but are Bibli- that he has subsequently suffered a loss of
He made an enormous contribution in the cally groundless. He was a fearless thinker who earning capacity.
health field by contacting a large number of peo- had tackled many paradigms. He was taken to Citizens Memorial Hos-
ple and introducing them on the basic principles If any man could be said to have been an Apos- pital in Victoria on the morning of the inci-
of health with his writings. He will be missed by tle for Truth, it would be T.C. In one letter that I dent by Ralph Cinque, owner of Utopia
many people with his dissemination and icono- had written to him, I told him that I considered Health Center in Yorktown. Surgeons at Cit-
clasms, including myself. Finally, he deserves a him to be a “National Treasure.” This is a tradi- izens operated and successfully removed a
debt of gratitude for his untiring efforts that as - tion in Japan, a revered person of accomplish- 22-caliber slug. The bullet, which separated
suredly had a toll on his health. ment in the Arts or Sciences is elevated and re- and turned sideways upon entering the skull,
I just read in Ward’s NH Many-to-Many that spected by the conferred status of a “liv i n g did not penetrate the brain.
while T.C. was in Honduras he went to the Do- treasure.” I’m glad that I managed to tell him that Fry’s surgeon and hospital bills were re-
minican Republic and had nine ozone treatments while he was still alive, for I sincerely believe portedly paid for out of funds taken from a
that also had a debilitating effect on his body. It that T.C. Fry deserved this distinguishment. cash box that Miss Adelhardt had left with
is difficult to understand why he would submit We have lost one of our great National Trea- Cinque for safekeeping shortly before the
to the treatments with all his knowledge and ex- sures. shooting and her subsequent suicide attempt.
perience. It must have been an act of despera- Giles C. Fischer Miss Adelhardt, a former employee of The
tion. Well, I’d heard about T.C.’s head injury, but Church of Human Life Science, spent sever-
It also should be noted that he had a passion when I read Giles’ account, I remembered some- al weeks in the psychiatric ward of Citizens
for sex and indulged excessively, which is also thing I’d read and forgotten in the Natural Hy- Memorial Hospital after she was treated for
debilitating. giene M2M. In response to a writer’s comment a scalp injury and released from Yorktown
To really evaluate and understand the reasons about how we should admire T.C. for fighting the Memorial Hospital on December 14th.
for his early demise, it would be necessary to government and its agents, Helen Kopp revealed In light of her mental condition at the time,
have a history of how his body was nourished, some disturbing facts. In the April, 1995, edition and upon the advice of her psychiatrist, she
abused, and treated from time of conception. of the NHM2M, Helen wrote: waived a full trial and pleaded nolo con-
Nick Phillips Regarding T.C. Fry’s explanation of his con- tendere to a reduced charge of aggravated
With this next letter, we see the kind of admira- spiracy (CIA) “war wounds,” God, what a crock! assault. She was sentenced to five years on
tion that many felt, and continue to feel, for T.C. The more that man talks, the less I believe him. probation and fined $2,500.
338 November 1, 1996 Health & Beyond
And if that wasn’t enough, Helen provided a copy periences with T.C., I am certainly not judg- Dear Chet: I had subscribed to the last maga-
of a story entitled “Suit Filed for Collection” in the mental; he was like all of us with our strengths zine T.C. Fry was publishing out of Pennsylva-
DeWitt County View for November 5, 1980: and our weaknesses. nia, The Wellness Messenger, and when the is-
Frances Adelhardt, a former resident of Ben Russell sues stopped coming even though my subscription
Yorktown, has filed suit against T.C. Fry and When I was preparing the “tough questions” that had not expired, I figured it was just one of those
The Church of Human Life Science for re- T.C. requested for his interview, Ben had asked me things that sometimes happened with T.C.’s pub-
covery of $60,000 in loans she made over a to ask T.C. when he was going to repay the people lications, and that I’d be hearing from him again
period of several months in 1978, it was re- to whom he owed money. Apparently he owned mon- eventually. I always sorely missed receiving his
ported here. ey to a lot of folks. He owed me ads that never did writings and magazines in their various incarna-
The loans were secured by interest-bear- get beyond the “promise to publish” stage. I also tions whenever he wasn’t doing them. Now to
ing notes and payable on demand.Miss Adel- add without comment that several times over the think that there will never be any more, makes
hardt, who was donating her full-time ser- past four years I received offers from T.C. to finance me very sad. As far as I’m concerned, there’s no
vices to Life Science for over a year, became his various projects at an interest rate far above the one else who can even come close to “telling it
dissatisfied with the way her money was be- best rates currently available. Through experience, like it is” the way T.C. did. What a loss!
