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This black stiletto functions as a short sword with a x3 critical modifier.

It functions at all times

as a +3 weapon with the piercing ability (like cleave, but pierce into another enemy behind

within 5’). In addition, it has a host of special abilities:

When Blooded:
The stiletto will automatically begin to weep a horrific poison specific to whichever type of

monster was just killed. It continues to weep for 3 rounds after every hit (these rounds overlap

so that no matter what, the blade ceases to weep three rounds after blooding). For those of that

creature type, they must make a fort save DC 15(or higher, see below) or take 2d6 constitution

damage primary and secondary. For all other creature, the save is just 15, and the damage is a

mere 1d3 points of constitution primary and secondary.

Blooded 10 times in the same type of enemy:
For every ten enemies, Poison Spike remembers and the DC of the poison increases by 1 so long

as it remains in the possession of a single user. It resets with a new user, although if returned to a

previous owner it will immediately regain all the potency that user has managed to establish.
This weapon has a natural weapon speed, if applicable in your campaign.
Poison Spray:
Once per day on command, the weapon will spray poison of whatever type it currently weeps, in

a 15’ cone. Those caught within must make fort saves to avoid the affects of the poison as

though struck with the weapon.

It is possible to milk Poison Spike, gaining 1 dose of poison per round spent doing so. There is a

risk of self poisoning while doing this, as though poisoning a blade.

Once every new moon (the moonless night), the wielder/owner of Poison Spike must make a

Will save versus DC 15 or plunge the dagger into their own breast unless stopped by outside

intervention (shackles, being pinned by companions, etc.). If the wielder does so they take an

immediate critical, roll a fort save as though for a coup de grace, and make a fort save against

poison according to their race (base 15). If they die, the dagger eats their heart, necessitating a
resurrection. If they succeed or survive on all saves, the dagger cannot be removed without

dealing at least 30 points of damage (roll a profession surgeon check DC 20 to successfully

remove it. For every point below 30 roll 1d6 damage and add it to the base amount of 30). They

cannot be healed of the hit point damage dealt by the dagger while it remains in their chest. If

they have taken constitution damage, it can be healed through restoration magic. Slow and

neutralize poison spells have no effect on an impaled victim. Conversely, the victim becomes

able to deliver poison touch attacks at will with the dagger’s best poison and the DCs can be

raised through this practice as through normal use of the weapon. The poison spike imparts to

the user directions on how to enter a place most stealthily and gives a +10 insight bonus to hide,

move silently, open lock, sleight of hand, disable device, search, spot, listen, jump, balance,

swim, and climb. Every moonless night, the impaled victim must make a new save to avoid

suffering from the effects of Poison Spike’s poison in their body.

Int 12 Wis 10 Cha 12 Ego 15 True Neutral
Empathy, 30’ vision and hearing

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