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Benbow Street, Deptford, London SE8 3HD Invicta Road, Blackheath, London SE3 7HE

Telephone - SE8: 020 8692 9157 Telephone - SE3: 020 8858 3831
Email address: Email address:

January 2018 
Dear parents and carers, 
Happy new year to you all! Welcome to our Spring newsletter, which as always is designed 
to let you know about the topics for this term and to inform you about homework, 
PE and swimming. 
The challenge question for the school is: 
“​How can our learning about the world help us to become 
global citizens of the future?” 
Help needed 
In English, we are learning about stories from around the world. We would like 
family members or guardians to come into school and read a story or poem 
from your country. It could be just 5 minute at the beginning of the day or if you 
could offer longer that would be brilliant.  
▪ As Historians we ​will investigate the Anglo Saxon and Scott settlements in Britain.  
▪ As Scientists we will will learn about the human body and how our digestive system 
works. We will look at the effects of a healthy diet and why a balanced diet is 
▪ As Geographers ​ ​we will explore features of European countries, comparing and 
contrasting these to our country. This will help us with our nonfiction writing which we 
will publish in a wiki. 
▪ As Artists we will study how to make shadow puppets  
▪ As Users of technology we will use our understanding of nutrition to cook dishes from 
around the world 
If you are or know of an expert in any of these fields please get in contact.  
Each Friday the children will receive English and maths homework which will need to be handed in 
by the following Wednesday. This will be posted on Google Classroom.  
Reading- ​Please ensure your child is reading at home as often as possible. Please write a comment 
in their yellow reading record book to let us know how your child is getting on with reading at home. 
It is really important that your child brings their book and reading record book to school every day.   
Benbow Street, Deptford, London SE8 3HD Invicta Road, Blackheath, London SE3 7HE
Telephone - SE8: 020 8692 9157 Telephone - SE3: 020 8858 3831
Email address: Email address:

Spellings- ​Each child has been given a list of words they should know by the end of the year, they 
should be practising a few each week. These have also been posted on google classroom for anyone 
who has lost them. 
Maths - M​ aths will consist of a game or activity that will support them in their learning in Maths 
lessons for the following week, or review what they have covered in the current week.  
English - E​ nglish homework will be a mix of reading, writing and SPAG activities. They will be based on 
what we have been learning in class or preparing the children for what they are about to learn.  
Time tables 
Here is a basic timetable of things that happen each week. ​Please note- some afternoon lessons are 
subject to change. 
Beagle Timetable 
  Monday  Tuesday  Wednesday  Thursday  Friday 
8.55-9.15  Handwriting  PE  Handwriting  Handwriting  Swimming 
9.15-10.15  English  English  English 
10.15-10.35   Playtime  Playtime  Playtime  Playtime 
KS2 playtime   
10.35-10.55   Assembly   Assembly  Assembly  Assembly  Assembly 
KS2 Assembly 
11-11.30  Maths  Music  Maths  Maths  Green Pen 
12-12.30  Guided Reading  Guided Reading  Guided Reading  Guided  French 
12.30-1  Lunch  Lunch  Lunch  Lunch  Lunch 

1.30-2  English  Maths  Science  Green Pen  Art 
2.30-3  Computing  SPAG  Challenge  History  Golden time 
3-3.30  Guided Reading  Reading 
Benbow Street, Deptford, London SE8 3HD Invicta Road, Blackheath, London SE3 7HE
Telephone - SE8: 020 8692 9157 Telephone - SE3: 020 8858 3831
Email address: Email address:

Darwin Timetable 
  Monday  Tuesday  Wednesday  Thursday  Friday 
8.55-9.15  Handwriting  Handwriting   Swimming - BW  Green pen-  PE - LL 
9.15-10.15  English  Music  Swimming - BW  English  PE- LL 
10.15-10.35   PLAY  PLAY  Swimming - BW  PLAY  ASSEMBLY   
11-11.30  Maths  Maths  Maths  Maths  Maths 
12-12.30  French  Guided Reading   Guided Reading   Guided  Guided 
  Reading   Reading  
1.30-2  English  Science  English  English  Art/Technolog
2-2.30  y 
2.30-3  Computing  SPAG  Challenge  History/.  Golden Time 
3.00-3.30  Computing  Guided Reading 

Swimming and P.E 

It is important that your child brings their PE kit on the correct days so that they are wearing suitable 
clothing and footwear for the activities they will be doing. The children need a white round neck 
T-shirt, shorts and trainers. In  
the winter months they may also need tracksuit bottoms and a jumper. 
The children are allowed to wear their PE kits to school as long as they have their uniform to change 
into a ​ fterwards.. If you wish for your child to be excused from swimming or P.E, your child must have 
a note for Mr Waller. 
Darwin have swimming on a W ​ ednesday 
Beagle have swimming on a F ​ riday 
Some children have missed out on their swimming this year because they have been late. Please 
ensure you arrive punctually on your swimming day. The bus leaves school at 9.00am and will 
not wait.  
Benbow Street, Deptford, London SE8 3HD Invicta Road, Blackheath, London SE3 7HE
Telephone - SE8: 020 8692 9157 Telephone - SE3: 020 8858 3831
Email address: Email address:

And finally… 
We are looking forward to seeing you at parents’ evening on​ Wednesday 
31st January​. There will be appointments available throughout the whole 
of that week. You will be able to book an appointment via Google 
Appointments. You will be informed when and how to book these 
appointments soon. 
If you have anything you would like to discuss throughout the term, 
please feel free to email us at the addresses below to book an 
All the children have settled into the new term very well and we are all 
very excited about starting our new challenge.  
Miss Ellsworth and Mr McNulty 
Miss Ellsworth s​  
Mr McNulty ​ 


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