ing used. In September, 1979, she resigned I’ve learned to be wary of Hygienic business people I live in Oklahoma City. In the late 80’s when
from the Board of Directors of Church of who seek donations or advance funding for projects. he was starting work on his book The Great AIDS
Life Science and demanded that the interest Listen now to one more voice regarding T.C.’s busi- Hoax, I used to send him copies of articles from
be paid up to date and the notes paid off in ness practices. SPIN magazine that questioned the HIV dogma,
full by January 15, 1980. At least two other In the early 1970’s, T.C. Fry was a rising star some parts of which he used in his book. I wrote
Board members resigned at the same time. in the American Natural Hygiene Society. In him several letters, expressing my opinion about
“I made those loans plus donations of thou- preparing a program for him to be guest speak- the Natural Hygiene Society and the medical in-
sands of dollars to promote Natural Hygiene, er for our local Society, I asked him what his ini- fluence that’s been permeating it of late. He gave
a lifestyle that rewards its followers with bet- tials T.C. stood for. He replied that he was named me a phone call, said he liked my writing, and
ter health and longer life. I never expected with initials only, and this was fairly common in thought I had a good grasp of Hygienic princi-
my money to be used for raising capital by the community of his birth. ples. He invited me to Austin to discuss coming
others means.” In 1974, the ANHS published and sold his book to work for him.
Miss Adelhardt states that a magazine, To- Program for Dynamic Health at $1.00 retail. Just talking with him on the phone was a huge
tal Well Being, represented to be a monthly Though he frankly disclosed his past business thrill for me, since I’d been admiring him and
publication and offered to the public for a problems, the ANHS enthusiastically permitted learning from him for so long. I worked in a health
yearly subscription price of $20, has ceased him to incur the printing and mailing costs of a food store in Tulsa in the 70’s, and a regular cus-
publication after six issues in two years. She relatively huge mailing of the Society’s literature tomer I was friends with, a lady named Ruby
also alleges that thousands of $20 member- to the masses. The people were not about to Dunn, used to bring in copies of The Healthway
ships were sold in a non-existent wholesale change their life style for the better at that time, Advisor for me to read. That was my introduc-
food cooperativ e, and that the complaints and the Society’s liability incurred for the mass tion to Natural Hygiene, and it hit me like a ton
coming in from disillusioned subscribers filled printing and mailing campaign exceeded its as - of bricks! It all made perfect sense, and sudden-
several wastebaskets daily. sets. The ANHS did not kindly treat T.C. Fry for ly everything was so clear, so easy to understand.
“I saw not only my honestly earned mon- many years after that. I went to Austin at T.C.’s request and had a
ey go down the drain, but my good name Time and again, for years up to that mass mail- wonderful time visiting with him and the other
with it,” she adds. ing, Dr. Shelton cautioned readers of The Hy- fine people there, but nothing came of the job
Interest on the $60,000 in notes has been gienic Review that anyone who wants to make possibility, so I returned to Oklahoma.
paid only through November, 1979, and, ac- money ought not try using Natural Hygiene as a Several years ago I phoned his place in Austin
cording to Miss Adelhardt, the Life Science business. to see if I could ask some questions pertaining
checks in payment were not good on the due The debts of ANHS incurred by T.C. Fry were to Natural Hygiene, and happened to call at the
dates but had to be left at the bank for col- settled for less than the bills. (The ANHS has exact moment he was being arrested. One of the
lection. grown since then, and the salary of its Florida- men taking him away answered the phone. I asked
Fry’s failure to respond to repeated re- based executive director is now about $60,000 a if T.C. was available, and he said “He’s out front
quests for payment resulted in Miss Adel- year.) in handcuffs, on his way to jail, who is this?” At
hardt’s placing the notes in the hands of her I have read Dr. Bernarr Zovluck’s report of re- first I thought the guy was just someone trying
attorney for legal action, she said. cent conversations he had with T.C. Fry and am to be funny, but suddenly realized he was seri-
Continuing with the subject of T.C.’s business prac- of the opinion that stress and the use of ozone, a ous, and I hung up the phone! That was a real
tices, listen now to my friend and long-time corre- poison, were substantial factors leading to T.C.’s shocker, and I didn’t know what to do! I consid-
spondent, Ben Russell. death. (Fortunately, the ozone “layer” is far up in ered calling Victoria Bidwell or Dr. Vetrano to
Good to hear from you, but sorry to learn about the sky!) Even operators of photocopy machines relate the incident, but figured they would not be
T.C. He was a unique combination of good and emitting ozone are warned that the place of op- able to do anything about it, so I just sat here,
bad: a creative and persuasive writer on matters eration must be well-ventilated. T.C. Fry had ac- wondering what in the world was going on, and
of health and Hygiene, and yet quite opinionat - cess to knowledgeable persons, health and med- what I could or should do about it. Shortly there-
ed in other areas. He was a valuable influence in ical literature, and was himself well-informed. after I read about the incident in one of Victo-
helping to bring about a greater knowledge of Mel Kimmel ria’s newsletters, then later on T.C. sent out let-
Hygiene, its principles and practices. His 108 les- Moving from business to politics seemed to come ters about it, but I never did mention that phone
son Life Science course helped many students naturally to T.C. Indeed, after he sold Life Science call to anyone.
