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Kinesiology Tapes

What Is Knee Taping?

Precise position of the tape is important to unloading or taking the burden away from specific
components of the knee. Physiotherapists (more often called physical therapists in the United
States) are trained in proper knee taping technique. Patients can be also be taught to self-manage
the treatment.

How Does Knee Taping Reduce Pain?

While knee taping is recommended for some osteoarthritis patients, there is not a great deal of
scientific evidence that supports the recommendation. It is believed that knee taping causes
subtle changes to joint pressure that may also:

 reduce strain on inflamed soft tissue around the knee

 improve the patient's awareness of body position
 improve quadricep muscle strength
 help control the knee to prevent knee buckling or locking

Who May Be Helped by Knee Taping?

Knee taping is considered a simple, inexpensive treatment option for managing symptoms
associated with knee osteoarthritis. Patients may consider knee taping if some of the conservative
treatment options have failed them.

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Committed To Quality. Call & Learn About Stem Cell Therapy Treatment.
Kinesiology Tapes
Same as the ones used by many USA athletes in Beijin. Bulk Discount.

Such options include:

 heat or ice
 insoles
 braces
Knee taping can also be used with other treatment options, such as osteoarthritis medications,
hyaluronan injections, or steroid injections. When a patient has severe pain and total knee
replacement has been recommended as the best solution, knee taping may not offer enough

How Effective Is Knee Taping?

There are two studies that are most often cited regarding the effectiveness of knee taping. The
first study, published in the March 1994 issue of the British Medical Journal, had 14 study
participants and was used to evaluate the effectiveness of knee taping on osteoarthritis patients.
The study, however, lacked a control group of untaped patients, was of short duration, and had
limited goals. Even so, it was determined that a 25% reduction in pain occurred in patients with
patellofemoral joint disease after taping the patella (kneecap) medially or toward the middle for 4

The second study, published in the July 2003 issue of the British Medical Journal, is considered
the premiere study on knee taping. It involved 87 study participants with knee osteoarthritis, who
were randomly assigned to therapeutic tape, control tape, or no tape groups. The study lasted for
3 weeks and there was a 3-week follow-up period.

Twelve physical therapists were trained to tape the knees so the upper tape provided medial
glide, medial tilt, and anteroposterior tilt to the kneecap. A lower tape was positioned to unload
either the infrapatellar fat pad (fatty mass that occupies the area between the patellar ligament
and the infrapatellar synovial fold of the knee joint) or pes anserinus (conjoined tendons in the
leg). Though this sounds quite technical, it's important to realize the precise placement of the
tape has significance.

Researchers from the second study (Hinson et al.) concluded that therapeutic tape reapplied
weekly and worn for 3 weeks significantly reduced pain by 38 to 40% and improved disability in
patients with knee osteoarthritis. The benefit of knee taping was maintained for 3 weeks after
taping had been stopped.

Updated June 10, 2014.

Knee taping is among the recommended treatment options for knee osteoarthritis, according to
the American College of Rheumatology. Therapeutic knee taping has been shown to reduce pain
and disability associated with knee osteoarthritis.

What Is Knee Taping?

Knee taping is the application and positioning of tape to align the knee in a more stable position.
The improved alignment can reduce stress and strain on the soft tissues that surround the knee
and improve osteoarthritis symptoms.

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 Osteoarthritis Knee
 Treatment for Knee
 Knee Surgery Arthritis
 Runners Knee
 Knee Arthroscopy

Precise position of the tape is important to unloading or taking the burden away from specific
components of the knee. Physiotherapists (more often called physical therapists in the United
States) are trained in proper knee taping technique. Patients can be also be taught to self-manage
the treatment.

How Does Knee Taping Reduce Pain?

While knee taping is recommended for some osteoarthritis patients, there is not a great deal of
scientific evidence that supports the recommendation. It is believed that knee taping causes
subtle changes to joint pressure that may also:

 reduce strain on inflamed soft tissue around the knee

 improve the patient's awareness of body position
 improve quadricep muscle strength
 help control the knee to prevent knee buckling or locking

Who May Be Helped by Knee Taping?

Knee taping is considered a simple, inexpensive treatment option for managing symptoms
associated with knee osteoarthritis. Patients may consider knee taping if some of the conservative
treatment options have failed them.

Local Stem Cells Therapy
Committed To Quality. Call & Learn About Stem Cell Therapy Treatment.
Kinesiology Tapes
Same as the ones used by many USA athletes in Beijin. Bulk Discount.

Such options include:

 heat or ice
 insoles
 braces

Knee taping can also be used with other treatment options, such as osteoarthritis medications,
hyaluronan injections, or steroid injections. When a patient has severe pain and total knee
replacement has been recommended as the best solution, knee taping may not offer enough

How Effective Is Knee Taping?

There are two studies that are most often cited regarding the effectiveness of knee taping. The
first study, published in the March 1994 issue of the British Medical Journal, had 14 study
participants and was used to evaluate the effectiveness of knee taping on osteoarthritis patients.
The study, however, lacked a control group of untaped patients, was of short duration, and had
limited goals. Even so, it was determined that a 25% reduction in pain occurred in patients with
patellofemoral joint disease after taping the patella (kneecap) medially or toward the middle for 4

The second study, published in the July 2003 issue of the British Medical Journal, is considered
the premiere study on knee taping. It involved 87 study participants with knee osteoarthritis, who
were randomly assigned to therapeutic tape, control tape, or no tape groups. The study lasted for
3 weeks and there was a 3-week follow-up period.

Twelve physical therapists were trained to tape the knees so the upper tape provided medial
glide, medial tilt, and anteroposterior tilt to the kneecap. A lower tape was positioned to unload
either the infrapatellar fat pad (fatty mass that occupies the area between the patellar ligament
and the infrapatellar synovial fold of the knee joint) or pes anserinus (conjoined tendons in the
leg). Though this sounds quite technical, it's important to realize the precise placement of the
tape has significance.

Researchers from the second study (Hinson et al.) concluded that therapeutic tape reapplied
weekly and worn for 3 weeks significantly reduced pain by 38 to 40% and improved disability in
patients with knee osteoarthritis. The benefit of knee taping was maintained for 3 weeks after
taping had been stopped.

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