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Greek Gods & Descriptions Roman

Goddesses Counterpart

Aphrodite Goddess of love and beauty; daughter of Zeus and Venus

Dione; mother of Eros

Apollon God of beauty, poetry, music; later identified with Apollo

Helios as Phoebus Apollo; son of Zeus and Leto.

Ares God of war; son of Zeus and Hera. Mars

Artemis Goddess of moon; huntress; twin sister of Apollo. Diana

Asclepius Mortal son of Apollo; slain by Zeus for raising dead; Aesculapius
later deified as god of medicine. Also known as

Athena Goddess of wisdom; known poetically as Pallas Minerva

Athene; sprang fully armed from head of Zeus.

Cronus Titan; god of harvests; son of Uranus and Gaea; Saturn

dethroned by his son Zeus.

Demeter Goddess of agriculture; mother of Persephone. Ceres

Dione Titan goddess; mother by Zeus of Aphrodite.

Dionysus God of wine; son of Zeus and Semele. Bacchus

Eos Goddess of dawn. Aurora

Erida The wearisome goddess of Hate.

Eris Goddess of discord. Discordia

Eros God of love; son of Aphrodite. Cupid

Greek Gods & Descriptions Roman
Goddesses Counterpart

Eteocles Son of Oedipus, whom he succeeded to rule

alternately with Polynices; refused to give up throne
at end of year; he and Polynices slew each other.

Fates Goddesses of destiny; Clotho (Spinner of thread of Morae

life), Lachesis (Determiner of length), and Atropos
(Cutter of thread); also called Moirae. Identified by
Romans with their goddesses of fate; Nona,
Decuma, and Morta; called Parcae.

Gaea Goddess of earth; daughter of Chaos; mother of Gaia

Titans; known also as Ge, Gea, Gaia, etc.

Gorgons Female monsters; Euryale, Medusa, and Stheno; had

snakes for hair; their glances turned mortals to

Graces Beautiful goddesses: Aglaia (Brilliance), Euphrosyne Charities

(Joy), and Thalia (Bloom); daughters of Zeus.

Hades God of the Dead and ruler of the Underworld. Pluto

Hebe Goddess of youth; cupbearer of gods before

Ganymede; daughter of Zeus and Hera.

Hecate Goddess of sorcery and witchcraft

Helios God of sun; later identified with Apollo Apollo

Hephaestus God of fire; celestial blacksmith; son of Zeus and Vulcan

Hera; husband of Aphrodite.

Hera Queen of heaven; wife of Zeus. Juno

Hermes God of physicians and thieves; messenger of gods; Mercury

son of Zeus and Maia.

Hestia Goddess of hearth; sister of Zeus. Vesta

Greek Gods & Descriptions Roman
Goddesses Counterpart

Hymen God of marriage.

Hyperion Titan; early sun god; father of Helios.

Hypnos God of sleep. Somnus

Io Mortal maiden loved by Zeus; changed by Hera into


Iris Goddess of rainbow; messenger of Zeus and Hera.

Ismene Daughter of Oedipus; sister of Antigone

Kalypso Kalypso, lover of Odysseus.

Leto Mother by Zeus of Artemis and Apollo. Latona

Mnemosyn Goddess of memory; mother by Zeus of Muses.

Momus God of ridicule

Morpheus God of dreams.

Nemesis Goddess of retribution.

Nyx Goddess of night. Nox

Odysseus King of Ithaca; husband of Penelope; wandered ten Ulysses

years after fall of Troy

Pan God of woods and fields; part goat; son of Hermes. Faunus

Penelope Wife of Odysseus; waited faithfully for him for many

years while putting off numerous suitors.

Greek Gods & Descriptions Roman
Goddesses Counterpart

Plutus God of wealth.

Poseidon God of sea; brother of Zeus. Neptune

Priapus God of regeneration.

Prometheus Titan; stole fire from heaven for man. Zeus punished
him by chaining him to rock in Caucasus where
vultures devoured his liver daily.

Rhadamanthus One of three judges of dead in Hades; son of Zeus

and Europa.

Rhea Daughter of Uranus and Gaea; wife of Cronus;

mother of Zeus; identified with Cybele.

Romulus Founder of Rome; he and Remus suckled in infancy

by she-wolf; slew Remus; deified by Romans.

Sarpedon King of Lycia; son of Zeus and Europa; slain by

Patroclus at Troy.

Selene Goddess of moon

Thanatos God of death. Mors

Triton Demigod of sea; son of Poseidon.

Winds Aeolus (keeper of winds), Boreas (Aquilo) (north

wind), Eurus (east wind), Notus (Auster) (south
wind), Zephyrus (Favonius) (west wind).

Zeus Zeus, the Olympian; the son of Kronos (Cronos) and

Rheia (Rhea); lord of the Sky.
(Zeus, Jupiter)

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