gain a better understanding of these principles of Institute to Feeling Fit for Life, he published and/or T.C. and I corresponded several times over the
life. However, he seemed unable to consistently wrote copy for various “patriot” publications. I still years, and I treasured each letter. There was al -
follow this path that he was so successful in per- recall the amazement I felt when I read some of the ways something to learn from them, and I
suading others to follow. very far-out things he had to say about black UN was–and always will be–amazed at the way his
He was a man of great talent and contributed helicopters that would one day invade our cities and mind worked. I always wondered how he could
mightily to the Hygiene movement. I am sure his imprison us all. Bizarre, to say the least. Others know so much, and how he was able to see so
work will continue to be an inspiring influence shared my opinion of the T.C. we heard from dur- clearly into the heart of matters, and know what
for health-seekers. Although I had some bad ex- ing this period of his life. was really going on!
Health & Beyond November 1, 1996 339
The last time we spoke on the phone was two mysteries! There is only human ignorance. for a few months afterwards. He also had scat-
years ago, just after the bombing of the federal Enough with the politics. Now for a broader-based tered holes in his field of vision.
building here in Oklahoma City. He called to ask set of comments and analyses. A few years later, after T.C. had moved to
if I had heard the blast (I had, as my house is only Dear Chet: We won’t get to hear T.C.’s answers Austin, he was visiting me in Yorktown and I no-
five or six miles from the bomb site). Then he to his requested “tough questions.” (Perhaps he ticed that he had swollen ankles. I asked him
wanted to know if I had heard more than one ex- got wind of their toughness and decided it was about it but he didn’t want to discuss it. Keep in
plosion, and I told him I only heard one single time to exit!) Enclosed is copy on T.C. that will mind that ankle swelling is usually related to
blast that shook the windows in my house. run in the next issue of Helen Jean Story’s Hy- weakness either in the heart or the kidneys.
As much as I admired T.C. (I practically wor- gienic Community Network News. T.C. Fry was It’s important to note that T.C. had tremendous
shiped the guy), I was sometimes surprised and a colorful character. difficulties with his teeth. For years, he lived with
almost shocked at the way he was coming on so T.C. Fry is dead. How unexpected. What a multiple dental abscesses. For some reason, he
strong in his latest set of booklets, about “the shocker! But that was Terry Fry’s way. He did refused to have them treated. A Hygienic dentist
powerful super-rich international cabal” and their very few things in the ordinary, expected way friend here in Austin, who knew T.C. well, be-
plans to establish a one-world-dictatorship called most people go about their lives. He did things lieves strongly that his untreated dental abscess-
the New World Order. It’s not that I don’t believe boldly with color and with flair! es contributed mightily to his health decline by
such could be possible, given everything that’s Few people stirred up as much interest and seeding infection throughout his body and un-
going on in the world these days, I just felt that controversy in the world of Natural Hygiene as dermining his immune system.
he might be coming on a little too strong, to the did T.C. He probably turned more people on to I never saw T.C. again after he left Texas in
point of seeming overly paranoid, and maybe Natural Hygiene as a way of life in the shortest the early l990s. My main contact with him after
alienating a lot of people who might not be ready period of time than anyone ever has. that was by phone. In the last year, I noticed on
for this kind of talk in a “health brochure.” Do T.C. was a great chess player (beyond ordi- the phone that he sometimes slurred his speech.
you know what I mean? This was one area where nary greatness). Also, he was a great Scrabble I mentioned it to him once and he said that he
I didn’t feel I could agree with T.C. as much as player. His command of the language was sec- had gotten into some bad fruit when in Central
I always had before. It doesn’t really make sense ond to none! He was a fantastic promoter and a America and that it had made him sick. It sound-
to me that the New World Order would want to prolific writer–one of the greatest mail order di- ed like he was in denial about something. T.C.
imprison and enslave all of us, when “The Es- rect sales specialists of all times. (Before his days never complained to me about his health, but oth-
tablishment” already has us pretty much where in NH he founded Musical Heritage, the largest, ers told me that he was declining, that he had lost
they want us right now! They’re getting all our most respected mail order classical CD/cassette inordinate weight, that he was weak and short of
money in taxes, everybody is addicted to the poi- tape recording house in existence.) breath, and that he looked pallid.
