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English I (4th, 6th or 7th Hour)
World War Z Response
December 8th, 2016

In both the movie and book World War Z, the initial information of the pandemic was not
released because of various political windfalls. How would you fend for your family and
yourself had something such as the zombie apocalypse happened without any aide from the U.S.
government? Where would you go? What would you do? Why would you be successful?
What would be some obstacles that you had to overcome? Write a 10th-day journal entry
documenting your plan.

Length: 1 full-page paragraph

Format: 1” margins, 12 point Times New Roman font, double-spaced

Required heading - - Name, Course (Hour), Assignment, Date See header on this page

Required Title: Date of entry (Day, Month #, Year), 12 point Times New Roman font

Required Commas Rules: A, B, D, H, N, O, R and S at minimum - - All comma and

semicolons must be labeled according to the Punctuation Rules sheet.

As with all formal essays, this response must be typed. Handwritten responses will not be

Responses are to be printed out, labeled, and turned in no later than the tardy bell at the
beginning of class on Final Exam Day. (see exam schedule)

Remember you have access to a Chromebook and school printers all day long. You must have it
printed out and labeled when you walk in class. Do not interrupt my classes to get your paper
printed out… Plan accordingly!
English I Last updated February 2016
World War Z Response Name __________________________ Hour _________
Total (out of 50) _________
2 Points 1 Point 0 Points

Formatting Required Header Missing One Element Missing Two or More Elements

Required Title

1 Full-Page Paragraph


1” Margins

Formatting Total (out of 2) _________

2 Points 1 Point 0 Points

Content Strong Introductory Sentence Unclear/Weak Introductory Missing Introductory


Complete Response Lacking Response Incomplete Response

Clear Plan (Nothing Left to Question) Confusing Plan (Many Questions Arise)

Appropriate Concluding Sentence Irrelevant Concluding Sentence Missing Concluding Sentence

Content (out of 2) _________

3 Points 2 Points 1 Point

Style Varied Clear Sentence Structure Repetitive Clear Sentence Short, Choppy Sentences &
Structures Multiple Awkward Sentence

Action Verbs & Vivid Linking Verbs & Minimal Poor Choice of Words
Descriptions Descriptions

Transitions Connecting Ideas Very Little Use of Transitions No Use of Transitions

Style (out of 3) _________

Commas Rules Comma A, B, D, H, N, O, R and S required and must be labeled accordingly

(Each comma rule used correctly worth one point)

Comma Rules (out of 8) _________

Mechanics Each grammatical or mechanical error, including mislabeling of commas and semicolons,
is worth one point (maximum 35 points).

# of Errors __________ (see essay for marks) Mechanics (out of 35) _________

English I Last updated February 2016

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