sonous Standard American Diet, everybody has When did he die? On Friday, September 6, Officially, T.C. died of a pulmonary embolism
bought into the “Modern Scientific Medicine” 1996, in Wellsboro, PA. He had been under con- that started as a blood clot in his leg. But the ques-
scam and is hypnotized into believing that with- siderable stress and not in good health for some tion is, why did he develop a blood clot in the
out all their drugs and treatments they will die... time. But, he pushed on as he was prone to do. first place? That is not something that happens
etc., etc. So why would the New World Order He began having serious difficulty breathing and for no reason. The most likely thing, in my opin-
want to go to all the trouble of turning us into finally checked himself into a local hospital to ion, is that he had congestive heart failure. But
zombies and putting us in prison camps? It seems get oxygen. Other than that, he received no treat- if that’s true, why did his heart fail? It is hard for
to me we wouldn’t be nearly as useful that way, ments and none were forced upon him. The au- me to believe that T. C. had atheroschlerosis of
and would become a huge burden to them. Be- topsy indicated that a blood clot that had formed the blood vessels, considering how strict his diet
sides, America is not some little village that can in a blood vessel of his leg had broken loose and was. But, he could have had cardiomyopathy,
be invaded and taken over all at once–this is an eventually moved to his heart, causing full car- which is a degeneration of the heart muscle and
immense country, and the logistics of accom- diac arrest. is less related to diet than atheroschlerosis. An-
plishing (and maintaining!) such a takeover seem Bon voyage, friend T.C. Fry. You made lots of other possibility that can’t be ruled out is malig-
beyond the realm of possibility. But it frightened people’s live exciting while you were here. You’ll nancy, especially since T.C. had lost a lot of weight
me somewhat to hear T.C. saying all this, since be missed now that you’ve entered the world of in his last months (after having tended toward
everything else he said always seemed to be so Spirit. More than likely, you’ll make life there heaviness his whole life). It is well known that
right on. more exciting too! people with cancer have a greater tendency to de-
I didn’t mean to digress, and hope you’ll un- Arthur Andrews velop blood clots. I know for a fact that T.C. had
derstand that I’m just kind of rambling, as all Many folks suggested that I contact Dr. Ralph gone to Central America to obtain ozone treat-
kinds of thoughts and memories of T.C. come to Cinque to get his read on what happened to Mr. Fry. ments just weeks before he died, but I don’t know
mind. He was one of my favorite people in the Before I called him, however, the following letter ar- what prompted him to do that.
world, Chet, and I feel a deep sense of loss. rived. At this point, let’s start to look more carefully People have often asked me whether T.C. Fry
Ronn Gladwin at Mr. Fry’s dietary habits and fruitarian theory. followed his own dietary advice. The answer is
What did T.C. really believe about politics? I don’t Dear Chet: I first met T.C. Fry in 1978 in York- that he wasn’t perfect about it, but he was no hyp-
know for sure, but the following excerpt from one of town where he had invited me to come to open a ocrite. He mostly practiced what he preached.
T.C.’s letters, dated December 30, 1993, reveals ei- Hygienic institution. At that time, he seemed to I’m sure there were many days in which he did
ther much or nothing. You decide. be in excellent health. I noticed right away that eat nothing but fruit–which he dearly loved. But,
I should tell you that the world is not really he had a grip like a gorilla, he was absolutely he certainly did eat vegetables and sometimes he
controlled by Rothschild or the Zionists. They’re powerful. The only thing I noticed on the nega- did eat cooked foods. But frankly, he ate a small-
willing scapegoats for the super rich of Britain, tive side at that time was that he got winded eas- er proportion of cooked food than I eat, and I
USA, Holland, France, Italy, etc. who are the real ily when we went jogging. But, he was, after all, know that for stretches at a time, he did adhere
powers. Don’t let appearances fool you. The twenty-five years my senior, so I didn’t think strictly to the Hygienic ideal. I should also point
world’s covert rulers prefer to keep it that way. much of it. out that he had a tremendous amount of stress in
Rockefeller and Rothschild are merely their show- Somewhere around 1982, T.C. was shot in the his life, but I would have to say that he handled
men. The Lords and Queen of England have back of the head by a woman with a .22 caliber it rather well. He had a youthful disposition his
wealth and power you wouldn’t believe. Roth- revolver. The bullet was flattened in his skull and whole life.
schild is merely one of their super wealthy tools! never really entered his brain. It took the sur- T. C’s body was cremated, and unless a com-
I do not believe anything! If it requires belief geons over seven hours to scrape all of the frag- plete autopsy was done, we may never know the
or faith, count me out. Our knowledge is exten- ments out of his head. He mostly recovered from ultimate reason why he died.
sive enough to get along nicely! There are no that, although he was subject to fainting spells Dr. Ralph Cinque
340 November 1, 1996 Health & Beyond
T.C. influenced people in remarkable ways, gain- manuscript for a great Natural Hygiene hard cov- ous and disciplined superman who never stepped
ing their friendship in such a manner that few ever er book. Shortly after Harvey and Marilyn Dia- off his fruitarian path.
seemed to want to directly confront him or his ideas. mond introduced me to him, I ran into him at a Hey, I don’t begrudge anybody a dish of ice cream,
It may be too late to respond to your call for Natural Hygiene Convention in Santa Barbara... a slice of pizza, a side of beef, a filet of flounder, or
T.C. Fry questions, but I’ll toss in a thought or where I was shocked to see him filling up his a plate of macaroni and cheese, if that’s what they
two. However, I’d prefer if you ask him anything plate at the buffet with macaroni and cheese and want. As long as they consciously know what they’re
from me anonymously since I know him per- other cooked items. doing, it’s their decision. I don’t judge others by what
sonally and would rather not antagonize him. Last time I saw him was back in 1993, when they eat, but hypocrisy I find annoying.
However, as the interviewer, you have a right to he stopped by my place to visit while he was in Let’s move now and try to put at least some of
be tough. I think you should grill him thorough- San Diego. the diet matters into perspective. First we hear from
ly about the “too much fruit” or “too much sweet Eric Lambart my friend and mentor, Dr. Stanley S. Bass, who writes
fruit” angle. He’s giving out advice that is dam- How about a quick break from reading about specifically of Ward Nicholson’s article in the Octo-
aging people, for example, our mutual friend T.C.’s dietary lapses? Below we see an example of ber issue of H&B. But I’m publishing his letter in
Mike [pseudonym]. Mike told me over the phone closemindedness, of what some would call Mr. Fry’s this issue because I so strongly believe that all those
that we was eating all or mostly all fruit in the know-it-all attitude and hubris. who practiced or would practice T.C.’s flawed fruitar-
beginnings of his NH life due to T.C.’s writings. Hey, Chet, no time for a full response but re ian dietary need to hear Dr. Bass’s conclusions.
When his gums became inflamed and his teeth T.C. Fry tidbits. I sent him a letter in 1989 ask- Dear Chet: Dr. Christopher Gian-Cursio, one
got loose in their sockets, he got worried and ing what he thought about Instincto, what NH’s of the foremost Hygienic doctors for 50 years,
called up T.C. for advice. Fry told him it was just position was, etc. It seemed like brand spanking was of the opinion that man was most closely re-
a detox reaction and to keep doing what he was new info at that time, and I was curious if Hy- lated to the gorilla of all the apes. Diane Fossey,
doing. Well, Mike foolishly took this foolish ad- gienists were on to it. He replied to the effect that, who lived among mountain gorillas for many
vice and lost every single last one of his natural “what can you expect from the French–they’ll eat years, wrote in her book that gorillas ate only 3%
teeth! He now wears a full set of dentures and anything, even snails.” I was blown away. Didn’t of fruit, which consisted mostly of sour berries.
feels very betrayed by Fry. seem like a very reasoned response. I pretty much The rest of their diet was mostly vegetation, such
Later, Mike switched to the “ideal” NH diet ignored him after that. I mean I have no love af- as leaves, barks, and piths of plants, etc.
of one fruit meal for lunch and one big salad for fair with French culture, believe me, but that was My personal experience and that of patients,
dinner. He lived this way for ten years without a bit much of an attitude, even for me. embracing almost 40 years is that the use of a
any problems, but after ten years, he became hy- Kirt Nieft limited amount of fruit is much more desirable
poglycemic (and was diagnosed as such by NH While we’re speaking of chomping down on No- than unlimited amounts. Dr. Cursio concluded
doctors). He now refuses to eat any fruit-only No foods: that the total of fruit should not exceed 1 1/2 lbs
meals, and sticks with fruits that are low on the Regarding information concerning the death for the day of melons and 1 1/4 lbs of other fruits,
glycemic index scale (like grapefruit and plums, of Mr. Fry, I think you might find it useful to and this to be divided into two meals, the first
for example). So go ahead and ask T.C. some speak with Jo Willard. Ms. Willard has a week- having 12 oz (breakfast) and the second having
tough questions along these lines (like about to- ly radio broadcast and has co-lectured with T.C. 8 oz (lunch). He did not advise total abstinence
day’s fruit being too sweet, and so forth), but A friend of mine telephoned her to inquire as to from fruit, but rather a small amount, sufficient
please keep my name out of it. Thanks. whether she had any knowledge about Mr. Fry’s to keep the body from using protein as a carbo-
Mike also feels that distilled water is harmful death and her response was that he did not fol- hydrate of which a small amount was needed for
(as a runner, he drinks a lot of water). He says low the dietary he claimed to and which he so brain energy, etc. Also, a little fruit made one feel
his fingernails get ridged and brittle on distilled staunchly advocated and that during their lec- better and livelier. Cornaro, who lived to 102,
but not on spring. tures together he would in private consume canned used a total of 14 oz of grape juice divided into
Anonymous food. She made some other comments that lacked two meals a day.
A few weeks later, I received the following letter clarification. You must understand that this is I recently spent four months testing the Atkins
from the author of the above words. second-hand information and it would serve you Diet, the Dr. Eades diet, and the diet in the book
I had written a letter to T.C. Fry, which was better if you were to speak to Ms. Willard di- Enter the Zone . For awhile (two weeks), I had
returned to me from a co-worker (not signed) rectly. almost no carbohydrate except what was present
stating that Fry had died of a “pulmonary em- Reneé Brenner in tomato, cucumber, celery, pepper, and Ro-
bolism” (blood clot in lung artery) on Sept. 6. Unfortunately, Ms. Willard and her chiro- maine lettuce, with no fruit whatsoever, and my
Other than what you report in the October H&B, practic-Hygienic expert made it very clear to me diet consisted of protein and fat almost exclu-
this is all I know. Do you have any new info since when I first started H&B that they did not deem sively. Although I felt all right, I did not feel any
then? I can’t believe the old coot was cheating as me qualified to write or edit a health publica- zest or stimulation, but somewhat dull energy-
massively on his diet as it now appears! What a tion. Consequently, I haven’t contacted her since. wise. Then I added 8 oz of fruit a day (one time)
hypocrite! I was certainly shocked to hear the I did learn from another source, however, that and felt not much different. I then increased the
news, both that he was dead and that he had been T.C. used to enter closets and empty rooms at his fruit gradually and felt better at around 16 oz to-
eating ice cream on a perhaps regular basis. Wow! fasting retreat in Missouri and that people would tal, wherein I had a sense of well-being and sus-
Oh Lord, ice cream! Hey, pass me a bowl, will ya? then hear suspicious-sounding cellophane nois- tained energy. However, one can get his carbo-
Oops, H&B readers are watching. Nevermind! For- es from behind those closed doors. Perhaps he hydrates from starches without the need for fruit,
get I said that. Anyway, read the next shocker. also had a secret taste for freeze-dried escargot but just a little fruit added, even four to eight oz
Hi Chet! Just got a message from Helene Idells. from France, eh? Oops, excuse the sarcasm! gives a feeling of quick energy and makes you
She said you wanted info on Terry Fry. I kne w I have no other confirmation on whether or not feel better.
Terry for some twelve to thirteen years, but nev- T.C. ate ice cream and macaroni and cheese and After the four month recent test, I went to un-
er very well, although some of my friends did. other cooked items on a regular basis. I do know limited fruit, eating as much as one cantaloupe
I liked what he did for Natural Hygiene. As a that I enjoy an occasional soft serve at the Dairy followed by one honeydew and almost immedi-
self-made and educated fellow, I had to admire Queen, and Lord knows I can still whup the better ately felt a drop in energy and the need for sev-
him, but I could never agree with his sense of part of a double-cheese pizza once in a while. eral more hours of sleep to feel good. Before,
business ethics, or what I considered lack, there- And if T.C. did the same thing, then I only hope during that four months, I was able to get along
of. he enjoyed his indulgences as much as I enjoy mine. on much less sleep and felt steady in sustained
I first met him in the early eighties, when he I just wish he had admitted his dietary foibles to his feeling, but not very stimulated as a rule. I stayed
was helping two good friends of mine write their readers instead of holding himself up as the virtu- on this program for about five weeks and then
Health & Beyond November 1, 1996 341
brought my fruit down to 20 oz total, either all of years in excellent, superb health. He came looking at it, “Intelligence is defined as the abil-
at once or divided into two meals. On this amount across a few vegetarian races, who were not as ity to modify one’s thinking in order to ensure
of fruit, I immediately felt better in one day and healthy as the ones which included some animal survival.” We can all learn something from T.C.
sustained this feeling consistently. I needed less food in their diets. Dr. Price’s thirty years of re- Fry’s unfortunate death. Our bodies do not suf-
sleep and my spirits remained at the highest point search strongly confirm all that Ward Nicholson fer from health problems because of bad luck.
of all these tests and consistently so. has written in the October issue. My four years We need to search out the cause or causes, and
I am therefore in agreement with Dr. Cursio of testing all nutritional theories on mice as well have the strength of character to make the nec-
that man is more closely related to the gorilla as the research I’ve done in the Academy of Med- essary changes, and then await the positive re-
who eats little fruit than to the chimpanzee or icine all confirm the necessity of complete pro- sults. No matter what condition you are in at this
other apes. Also, Dr. Cursio used to state that too teins, fats, etc. as found in certain animal foods, moment, as long as you are presently breathing,
much fruit led to nervousness and restlessness in being present in the diet for ideal health. you can improve. How much can you improve?
behavior, causing predominantly fruit-eating I am confident that some day this wonderful That depends on many factors; but everyone can
monkeys to be in perpetual activity and highly information that you and Ward are making avail- become better than they are at this point in their
sensitive as compared to the tranquil almost med- able to the Natural Hygiene movement will lead lives, if they use their intelligence and make the
itative temperament of the gorilla, a predomi- to revisions in their teachings which will be of necessary moves.
nantly vegetable eating animal. My experience incalculable benefit to all seekers of superb health. Again, T.C. Fry’s sudden departure can remind
personally and observation of patients during my Yours for truth, those of us with the will and desire to take con-
almost forty years of practice bears this out. Stanley S. Bass trol of our personal well-being, that the body al-
The concept advanced by Drs. Atkins, Eades, Ron Weston, the author of three popular issues ways provides us with signals long before the
and The Zone is that excess carbohydrate, more of H&B, also sheds some important light regarding eventual catastrophe, IF we can read them. Our
than a limited number of calories stimulates the T.C.’s dietary contribution to Natural Hygiene. bodies’ warning systems are very dependable,
pancreas into excessive activity, changing the en- Dear Chet: Very recently, you invited readers thus so long as we are in tune with our bodies
tire endocrine and hormonal balance, producing to send in anecdotes relating to T.C. Fry. I was and interpret the danger signs correctly, we can
undesirable ecosonoids, interfering with the cell somewhat shocked to be made aware of his re- almost always avoid a major problem.
function and leading to many diseases as well as cent demise, although I shouldn’t have been too Ron Weston
production of undesirable high density lipopro- surprised. The following is my contribution. Finally, we hear from Robert Sniadach, Dr. Ess-
teins, heart disease, etc. Their opinion is that a My first actual contact with T.C. Fry came er’s protege and former director of Shangri-La and
high carbohydrate diet as presently advocated by about at a Natural Hygiene conference a number the Fit for Life retreat centers.
health organizations leads to disease, as opposed of years ago, where I was one of the speakers. Hello Chet! Thanks for the update. Actually I
to a diet higher in vegetables, protein, and fat be- During mealtimes, at that convention, I took note hadn’t heard about T.C. until you told me. I was
ing more desirable (resembling the pre-agricul- of the great quantities of sweet fruits which T.C. very surprised! Even though I had only person-
tural hunter-gather diet). I am inclined to agree Fry was consuming. It was only a few days lat- ally talked at length to T.C. five or six times, I
with this concept after much consideration and er, at the same convention, that he developed a felt very sad at his passing. We have one less
thought. large and painful abscess in his mouth. This com- courageous voice in our midst. Then again, his
Just recently, I heard from a patient who told plication is often the result from a sustained sug- spirit is probably behind you right now, whis-
me that about thirty hears ago I had put her on a ar overload. pering in your ear to crank up that word proces-
diet of no fruit at all–only two meals a day of sal- A few months ago, T.C. Fry wrote me a series sor and belt it out!
ads, a little brewer’s yeast and nuts alone (two oz of letters taking me to task because of my views Needless to say, I have great admiration for
of nuts at each meal). She stayed on it for two on excessive fruit eating and sugar metabolism. people like T.C.; if a hero is one who boldly chal-
years, was filled with lots of energy, felt like run- He attempted to draw me into a debate on this lenges their fears and takes on personal and pub-
ning and jumping. Her skin became pink, she subject by tempting me with unflattering remarks. lic demons, regardless of the consequences, then
needed very little sleep, and won several bowl- However, I wasn’t interested in engaging him in I consider T.C. a hero. Sure he screwed up nu-
ing tournaments. Her husband told me she arose an argument. I simply ignored his challenge. Long merous times. But I now see clearly that those
at five a.m. every morning, was filled with bound- ago, I learned that problems involving the teeth who grit their teeth and GO FOR IT are the pio-
less energy, and loved the diet. Then, friends of or the dental arch often preceded problems in- neers who make things happen in this world and
hers, an Israeli couple, were inspired to go on the volving the heart. Putting it another way, the de- ultimately make a real difference in their lives.
same diet, which they followed for one year. They generative diseases besetting humankind, of And everyone else’s life, too. Like Tom Cruise
felt so great that they thought this woman who which dental troubles are often the first in a se- said in the movie Top Gun, “Sometimes you’ve
inspired them was a spiritual healer, a Mother ries of progressive maladies which end with heart, just got to say What the f***!” and do it.
Theresa. At the beginning of the third year, this artery, and/or cancer problems, all have the same Some will label T.C. an irresponsible nut; one
woman added some fruit to the diet. I asked her general causes. Sugar, above and beyond the or- who led innocent “victims” toward dangerous ac-
if she felt differently from this addition, and she ganism’s ability to cope with it, is one of the main tions regarding their personal health. Bull. These
said–no difference that she could remember. This contenders. Some of us can handle sugar better armchair critics comprise the truly deadly para-
strongly indicates the superiority of a predomi- than others, but most run into trouble rather quick- sitic infection in our society–terminal whinitis.
nant veg e t a ble diet as opposed to a fru i t ly, and if we can correctly interpret the symp- Life is tough. Life is unfair. We are not all equal.
diet–again, the diet of gorillas. toms, we make the necessary modifications in And so it is. Amen. Liberty means never having
Chet, in reading this wonderful issue of your our diets; thus soon experiencing a disappear- to say “victim.” Even if it is true.
H&B containing this article by Ward Nicholson ance of their symptoms. T.C. did what he could to further the struggle
tracing the past dietary history of man, I’d like T.C. Fry was very knowledgeable in many facts toward truth, and he shared his experiences along
to point out that the use of some animal foods of Natural Hygiene, and will be missed for his the way. It is up to each one of us to take it or
(which contain a complete protein, essential fat- contributions. leave it.
ty acids, the B12 factor and vitamin D) are nec- It was only a short while back that he was plan- Those of us in the “professional” ranks are
essary for good health. This was completely borne ning to set up a Hygienic type organized unit in brainwashed and frequently reminded that we are
out in the excellent book by Weston Price, DDS, Honduras, and was hoping to interest me into be- at all times to be “responsible.” Be VERY CARE-
in his Nutrition and Physical Degeneration. He coming a part of the project. He had no end of FUL what you say... some innocent victim will
had spent thirty years traveling to isolated areas grand ideas. take your opinion wrongly and suffer or even die
in all parts of the world studying primitive races, I feel, at this point, that Robert Jastrow, the as- and you will be responsible. Lawyers will de-
uncontaminated by the refined foods of modern trophysicist’s definition of intelligence, would be scend upon you like army ants to eat out your
man, who had followed their diets for thousands worth repeating. He stated that, from his way of substance. Your colleagues will ostracize you.
342 November 1, 1996 Health & Beyond

Your career will be o ver. Your life will be over. etary indulgences while continuing to affirm the Health & Beyond
It is this spineless, Milquetoast, fear-based atti- TRUTH of his experience and theories to his loyal
tude that results in official pronouncements such readers who took his words as gospel, T.C. Fry mud-
as “smoking tobacco MAY cause illness, drink- died the clean Main Street of Hygiene that for so Written, Published,
ing alcohol MAY cause illness, eating artificial many years he claimed as his own. and Copyright © 1996, 1999 by Chet Day
food MAY cause problems.” Right. And drink- Some of us will miss your voice, Mr. Fry.
ing a glassful of cyanide MAY cause stomach Some of us won’t. All rights reserved. You may not reprint any part
discomfort. Everyone’s afraid to call a spade a I doubt that any of us will soon forget you. of this publication without the written permission of
spade. T.C. wasn’t afraid. I admire that. And I’ll ••• the publisher.
miss him. I want to thank all of you who wrote or called Contact the publisher via email at
Robert Sniadach and helped me with this memorial issue for T.C.
••• Fry. I obviously didn’t have enough room to pub-
And so we come to the end of what I’ve man- lish everything everyone wrote or called and told
If you’re not doing certain other
aged to gather in four short weeks about T.C. Fry. I me about, and I apologize to those of you whose things I discovered since writing this
wish I had done a better job of putting this puzzle letters I didn't use. I did, however, try my best to issue, you’re not going to attain your
together. incorporate all the relevant information or opin- optimal level of health. For details
I wish I had a rousing conclusion, words that would ions of everyone. Forgive me for omissions that send an email to
clearly ring the bell of truth and serve as a fitting crept in, and I will, of course, print any corrections
eulogy for a man who contributed so much to Nat- of fact or interpretation in upcoming issues. Limitation of liability
ural Hygiene and the alternative health movement. ••• I publish this newsletter for informational, editorial, and
But I don’t have a stirring conclusion in me. Next month we’ll have Part II of Ward Nichol- entertainment purposes only. I do not provide medical ad-
Instead I fall on a trite sword. son’s fascinating interview. Reactions to Part I have vice or prescribe the use of diet or anything else as a form
Like you and like me, T.C. Fry had strengths and been, well, vigorous, just as I had hoped. of treatment for sickness without the approval of a health
professional. Because one always takes some risk when
he had weaknesses. Unlike those who shout that they have the truth
changing diet and lifestyle, I am not responsible for any
He wasn’t a giant; he wasn’t a monster. in whole, I say we can only glimpse pieces of it. How adverse effects or consequences that might result. Please
He was a flawed man who gave generously of can any of us have the hubris to think we fully un- do not apply the information in this publication if you are
himself to many while simultaneously taking selfishly derstand the intricate wonder of at least 75 trillion not willing to assume the risk. If you do use the infor-
from others. cells of each human body working in harmony one mation in this newsletter without the approval of a health
second after another for an entire life time? professional, you prescribe for yourself which remains
Ultimately, for me at least, he walked on feet of your constitutional right, but the publisher, editor, and
clay. ••• writer(s) assume no responsibility.
By experiencing edema, shortness of breath, den- Until December, I wish you the best of luck in
tal abscesses, ozone treatments, diagnoses, and di- your search for health and beyond!

You don’t have to be sick!

After more than four years of publishing
Health & Beyond, I developed
a program called Chet Day’s
Twenty-One Days to Health &Beyond.

You can download this 140-page home study

health course for free. Just set your browser to

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